You, me and love! (Part 1)

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Team's eyes fluttered open to a fairly toned chest against him. Their limbs were entangled messily as if they were two bodies one soul. Team looked up to see the blonde boy's face who is still sleeping peacefully.

A smile spread itself on Team's face as he admired Win's face.

Hia is so beautiful, he thought. The messy golden hair stuck up in different places makes Win look even more adorable than he already is. His plump pink lips were a bit swollen, Team's cheeks flushed as he remembered last night's events.

Suddenly a strong urge to kiss Win raised inside him but he controlled his hormones anyhow. Instinctively, Win pulled him even closer to himself as Team breathed in the sweet smell coming from Win's soft skin that he could never get enough of. Looking at Hia right now made butterflies erupt in his stomach.

Team's eyes widened as he jerked up realising something that he dreaded for a long time.

He was falling for Win. He was falling in love. It terrified him because he never thought he'd fall for someone, especially not a guy.

Him and Hia Win were just friends with benefits, nothing less and nothing more. Just fuck buddies. Then why is this sudden feeling hurting him so much.

Team has always been terrified of love because of how terribly his parents love broke apart. Love hurts. Team made himself believe it.

Team got up and checked the time. It's 7:30 am and he's got half an hour to get ready for college.

Leaving the blonde on the bed, he took a shower and came out in a towel wrapped around his hips when he saw Win sitting on the bed using his mobile.

Win looked up and as soon as he saw Team's freshly showered body, he smirked and came up near him. Team froze as Win moved closer to him. He cornered Team against the wall and whispered "so beautiful."

"Hia, we'll be late!" Team whined trying to catch his breath that he didn't know he was holding till now.

"Your fault for looking so damn sexy all the time." Win whispered seductively as he bit Team's neck rubbing his crotch against Team's.

Team's heart skipped a beat as he suppressed a moan, and pushed Win away harshly making Win tumble against the bed.

"What the hell Team? Why did you do that?" Win winced.

"We'll b-be late. G-go take a shower." Team  stuttered trying to ignore Win's piercing gaze.

"Aye nong! Is everything alright? You seem a little out of it today!" Win asked in concerned because although Team protested against such sexual acts sometimes but he never pushed Win away like this.

"Nothing Hia. I just think we shouldn't do this anymore." Team murmured the last part looking down because he didn't want to show the regret  seated in his eyes.

"Do what?" Win asked dreadfully hoping that it isn't what he thinks it is.

"I think we should stop sleeping together." Team said bluntly hurting himself even more than Hia with each of his words.

"Why? Um. What changed?" Win asked sounding shock and hurt.

I fell for you, and I'm scared that I'll fall for you even more than I have already if we don't end this, Team thought.

"Nothing Hia, nothing changed but I-I just do-don't want to do this anymore." Team implied.

"Are you in love with someone?" Win asked making Team freeze on his spot.

Yes, with you.

"Wha-what?  Can't you just accept that this is not gonna work anymore! I'm sick of it Hia! I don't want you anymore!" Team lied not believing his words himself because obviously he wants Hia. He wants to stay with his Hia forever, in his arms, in his care, in his love which he knows he'll never get back.

Win looked stunned. What happened? Did he do something wrong? Why does Team wants to stop this? He thought he'd win Team over gradually but seems like suddenly nothing makes sense anymore.

"I'm leaving!" Team declared once again and left the room leaving Win alone.


Win is angry! At Team, at himself and at everything. He just lost Team and he doesn't even know what he did wrong. He has never wanted someone more than Team. Since the very first day he met him in the college orientation, he fell for the dark haired boy.

He felt something he has never felt before, he felt love. He felt the need to protect and hold someone forever and never let them go. He felt this towards Team but everything comes to an end and this is there end. The end of WinTeam.

Win took his bike and drove off to nowhere. His mind was filled with Team, Team, Team, Team and just Team. Team's voice, Team's eyes, Team's cheeks, Team's touches, Team's kisses were all he could think about.

Then suddenly morning's events flashed across his eyes "I'm sick of it Hia. I don't want you anymore."

Tears rushed down his face making his vision blurry and before Win could process what's happening, a car came right infront of him crashing against his bike.


Dun dun dun! This is kinda like a 3 shot!

What will happen to Win? Will Team realise the reality behind love before it's too late?

Do VOTE and COMMENT your views (ᗒᗩᗕ)

And sorry for the late update, I've been busy lately! 


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