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"Team" Win whispered into his ears.

"Huh?" Team panted, exhausted after their 3rd round of sex.

"Be mine na." Win asked staring directly at Team's cherry eyes.

Team was stunned by the sudden confession, mouth hanging open, that made him look even sexier. Win couldn't resist himself, as he leaned down to capture Team's mouth in his own.

After a short makeout, they pulled away and Win asked "So?"

Team smiled before blushing red and nodded "thought you'd never ask." and pulled him in for another chaste kiss.

And now, WinTeam are the "It" couple of the university. Even though they don't know it but they're always the hot topic of the campus.

A hot, kind but quirky senior with a cute, naughty but stubborn junior. Yup, they were pretty famous. Not to forget, also because of their positions in the swim team. Win being the vice president while Team being the fastest swimmer, their romance couldn't hide itself.

As much as Team disliked PDA, Win would always seduce him into a makeout session or blowjob session in the swim team washroom.

They tried to stay discreet but once or twice somebody would catch them going at it.

Once Mew caught them in the washroom, Win's mouth on Team's neck, nibbling on it while they were rubbing their erections against each other. Team's mouth open in pleasure. Mew looked shook, Team looked like an embarrassed tomato while on the other hand Win was smirking.

The others always teased Team whenever Win's around, be it some random student or Manaow herself.

Once they were all sitting in the cafeteria having lunch. Win noticed that there weren't any egg on Team's plate.

"Ai Team, you didn't take any eggs again. You need them hoye." Win frowned.

Pharm and Manaow snickered "Aww, why do you need it Team? Did something happen last night?" She teased him tickling her fingers up Team's right arm.

Team's face turned red as he hit Win's shoulder lightly "Hia meant I need to eat egg because I need stamina to swim well. Did you forget who I am? The fastest swimmer." He bragged.

Win just shook his head and laughed.

This nong!

Team on the other hand saved himself from more embarrassment because yes, something rough did happen last night on Team's bed and he definitely needs to eat egg.

Next day, during swimming practice. Team was swimming when Win yelled "Team, you're so fucking cute." making Team halt as he yelled back "Shut up Hia." before turning into his usual red tomato self.

He's so embarrassing but I still love this blonde headed guy madly. Team thought.

"Don't worry nong, I'm madly in love with you too." Win yelled back and.... wait, did he read my mind?

"No Team, he didn't read your mind. You're thinking out loud." Mew said as he chuckled.

Team sighed before turning red again "I just embarrassed myself."


I'm embarrassed with what I wrote. See, I'm bored and got nothing to do so I just wrote this shitty chapter. Bear with me please, I'm working on new Oneshots and also on a new WinTeam book.

Please don't hate me.
Do VOTE and COMMENT your views (I won't mind if you don't because this chapter is indeed not worth it.)

Thank you for reading.


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