Hanahaki Disease (Part 1)

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(An original idea. If you don't know what Hanahaki disease is, do a bit research. 55555)

(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

It all started the first night he found Team come into his room as a crying mess because of his nightmares. The first time he saw Team this vulnerable. Team hugged him tightly as soon as he opened the door, nuzzling his nose into Win's chest. He had no idea that the warmth and pride Win felt at that time because Team found a sense of security in him would later be the cause of his troubles.

Win, being his confident self, didn't need to think twice before realising that he's deeply in love with Team. The guy he's been fucking for months now. He is deeply in love with every curves and corners of Team's body. In love with his vulnerable as well as strong side. Crazily and deeply in love with his dark haired junior.

So, when his confident self decided to confess his feelings to Team once and for all, things didn't end up how he imagined it to be.

He planned to confess his feelings to his so called "fuck buddy" in the cafeteria in a really sweet way with flowers and lays but as soon as he reached the cafeteria he found none other than the junior himself but with a certain girl who he knew very well named Manaow. They were hugging each other tightly. Team's nose nuzzled into Manaow's neck, the same way Team nuzzled his face into Win.

They are perfect for each other. He thought.

A drop of tear made it's way into Win's eyes when all of a sudden he started coughing vigorously. He ran away from the cafeteria towards his bike and bent down to cough up whatever shit had to come out. What shocked him till his bones was a blood stained red petal coming out of his cough.

Did he really cough up a flower? Oh no! He's fucked up!

After this started happening more frequently, he did a little research only to find out that he has Hanahaki disease. A disease caused because of unrequited love where a tree starts blooming in the lungs. There are two ways out of it - either never confess and die or get a surgery and never experience love again.

Will he survive without loving Team even after his surgery? Either way, he's gonna end up dead.

The first one is a better option. He'd rather die than forget Team ever existed in his life.

The first one to find out about this was Dean. Win and Dean were coaching the boys when Team showed up shirtless looking fit and hot as hell. Win felt a block in his lung because oh how badly he wanted to touch the boy again. Ever since the fucking disease caught his back, he started ignoring Team. No more mini movie dates (or whatever Team calls it), no more tutoring, no more Win coaching Team, no more sleeping together, no more touches, no more sex, no more WinTeam.

Team tried to confront Win about it but Win just blatantly ignored him and behaved coldly infront of him. This made Team to distance away from him. Team must be happy now, is what Win thought since Team wants Manaow and vice versa. Their hug and closeness is pretty obvious to what relationship they have. Manaow always flirted with him even infront of others, although it looked like she was teasing him but it was actually her making moves on his Team....on Team. And Team must've have fallen for her since they spend so much time together and Manaow is just overall a nice girl for Team. Win is happy to know that atleast even after he dies, Team will have someone to look after him and make him happy.

But now, seeing all of Team's luscious skin and soft face made him rush towards the restroom where he found himself heaving loudly on the sink. He coughed and coughed until the bloodied petals came out when he heard "Wi-Win"

Win's eyes widened at the sound of his best friend. He looked up to see the mirror and saw Dean standing behind him, horror clearly visible on his face.

After explaining everything to Dean, he said "You have to confess! What the fuck are you waiting for?"

"You don't understand!! You don't understand!! Just please don't tell this to anyone. I'll figure it out." Phawin lied.


Win hissed at the loudness and hushed him "It's not that serious. Please. Please. I'll figure it out, till then please don't."

Dean sighed before nodding. He pulled Win into a tight hug as he rubbed his hand up and down his back calming his nerves "You're my best friend hoye! I can't lose you."

Suddenly something hit Win like a slap on his face. He's being so damn selfish. So damn selfish by just letting himself die. What about his mom, dad, brothers and heck what about his friends who will be left in the misery of Win's death?

And this is why here he is, in the hospital filling his form for an appointment with the doc. For his family, for his friends, he's here to get his surgery. He's definitely not okay with forgetting Team. Definitely not okay with forgetting every sweet and sour moments he spent with Team but he has to do it for his family's sake. He might not survive without Team but atleast he won't die out of this fucking disease. And who knows maybe he'll get better. Yes, he'll get better. He'll forget Team and move on.

His operation date was fixed on the coming Saturday. He left the doctors office but was shocked to see a certain junior sitting in a chair with a few files in his hand. As soon as Team saw Win, he began fidgeting in his place.

"What are you doing here?" Win asked confused.

"Just...for regular check up." Team said standing up as he turned around to leave, trying to ignore him but Win held onto his arm stopping him in his place.

"You do know that I know you right. I know it when you're lying." Win said softly with a frown stuck on his face.

Team, who's face was still looking away, started heaving angrily as he turned around and said "YOU KNOW ME? FUCK SAKE, DON'T SAY BULLSHIT."

Win flinched at the sudden outburst "Wha-what are you saying nong?"

"Don't Nong me! You don't know shit about me and here you are asking what am I doing here?! All this time, not even once did you check up on me. Not even once did you see that maybe I'm suffering. Maybe I'm dying! Maybe I mi-" Team cried out, stopping mid sentence, anger still flailing off of him.

Win was left dumbfounded "Wh- Team! Are you alright? What's wrong?" He said as he pulled Team closer cupping both of his cheeks in his hands.

Team leaned into the familiar touch but as if he came back to his senses because he abruptly pulled away from Win's grip and whisper yelled "No! I'm not fine and guess what I don't need you to get better! You can go fuck whoever you want to because you made it clear with your behaviour earlier that you don't want anything to do with me. So kindly! FUCK OFF."

Team yelled and started to walk away but Win got a tight grip on his hips. Win pulled him even closer and started touching his face and hand here and there to check if he's alright "Te-Team! Please tell me! Please tell me!" He tried to take the files from Team hand before Team yanked himself away and yelled "It's my nightmares! Happy?! I've been getting them again a lot lately but I'm taking pills to get better so I don't need your hugs, your bed, or you anymore. Not anymore Hia."

With this Team left, leaving Win as a crying mess. Win slumped down against the wall before he cried out and mumbled "I'm sorry Team, I'm sorry!"

ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ

Wait for part 2. Probably tomorrow or day after tomorrow.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Pretty hell busy lately so don't hate me for late updates.

Thank you for reading.
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