I'm finally home!

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It's the night before Win leaves for England. For two years. Team has been strong. Or, maybe he's not as strong as he portrays himself to be.

When really, he's scared, so so scared of not just losing Win but also losing himself throughout the way.

He didn't know when he became so dependent on Win. When he couldn't sleep without Win by his side anymore. Couldn't eat without seeing Win's face right infront of him anymore.

And Win was not stupid. Especially not when it came to Team. He could see right through the facade. He could see how scared Team was and that is why he insisted on not leaving for England but Team being his stubborn self couldn't stop Win from achieving his dreams.
They planned everything. They'd facetime everyday no matter what time it'd be for the other.

So, here they were on their last night together for the next 2 years. Even though Team insisted on them to sleep peacefully since Win had to wake up early tomorrow and leave for the airport but Win wasn't one to listen.

According to him, he wanted to memorize every inch of Team's skin. Wanted him so bad that the sweet scent of Team's body would be itched to his own body forever.

"Even if we'll be thousand miles apart, I'll still be right here." Win gestured at Team's heart.

Team smiled euphorically. They were tired after the intense love making.

"Sleep well Team. I love you and will always love you." Win murmured holding Team tightly in his arms.

"Love you too Hia." Team replied.

It was hard. Both both of them. Many tears and late night screams of dispair could be heard. They never fought in this span of two years though. Because distance was already killing them enough, they didn't need another factor to bring them apart. Their insecurities got in the way many times. When Win saw a pic of Team and another guy on instagram. He couldn't help but question Team about it and Team didn't argue about it, he just clarified that there was nothing going on and the guy was just a friend from the swim team. He also mentioned that he loves Win a little too much to think about someone else. Win was relieved. And people would wonder why? Why was Team so okay with Win doubting him? He was okay because just like Win, he had those insecurities as well. When he went to England and saw how many people there drooled over Win, he couldn't help but question whether Win has gotten someone new. They both had come to acceptance with the fact that with distance these things are bound to come but they won't let it hamper their relationship because in the end, everything would be fine 'cause Win is Team's and vice versa.

Now, It's the night before Win arrives back.
Team cannot sleep. It's the excitement of meeting Hia again after so long, it's the same fluttery feeling in his stomach that he'll get to kiss and touch Hia again. But it's also the fear. Fear of things not being the same as it was two years ago. They've definitely met between these two years. But only for short period of times. Now Win was coming back for good. What if Win has changed.

No! Team thought. Even if Win's behaviour changes a bit or so, he'd still be his Hia Win.

Team tried to shake all these fears from getting into his mind but they just slipped in anyhow.

Contemplating on how to sleep, he did something he used to do for the past two years whenever he couldn't sleep well. He opened the gallery to his mobile and opened a picture of Win and himself. He looked at it, touched it as if trying to feel Win and that sweet and serene look on his Hia's face was enough to throw him into a peaceful sleep.

 He looked at it, touched it as if trying to feel Win and that sweet and serene look on his Hia's face was enough to throw him into a peaceful sleep

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Team opened his eyes and shot up. He checked the clock and it was 5 in the morning. Win's flight would land in an hour. He freshened up within minutes. Checking himself in the mirror twice. He doesn't know why suddenly he wants to look good for Win. He never cared about his looks before. But maybe he wanted to look good for his boyfriend who's coming back after two years. He wanted his boyfriend to see the effort he had put into grooming himself up.

He stoop infront of the gate of airport with many more people. The passengers started emerging and Team's eyes started searching for a certain boy who made his heart race.

After a long wait, he still couldn't find Win so he pulled out his mobile to ring Win but soon someone's hand snaked around his waist from behind and he gasped.

But the touch was enough to calm him down. He leaned back and just breathed in the comfort "Missed you." Win whispered.

"Mmh, and don't you miss England?" Team teased.

Win chuckled and turned Team around saying "Let me look at you."

He cupped Team's face in his hand and looked at his face intently as if trying to read something.

"Hmm, no, I definitely don't miss England." Win answered before pulling Team in for a quick kiss.

"Hia, there are people around us." Team smiled, eyes wide, hitting Win lightly on his shoulder.

"So what, am I not allowed to kiss my boyfriend? Come here, give me a kiss." Win pulled Team in again but Team put his hand in between their lips which Win still kissed anyway.

"Hoyee Hiaaa!" Team whined.

Win laughed "Let's go home."

Home. The word finally made sense for Team.

Back at Team's condo -

Win and Team were still in the Elevator when Win being his horny self attacked Team's neck with kisses.

"Aye Hia! Can't you wait till we get to our room?" Team spoke.

"No I can't, I missed you." He attacked Team's lips and that's how they entered Team's room, kissing each other sloppily.

"SURPRIseeee" yelled Manaow, Pharm, Dean, Del, Don, Pruk and A few more friends but the noise died down as soon as they saw the two of them.

Win and Team sprang apart as soon as they saw their friends, face heating up.

Everyone looked at each other awkwardly before Pharm coughed and spoke "We'll just leave now. Welcome home Phi Win."

Everyone welcomed Win home with warm smiles.

Before leaving, Manaow turned back and spoke "Use protection hoye!"


( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)

I'm so sorry for being so inactive. I'm just going through a phase.

Don't hate me.

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