Drunken declaration?

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{Original Idea}

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"Team! I dare you to kiss anyone in this room." Manaow declared in a partially drunken state, as if seeking her revenge.

Flashback -

"Ah! Ah! Faster Hia!! Ah! Mmhh! I'm close!" The dark haired junior moaned out as Win thrusted into him hard and fast, both of them chasing their climax.

"Mmmh" Phawin moaned in euphoria before coming inside the condom as Team came in between their stomach's.

Win pulled himself out of Team aand layed down beside him, holding him tightly in his embrace.

Team is accustomed to this by now. Them having sex and then either sleeping peacefully in each other's arm or going for another round.
It's not like they're dating or something, this is just how they are. Their relationship has different layers into it. Before sex, they're like those horny teenagers who have never experienced sex. Whereas while having sex, they're like the agressive couple who can never get enough of each other but after they come down from their high, they turn into a soft and loving couple who cuddles each other till they are deep into slumber.

This is their so called relationship. Feelings? Well, maybe. Maybe Win is head over heels gone for Team and maybe Team, deep down in his heart has fallen hard for Win but it all comes down to the "maybe". The maybe that's stuck between them.

Right now, all they really care about is being in each other's presence. Team's fingers are lightly tracing Win's chest as they move south to trace his hip tattoo. Win is looking at the ceiling silently, way too familiar with the feeling of his nong's fingers on him.

"Ai'Nong" he mutters.

"hmm?" replies the younger boy.

"Are you feeling alright? Does it hurt?" Win asks, concern clearly visible in his voice.

Team just smiled as his cheeks flush "Hmm! I'm fine, it'll get better within no time."

"I'm sorry for being so rough today." Win apologizes.

"Ai'Hia, don't be sorry, it's not your fault." Team replies thinking back to how Team was actually more desparate than Win this time.

Win nodded as a devilish smirk grew on his face before he spoke "So!"

Team looked up "So what?"

"Round two?" Win said smirking.

Team let out an annoyed sigh as he got up from the bed "Aye! No! Don't you remember we have to meet the others in Manaow's house today."

Win just laughed and nodded "Ah yes! The party." air quoting the words.

Manaow has called all of them - Dean, Pharm, Win, Team, Del, Pruk and even Don to a party. There's no specific occasion, because according to Manaow "Party needs no reason".


Win and Team reach the destination around 7 in the evening to find everyone already present.

BlackPink's "How you like that" was blaring through the speakers, loud in the room.

Although there weren't many people compared to any other party, it was still lively.

Win laughed when he saw the room because when Manaow said "Drinks and drinks! People!! We're gonna get drunk tonight!" she actually meant it.

There's a tabel full of soft drinks and hard drinks. He shaked his head and turned to look at his nong whose eyes were glistening after seeing the bottles of expensive alcohol.
As soon as Team launched himself towards the drinks, everyone yelled in unison. "Team! No!"

WinTeam Oneshots ♡ {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now