That's her magic on people

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I felt her soft hand on my eyes and a smile broke onto my face at her childish behavior.. "Seriously Madhubala how old are we 10?" And she immediately removed her hands scowling at me.. I still remember the first day I met her in school, scared, shy and a nerdy Navya Sharma but look at her now, she is feisty, sarcastic and a complete rainbow and I just love her.. I pulled her into me pecking her forehead. "Finally you got some time for me no.." I complained and she hugged me close..

"You know how much I was busy in planning your brother's and my sister's wedding.. So don't be like this and I miss you too Shona.." I giggled at the nickname she has given me since we started dating, She read it in some novel and since then whenever we are alone or on phone call she call me Shona.. She is my best friend whom I fall in love so hard that there is no going back.. I knew we will face trouble in our future cause certainly we both belong to two different worlds.. But Big B and Nandani Bhabhi's wedding has surely made way for us..

I have also seen some changes in my parents, some positive changes and I am glad that finally we are going to live like one big happy and normal family without any more dramas.. "So did you talk to Bhabhi?" I asked referring to Nandani and she nodded her head excitedly her eyes glinting with amazement, she truly is a kid from inside.. "Yesss, She is so happy in Bora Bora, she also shared some pictures and the place is just heaven.. Cabir we will also go to same place for our honeymoon.."

"Woah someone is planning our honeymoon hmm?" I said in a sing song voice and she blushed realizing her slip up but soon covered it with a glare and punched my shoulder lightly.. It's fun to see her all flustered some time.. "You know I love you a lot right and I will take you wherever you want me to.." I said pulling her in a kiss and she immediately pushed me away frightened.. "God Cabir, It's India you don't go kissing your girlfriend in public.." And I pouted at that..

"But that's absurd, I should be able to kiss my girl whenever I want to.." And she just rolled her eyes at me. Well what wrong did I say, most of the time we hang out Mukti is always with us and once in a blue moon when we get some alone time, we are mostly in public and she didn't let me kiss her.. I know she isn't wrong about people's mentality here but I really do want to kiss her.. I guess I have to wait till we go back in the car and then I will have my way with her.. "I know what you are thinking right now, your evil smile gave it away.." She narrowed her eyes at me and I smile sheepishly.. Navya Sharma is one of the best thing ever happened to me...

Coming from a middle class family, she is a sober and simple girl with not so much of demands.. Even I love her family, her parents were everything that mine were not.. I always tried to buy her expensive gifts but she always turn me down.. Even when I will take her to some fancy restaurant for dinner she will freak out on the amount of dishes there and surely I will receive a earful about how much careless I am about my wealth and bla bla for at least a week.. She wasn't a gold digger, she loved Cabir not Cabir Kapoor and can anything be better than this.. Nopzz I don't think so...


I threw my empty cup in the bin and stood up rolling my keys in my finger.. Wandering alone is no fun but I really have to start giving some space to Cabir and Navya, they are good enough to tag me along most of the time, But I know how much they crave alone time with each other.. Manik Bhai and Bhabhi were coming back tomorrow and I was really excited.. I missed both of them, well I have always been close to my brothers and a thought of their wife snatching them away from me always nagged inside my head but thankfully my both sister in laws weren't like that.. I have known Navya for years to love her like this but Nandani Bhabhi created a very special place in my heart just in few months.. That's her magic on people...

I walked towards my car with a happy mood but it suddenly dampened when my gaze fell on a familiar person.. I saw Abhimanyu leaning against his car having a way too friendly conversation with some girl.. Her hand is on his shoulder and sure she is flirting with him.. I felt hurt and my eyes started watering.. Abhimanyu Thakur, My Brother's best friend who I have liked as long as I understood the meaning of having a crush.. Well who wouldn't like hum, he was devilishly handsome, has a great sense of humor and all and all was perfect in every sense.. But I couldn't gather enough courage to tell him that.. Sometimes I feel he knows about my huge crush on him, but then he never approach me that way and now seeing him with some one else broke my heart into million pieces..

Before I could tore my gaze away his eyes met mine and I could see panic in them, I immediately turned around and start walking other way.. "Mukti.." I could hear him call my name but I didn't dare stop and turned around, I have to get far away from him.. What the hell was I even thinking, he could be with anyone he want, it's not like I own him or something.. My pace fastened but then suddenly he grabbed my arm and turn me around almost startling me. "What the hell?" I snapped, his grip is quite too tight...

"What the hell was that?" He questioned back and I just wiggled in his hold, trying to get myself out but he didn't budge, god what's his problem? "Leave me, what the hell are you doing?" I shouted again but he didn't left my hand making me annoyed every growing second..
"Don't give me this attitude Mukti.. Why didn't you stop when you saw me and when I called, you should have stopped then but no.. And why the hell you gave me that look?" I was tongue tied, if he is so smart to catch on these things then why don't he figure out the rest himself..

"I don't owe you any explanations. Okay and why do you even care?" I fired back and his eyes narrowed at me piercing into my soul, I suddenly felt uncomfortable on our proximity.. We were quite too close for my liking.. "get away from me." I ordered but the bastard pull me close even more without leaving any distance in between, my heart start beating so fast that I am scared he might heard it.. "Whatever you are hiding from me Mukti Kapoor, I will find out soon.." He left me with a jerk and was out of sight making me feel more heartbroken then ever before...

I felt a need to showcase a bit of these two love stories two.. please don't forget to vote and comment ❤️

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