You, me and love! (Part 3)

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Team's eyes fluttered open for the second time this day. This time he wasn't snuggled into the side of a certain blonde, instead this time he was sleeping on a bed of a white room.

He looked to his right to see Pharm sitting on the chair. Suddenly everything from the day came rushing back to him as he jolted up from his hospital bed.

"Hia!" Team yelled.

Pharm spoke "Team, calm down!"

"No! Hia! Is he okay? Please tell me he's okay!" Team cried out.

"P'Dean is talking to the doctor. He'll come back anytime now." Pharm consoled Team.

"I can't wait till he comes. I'm going." Team declared standing up dashing towards the door.

"Aye Team, you need rest as well, you are still weak! Aye Team!" Pharm rushed behind Team after being ignored.

Team opened the door only to find Dean and Manaow rushing towards them with smile on their faces.

"Win! Team!" Dean smiled breathlessly.

The smile was all that Team needed before he sprinted towards the room Win was in.

He opened the door as the rest followed him into the room.

There he was. Looking the most fragile but still the most beautiful boy in the world.

There was a bandage wrapped around his head, a plaster on his left leg, and a few band aids here and there.

Even with so many injuries, he was still the most gorgeous guy Team has ever come across.

As soon as he saw Team, a smile spread across his beautiful face. Team bolted towards him and hugged him carefully as tears rushed out of his eyes.

"Hia! Thank goodness! I thought I'd lose you." Team whispered out.

Win smiled as he stroked Team's hair while hugging him.

He pulled back to see Team's face and wiped off the streak of tears stained on Team's cheek with his thumb.

"I'm okay na Nong! You can't get rid of me so easily!" Win rasped.

"I don't ever want to get rid of you Hia!" Team looked at Win cautiously before continuing.

"I'm sorry Hia! It's all because of me. If only I hadn't made you upset, you wouldn't have been here in a life or death situation." Team apologized.

Win shook his head and spoke softly "Aye Team, it's not your fault. Don't apologise. It's my fault for driving roughly. Besides, I'm fine now, so nobody needs to apologise."

Manaow, Pharma and Dean watched the entire scene unravel, even though they didn't understand what happened between the two boys, still they all had smile plastered on their faces.

Pharm and Manaow stepped forward to greet Win but stopped on their tracks when Team smashed his lips on that of Win's.

The three other people present in the room widened their eyes in shock. Pharm's and Manaow's jaw dropped at the scene.

Instinctively, Dean's face relaxed and was replaced by a small smile. He has been in this situation many times before, as in, he has seen his best friend and the junior member of his club kiss several times since, they only ever act touchy infront of him. In the beginning, Team used to be shy and whiny whenever Win kissed him infront of Dean but gradually he got used to it and reciprocated with the same intensity.

The kiss was full of love and sweetness. Tears rushed out of Team's closed eyes in between the moment but that didn't make him pull away.
Win cupped Team's cheeks and pulled him even closer desparately to get closure.

They pulled away breathlessly without breaking their eye contact, when they felt the shortage of air. Even though they had kissed several times before, this somehow felt like it was their first kiss.

Manaow was squealing and hitting Pharm's arm in excitement. Pharm smiled at his best friend. Now Team's overwhelming concern towards Win made sense to the two friends.

Team looked down and dragged in a deep breath before looking up "I'm sorry Hia!"

"Aye Team! I told you not to-"

"Let me say it Hia! I need to let it out." Team cut him off.

Win nodded and gestured for him to continue.

"I'm sorry about today. I'm sorry I pushed you away. But the fact is that I did it because I was scared." Team took Win's hand in his.

Win frowned "Scared of what?" he asked softly.

Team took a deep breath and whispered "Scared of falling in love with you."

The words that escaped Team's mouth moistened everyone's eyes in the room.
Win cupped Team's cheeks as Team touched Win's finger before continuing "But I'm already in love Hia! Already fallen for you. I love you Hia!"

"I love you too Team! More than anything in the world." Win murmured adoring his nong.

"I do-don't want to stop it Hia. I want you, more than anything. I don't just want to sleep with you, I want to create memories with you. Live my life with you, grow old with you. I want us to be boyfriends." Team declared pouring his emotions through the words.

Win and the rest were shocked. They didn't see this coming.

"Wh-what? Team? Why are you saying this? Aren't you afraid of it? Of love?" Win asked risking everything he ever wanted just to get answers.

"Yes, I am. I'm still so scared of love but I guess I'm more afraid of losing you. And I promise that I won't ever push you away anymore. I will overcome my fear of love, just don't ever leave my side, because I can't live without you." Team moved forward and planted a soft, tiny peck on Win's lips and hugged him.

Win smiled and nodded, a tear escaping his eyes in happiness. Win and Team moved their faces closer to each other, leaning on each other's forehead.

"From now, it's just You, me and love." Win spoke delicately.

Team nodded before adding "For the rest of our lives." 

And that was when they knew, WinTeam would never come to an end.


So, here it is. Sorry, if it's not worth it. I love everything about WinTeam. This was an angsty but fluffy happy ending.

And those who are reading this book, I don't write sad endings, so feel free to enjoy happy WinTeam fics here.

Do VOTE and COMMENT your views. Would mean a lot.


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