My beautiful Nong!

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{Insecure!Team, maybe Team feels insecure about himself or his body and feels that he isn't good enough and tries to break off with Win, whom shows him how beautiful he is how Team is worthy of all the love Win has for him}
           - Thank you Naed for the prompt!


Team stood shirtless infront of the mirror, looking at his body intently. The same body he hated so much that he couldn't bear to see it for longer that a few minutes.

He was fully engrossed in criticizing his body. He lightly squeezed the fat that clung to his hips, a sad sigh leaving his lips.

Team's eyes raked down his body, his eyes filling up with tears. He slid down beside the walls of the bathroom and sobbed into his hands. .

"Ai'Team, are you done yet? You've been in there for so long now, I took a nap and woke already." Win yelled from the other side of the door.

Team and Win have a complex relationship. They both like each other and they've confessed it but they haven't named their relationship yet. For now, they're friends with benefits who have feelings for each other.

Team wiped off his tears and replied "Yeah Hia, give me a minute, I'll be out."

"You didn't allow me to shower with you and now you're taking so much time. Huh, you're so naughty." Win squeaked clearly teasing Team.

Team smiled a little and said "Next time na. Now go."

"Okay, I'm going to make dinner for us." Win yelled, whose voice now sounding distant proving that he probably went to the kitchen.

Team sighed once again. How did he get so lucky? Win is handsome, slim and smart while Team is ugly, fat and dumb as fuck. Why would somebody like Win want someone as useless as Team?

That's what he is, a useless brat who just eats junk food and irritates Win. Win didn't deserve someone like Team.

Team thought about the time Manaow told him that he is fat. Now he can see how right Manaow was. He's worthless. He doesn't deserve Win or any of his friends.

Time skip -

Team is in his room trying to study the wrath known as mathematics. He never got this subject. He doesn't understand how Pharm is so good at it.

Of course he is. Everyone is, except you. You're worthless. Team's mind screamed.

He got these thoughts a million times, he let them in because they're right.

He stopped eating. Only ate when he was with his friends or hia. Even then, he tries to ignore eating but he couldn't come up with new excuses everyday.

If he doesn't eat then he'll be skinny and maybe then people will like him.


He phone rang notifying a message from none other than Win.

Come over!

Team read but decided not to go. He has already exposed every part of his to hia and although Win never spoke but he knows that anybody would be disgusted by his oversized body.

Tonight, he didn't want to get naked under Win. He didn't want to show his body anymore. He didn't want to swim anymore. He didn't want to sleep with Win anymore. Although he knew, it would take a toll on him since only Win can give him a peaceful sleep. He didn't want to be a burden anymore.

WinTeam Oneshots ♡ {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now