I am so hopelessly devoted to this girl

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The kid inside me was screaming on just the mere sight of Plane, but of course I have to keep my excitement on bay. Otherwise what's Manik gonna think Nandani Sharma is such a kid. This trip had really made me full of enthusiasm and energy and also the fact that My Mother in law not completely hate me now was just cherry on top. "Stop gawking Nandani, come on enter inside.." Manik Nudged me from behind and I flushed, how dumb of you Nandu.

The check in part was quite hilarious, I looked like a scared kitten in the swarm of others but thankfully Manik was there in my every step to held me, to support me. Lucky me!! Thankfully the flight was just 3 hours long and not more than that... As it's my first flight so I don't want to be captured in a long scary flight. Navya, Rishabh, Cabir and Mukti all four of them came to drop us to the airport. I am blessed to have such a loving family.

"Mr. Kapoor where are we staying there? And also will we get time for some sight-seeing or we will just be stuck in the meetings..." I asked hopefully, I have done a lot of research and I got to know that Singapore is quite a place to visit. And I would really feel bad if we couldn't get to explore the beautiful country. "We are staying in Marina Bay Sands and don't worry I will surely show you around..." My mouth opened wide on the name of the hotel, of course I have read about that also and it is the most expensive hotel and gorgeous too. Wow!! Manik sure is a rich guy.

"Please fasten your seatbelts we are about to take off..." Announcement was made and I immediately took hold of my belt analyzing it carefully it wasn't like the one in car, how the hell do we put this thing. I was struggling with the belt when I felt hot breaths of Manik fanning my face, my eyes perked up to find his brown orbs staring smilingly into mine. His hand took the belt from me and he pulled closer almost making it hard for me to breath. Why do he always smell so good all the time? "Here.. Is it too tight?" He asked softly and I shake my head in a no. I am pretty much comfortable. Also Manik had booked a window seat for me. A win win situation for myself.

The moment fight took off from the ground, my stomach churned and I felt the urge of throwing up, Oh Krishna Ji please help, help please. I started chanting several things in my head but nothing helped. Soon Manik's hand came in my contact and he tangled his fingers with mine, his thumb making slow circles on my hand almost soothing me. I leaned back in my seat. Soon the fear flew out of the window and I happily turned my gaze outside taking in the view that I must say is mesmerizing.

All in all I had a merry time in my whole flight with Manik right beside me answering all my stupid questions with equal excitement and joining me in my stupid games that we played for passing the time. Soon it was time for landing and just like before Manik took a hold of my hand not leaving it even for a second and our journey finally came to an halt. I am like a excited kid high on Sugar. "Come on Manik, let's get going..." I was jumping on my seat giddily and Manik just shook his head smilingly.

Finally we were out of the airport, Changi Airport yeah that's what it's called and it is the most beautiful, well sculpted and advanced. We collected our luggage and came outside, A cab from hotel was already waiting for us. The journey to the hotel was a bit tiring considering we have been out for quite a lot time now.I just need a cup of coffee and my bed to retire for some time.. It was late in the evening when we arrived and our meeting was tomorrow morning so we can get enough rest.

We checked inside the hotel, Manik has booked a whole suit for both of us, but thank god the suit consist two separate rooms. Well I am not ready to share a room with him. That will be totally wrong. Dida wasn't really happy about both of us coming to this trip before marriage. She actually seemed a bit mad. But don't know how Manik turned her no into a yes and in the end she actually give us the permission happily. Charms of Kapoor I guess... My jaw was practically on the floor when I took in the sight of our suit. No words, really no words I have for this beauty. Rooms were spacious and full of everything that a person can need.. both rooms has a Jacuzzi, a pretty huge balcony, LED and much more.. I was ecstatic to be here right now.. "Go and change into something comfortable, I will order the dinner after that you can retire to bed. We will start our day from tomorrow okay?" Manik went to his own room for a shower I guess and I did the same..

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