Call me by your name Ai'Team!

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(Hii <3 I would love it if you could write about them bonding over music they like, maybe a band or perhaps movies or tv shows. things that aren't swimming you know. Just them being excited about something and sharing it with the other, that'd be extremely cute. I'm looking forward to your stories <3)


"Uhh, I'm so tired." Team said falling straight onto the bed that he shared with his boyfriend.

Yes boyfriend! After being friends with benefits for so long, Win finally asked him out on a date.
After two dates, they officially started dating each other.

It took them really long time to confess their feelings because they were both unsure about the other's feelings.

Team was never convinced because Win was popular for being a flirt. Team assumed that he was also just another fling for Win, but when the later confessed that he had never had these feelings and this kind of relationship with anyone else, Team was convinced that his hia genuinely liked him back and wanted to be more than just fuck buddies.

Win was never convinced that Team felt for him because Team always pushed him away. He assumed that Team just needed him to release his stress. But when Team confessed his true feelings to Win, he was convinced that Team really wanted Win as well.

"Ai'Team, go take a shower then we'll have dinner." Win said ruffling Team's hair.

In the name of dinner, Team rushed to take a shower.

After coming out of the washroom, Team saw Win watching something on tv with heart-eyes.
For a moment Team felt jealousy creep upon him 'who is he watching with such loving eyes?' but then his eyes fell upon what was playing on the tv.

His eyes widened when he saw his boyfriend watching none other than Call me by your name.

"Hia! Are you watching 'Call me by your name'?" Team asked Win in a surprised tone.

Win smiled "Yeah, it's one of my favourite movies."

Team squealed "Hiaa!! It's my favourite movie as well."

Win's eyes glittered with adoration for his cute nong.

Hurriedly, Team sat on the bed and snuggled closer to his Hia watching his favourite movie with intent.

The scene where Elio and Oliver share their first kiss was playing and Team couldn't help but look up at his Hia and give him a small peck on his soft lips. Win, taken back by the sudden movement,  gradually calmed down and smiled at his boyfriend pulling him in for another kiss.

The night went on and it reached the scene where Elio said to Oliver "We wasted so many days."

Win looked down at the boy in his embrace who seemed to be lost in the movie.

"We wasted so many days too, Hia." Team spoke up suddenly without taking his eyes off the tv.

Win frowned at Team's sudden declaration.

"Why do you think so? I've always been here." He replied softly caressing Team's soft hair.

Team looked up at his Hia "Sometimes I just wish that we confessed our feelings for each other a little bit earlier. I mean, we always had that barrier of being friends with benefits between us."

"Didn't Elio and Oliver do the same? They started off as fuck buddies as well but fell in love eventually, am I right?" Win said cupping Team's cheeks with his hands. Fingers caressing his nong's soft cheeks.

"Yeah but hia-" Team was about to start when Win knowing what Team will say, cut him off.

"No buts and ifs. I know Oliver had to leave Elio in the end because the circumstances didn't let them to be together forever but their love story is immortal." Win spoke softly.

Team smiled at his Hia.

"I promise you Team, I'll never leave you no matter what happens. Whatever the circumstances are, I'll fight them just to be with you. I'll never leave your side unless you ask me to." Win continued.

Team, overwhelmed with love for his hia, moved forward to kiss him. The kiss started off softly, gradually taking into a passionate turn. Win moved his hand under Team's tshirt when Team pulled away "I want to watch the movie first."

Win just laughed and held his boyfriend in his arms, kissing his neck softly now and then.

"Call me by your name and I'll call you by mine." Win spoke softly in a low seductive voice from behind imitating Oliver's word from the movie.

Team turned around to look at his boyfriend and smiled "Team."

Win smiled gladly and replied "Win." referring his boyfriend with his own name.

And that way, just like Elio and Oliver - Win and Team became two bodies and one soul.


'Call me by your name' is my favourite movie/book.

Hope y'all liked it.
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( ◜‿◝ )♡


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