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This is an original idea. Hope y'all like it.

Insomnia. Sleep disorder caused by poor sleeping habits, depression, anxiety, lack of exercise, chronic illness or certain medication.

Team wasn't depressed or had any unscheduled time of sleeping. He's a swimmer so there's no possibility of being insomniac due to lack of exercise.

It was his anxiety. An accident in the past that just didn't seem to erase away from Team's mind. It's still crystal clear, the way he drowned into the water. Breath and his senses leaving him second by second.

It was yet another night Team couldn't sleep at all. It was 2 am already. He shuffled around his bed trying his best to fall asleep anyway, anyhow.

After half an hour of trying and failing to sleep, he  decided to go to Hia Win's room. He had slept over before so he doesn't think hia will mind.

He got up and took off for Hia's room. He knocked a couple of times before Win opened the door and let him in without asking why he's here.

Team dragged himself and landed on the bed with a heavy sigh.

Win sat beside Team's head and asked "Can't sleep?"

Team took a deep breath and nodded before looking at Win "I bother you a lot, don't I?"

Win, who was smiling till now because his Nong chose to come to him in his hard time, suddenly frowned at Team saying "Why would you think that?"

Team, without breaking his intense gaze at Win, said "I'm such a troublesome person. I can't sleep because of my" he paused before hesitating "you know, my nightmares but I don't let you sleep either. It's past 2 am and you're still awake because of me. I'm such a selfish and horrible person."

Win moved forward to hold Team as soon as he saw a tear dropping down his nong's face. He couldn't let Team think so low of himself. He embraced his nong tightly.

"No Team, you're no where near selfish or horrible. You're not troublesome at all. Even if you are, I wouldn't want you in any other way."

Team remained silent, as if not believing in Win's words. "I wish it could just stop. The nightmares I mean, I wish I could just erase them out of my whole existence."

Win leaned forward towards Team, their faces just inches away. He touched Team's right cheek brushing his long fingers over them saying "Trust me, if I could I'd take away all your pain and make 'em mine."

Team, with an expression less face looked at his Hia "Why Hia? No, I'd never want that for you."

Win smiled "You wanna know why? It's because you're an amazing person Team. You care about your friends and always keep their needs before yours. I basically forced you into this friends with benefits situation."

"No hia, you know that's not true. You had to convince me a little but you knew I'd al-always come around." Team stuttered out now because Win's lips were almost lingering over that of Team's. He could feel Win's breath on his skin. He loved the way it calmed his nerves.

"Shushh! Let me finish." Win spoke in way hushed voice "Do you know? You're someone who makes me feel like I'm important."

Team furrowed his eyebrows at that.

"You're so not selfish Team because still now you're worried about me when you should be worried about your own self. You're so pure Team that you don't deserve this misery. All you ever deserve is love." Win paused.

Team, whose fingers were now intertwined into Win's hair, had tear streaming down his eyes by now. Did Hia just say that he deserves love?

"My love." Win continued.

Team froze. What does Hia mean by that? He deserves Win's love?

Team was about to ask when Win moved forward and smashed his lips onto Team's. Team was caught off guard at first but soon he melted into the kiss. Both tasting each other's familiar lips, pouring all the love and desire into it.

They kept kissing each other. Pulling apart just to take a little air in and again pulling each other into another passionate kiss.

Win, who was fully hard by now, started grinding his hips on Team's. He could feel Team getting hard under him.

"Let me take care of you tonight." Win whispered into Team's ear sending shiver down the dark haired boy's spine.

"Hia, you need to wake up early in the morning. Didn't P'Dean call you early?" Team struggled to stop hia from peppering his neck with kisses and bites.

Win looked up and smirked "See, this is what I was talking about. You always care about others and never about your own self. You need it Team. I need it as well. Just let me kiss you and take care of you."

That night Win touched every inch of Team's skin shivering him up and calming his nerves down at the same time. That night Win made love to his little dark haired nong.

After the two of them climaxed, Team cuddled up into his Hia's side. With Hia's fingers running through his hair and the warmth coming out of his Hia's soft yet strong body made him slip into oblivion.

This is kinda boring oneshot. I'm sorry, I have yet to learn how to write smut, so I didn't add it here.

Hope it was good enough.
Leave a VOTE and COMMENT your opinion. Would mean a lot. I'm taking in Prompts as well.


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