Hanahaki Disease (Part 2)

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(Please read the previous chapter to understand the context of this chapter. Original idea.)

(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

Team tried to stop these feelings from growing. He had never been in a serious relationship before. Was in a relationship with a girl back in his highschool days but nothing was serious because he didn't love her. He didn't know what love was until he met a certain blonde guy.

At first, he hated Win's guts. He hated how the boy was always strict towards him. Stopped him from eating lays, pushed him to study too much, he hated the continuous nagging from Win. But everything changed in one night. One night in the beach and he was falling hard for the senior. He felt this warm sensation in his heart the first time they had sex in the cabin of the beach. The warm sensation was there because of how gentle Win has been with Team that night. Every touch, every kiss, and every bite that Win left on his skin that night was latched onto Team's soul forever. 

Team didn't believe that these feelings would last long but the way Win cared for him and the way he always looked out for each and everything made him fall even harder and harder for the golden boy.

So this is why when had sex one morning and Win left right after they were done because of certain work, Team was left all alone with his thoughts. Did Win just want sex? What about his feelings? Win and Team made it clear after their first night together that there shouldn't be any feelings involved. They're just each other's pleasure partner on bed. Rather than that they're just the usual senior and junior. Nothing else.  No feelings. And yet here Team was, crazily in love with Win.

Win obviously didn't feel anything for Team. He obviously cared about Team but the same as how he cared for everyone else. This is just how Win was. Caring. Towards everyone. Team is not special. Also, if Win had any sort of feelings for Team, he'd straight up say it to Team because he's straightforward and not a coward like Team. All this concludes up to the fact that Win is never going to love Team back. Without any idea, tears welled up in Team's eyes and he for the very first time sobbed loudly because of his unrequited love. Loud sob turned into harsh coughs. He coughed and coughed, heaving beside his bed as he felt something pass by his throat leaving his mouth and landing on his hand. Team's eyes widened in shock. Red blood petals!

He went to see a doctor right after this incident. He could not believe his ears when the doc said that he had a rare disease called Hanahaki caused because of unrequited love.

shiaa! He loved Win so much that he's going to die out of it. The doctor gave him different alternatives to survive which left Team even more confused on what to do.

He would never ever dare to confess his feelings to Win. Win would leave him and Team couldn't live without atleast seeing his Hia's face. So... he's gonna die then.

He doesn't tell anyone. As much as he wants to tell his family, friends or even Win, nothing... just nothing comes out of his mouth whenever he opens his mouth.

"Mae..." He speaks on the phone with his mom.

"Yes Team" He hears his mom's gentle voice.

"I have something to tell you." His mom hums in response.

"I- I... have...." Tears well up in his eyes for the millionth time as he chokes up.

"Team! Are you okay? Team! Mae is worried na Team!" His mom replies in a worried tone.

"I...I just miss you a lot na." Team couldn't dare to speak the main reason behind this phone call.

The next time he decided to tell the truth to his best friends - Pharm and Manaow. After all they share everything with him, why can't he share this with them then.

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