Red Handed

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This is another original idea.

Manaow and Pharm were on their way to Team's condo. All three of them had planned to study English together for their upcoming class test. Team being the poorest in English insisted on them to study together so that he could clarify his doubts.

Meanwhile at Team's room -

Team was sitting and eating Lays while scrolling through instagram. A part of his daily life when suddenly there was a knock heard on the door. Team considered it to be Pharm and Manaow and went ahead to open the door.

He was shocked to see Hia Win standing at his door showing his usual smirk that erupted butterflies in Team's stomach but nobody needs to know right?

"What are you doing here right now?" Team asked curiously.

Without saying a word, Win pushed Team inside. He closed the door and slammed his body against Team's, kissing his neck brutally.

Team tried to push him away but instead managed to moan incoherently when Win sucked at his soft spot underneath Team's collar bone.

Team pulled his face and stared at Hia's eyes seeing lust and love? Maybe.
Win pulled him in for a kiss. They kept making out for awhile when Team pulled away and whispered "Bed."

That was it for Win to loose his cool. He pushed Team on his well made bed and attacked his lips kissing him mercilessly. He rubbed his hips on Team, both getting hard at an embarrassing rate. Win undressed Team leaving his beautiful boy naked underneath him. Team helped him get undressed as he got rid of the only clothing material between them.

In a few minutes, Team was whimpering and moaning underneath Win asking for more and more.

Team made such dirty and sexy noises when he was in pleasure that Win couldn't help himself from going faster and harder inside Team.

Meanwhile outside -

Manaow and Pharm reached Team's door and Pharm was just about to knock when Manaow held his hand back preventing him from knocking.

Pharm was confused "Manao-"

"Hushhh" Manaow cut him off by shushing him.

Pharm smiled in confusion raising his eyebrows.

Manaow motioned her fingers towards the door and instantly moved her ears at the door eavesdropping on whatever was going on inside.

Following Manaow's actions, Pharm did the same.

What they heard came to a surprise for both of them.

There heard Team moaning in pleasure "Ah, ah oh yeah. Fuck, yeah ahh!"

Both Manaow and Pharm's eyes widened in surprise.

Then they heard the sound of bed squeaking and moving harshly against the wall.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Manaow whisper yelled "Is Team having it with someone in there?"

Pharm embarrassed by talking about this said "Manaow, we should let him be. Let's go." dragging the *Manaow*.

Manaow giggled and nodded "Okay, let's go."

WinTeam Oneshots ♡ {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now