You, me and love! (Part 2)

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Manaow, Team and Pharm were sitting at a table in the university's cafeteria.

Pharm and Manaow were chatting away but Team had a certain tattooed blondie who occupied his mind the entire time.

After sensing the silence on behalf of Team, Pharm and Manaow shared a concerned look.

"Aye Team! Are you alright? You seem a bit tense." Pharm asked while Manaow nodded her head.

"I'm fine, just couldn't sleep well last night." Team lied, because obviously he slept well. He sleeps well whenever he is sleeping peacefully in Hia's embrace. How could he not sleep well after how much Hia pleasured him last night and then held him tight in his hold?

Team betrayed Hia, he let Hia go when he knows that without Win, he will have to suffer through his regular nightmares again and moreover, he made Hia Win suffer as well.

"Ow Team, take care na. Exams are coming and you are already working hard for your upcoming swimming competition." Manaow spoke looking worried.

Team smiled and joined his hands saying "okay mother!"

Manaow and Pharm laughed as they continued there daily gossip.

After a while, Team got a call.

"Shia! Who called in between college hours?" Team whined even though they were just sitting in the cafeteria.

"Don't whine and pick up the call." Manaow rolled her eyes.

Team opened his mobile to see P'Dean calling him.

That's weird! Pharm is right here, why is he calling me? Did I do something wrong during the practice? Huh! I don't want a Dean lecture right now!

"Aye Pharm, is your mobile not working? Why is P'Dean calling me?" Team asked in confusion.

Pharm frowned "Huh? My phone is alright, just pick up the call Team!"

Team sighed and picked up "Yes P'Dean"

"Team!" Dean said breathlessly that made Team frown.

"P'Dean, are you okay?" Team frowned.

Pharm's eyes widened after seeing the concern in Team's eyes. His heart raced in concern for his lover.

"What? What happened Team?" Pharm asked desparately.

"Aye Team. Come down to the city hospital! Hurry!" Dean panted.

"Hospital? What happened P'Dean? Are you okay? Did something happen?" Team asked now fully scared for his senior and even more for his best friend who looked like he's having a panic attack.

"I'm fine Team" that made the dark haired boy sigh in relief but the next statement left him speechless "but Win! He has met a terrible accident! Come down, hurry!"

Phone slipped from Team's hand as his body shaked in despair. All his facade that he maintained since the morning came breaking down at the mention of Win's life being in danger. His eyes welled up as he sprang towards his car leaving all his belongings on the tabel.

Pharm and Manaow yelled "Team!" but decided to run after him when he didn't reply.

Team reached his car fiddling with his keys to open the door to driver's seat when Pharm pulled him back "Team! What happened? Please tell us, is P'Dean alright?"

Team was still too shocked to answer.

"For goodness sake Team, tell me! I'm so scared." Pharm cried out.

"Hi-hia had an accident" Team muttered, tears streaming down his face.

"Hia? You mean P'Win? Oh my god, how?!" Manaow said hurriedly.

Team ignored Manaow's question as he turned around to sit in the driver's seat but Pharm stopped him "You're not driving in this condition, let me drive."

Team didn't protest, just let Manaow drag him to the passengers seat as she seated herself in the back.

"Please drive fast Pharm! Please!" Team broke down.

Manaow caressed his back "He'll be okay Team. Stay strong na!"

"You don't know, nobody knows! It's all my fault! He's there because of me!" Team sobbed.

Both Manaow and Pharm were a bit confused because they've never seen this side of Team before. They knew that Win and Team spent a lot of time together because of swimming training and as because they live in the same building but this is something different.

"I can't lose him Pharm! I can't lose him!" Team murmured still sobbing in dispair.

Pharm and Manaow frowned at the condition Team was in right now.

"You won't lose him Team. He'll be okay yeah." Pharm reassured when he himself wasn't sure about Win's condition.

"I need him, it's my fault! All my fault." Team's words faded off.


At the hospital-

Team sprang towards the reception as soon as they reached their destination.

After getting the details of the room, they came to know that Win was admitted in the ICU.

They found Dean sitting infront of the ICU room with his head bent down.

Team rushed towards him and asked desparately "Phi! Hia? Is he okay?"

Dean looked up and shaked his head. He couldn't lie to Team. Win wasn't okay and Team deserves to know this.

"He has lost a lot of blood Team. Doctors are giving up!" Dean spoke betrayed by the fate. He couldn't lose his best friend. Win was there for him when he had no one.

The land escaped under Team's feet as he fell on his knees. He felt numb. Hia won't be able to make it. He'll lose Hia forever. He closed his eyes tightly, sobbing in despair as Manaow and Pharm hugged him tightly from behind.

"Don't give up hope Team!" Pharm murmured out sobbing slightly.

"Aye Pharm, I can't lose him!" Team cried out.

The doctor came out. All four of them rushed towards her "He's in a really critical condition. Chances of survival are really slim. We can only pray for him now."

Hia won't be able to make it. He won't be able to see Hia again. Won't be able to see or touch his soft, beautiful lips, won't be able to kiss them. No more snuggling under the sheets, no more inhaling the sweet scent of Win.

No more arguments. No more arguments  about his eating habits. No more Win, no more love.

The room spun around Team as he fell onto the floor unconscious!

(~ ̄³ ̄)~

That's it, they both die.

Just kidding.

I'll post the 3rd part (last) tomorrow.
Hope you enjoyed it.

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Would mean a lot.



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