Don't you dare walk away

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It's been few days since that incident. I try to avoid him now as much as possible and I guess he is doing the same but there was no change in his behavior. He is still treating me the same. shouting at me has now become a daily routine for him. For every small things he try to scold me, so I try to minimize my mistake and hardly go in front of him.

Nothing seems okay to me these days, his behavior hurts me I don't know why. I have always heard that he is like this only but my heart wants to believe otherwise. The Manik who was with me in my starting days is the real Manik. Then who is this man. I tried to ask Cabir and Mukti if something wrong is going on in their family or with Alya but according to them everything is fine.

They Didn't even talk about any certain changes that have occurred in their brother these days. That means the change of his personality is just for me only then, but why would he do any thing like this. Several questions but no answer. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard my name.

I took a deep breath to calm myself, this was his daily activity now, I have to get used to. There was nothing I can do, I really wanted this Job Also I just don't want to believe that this is real Manik Kapoor. I Know something is awfully wrong and I want to fix it.

Nandani - Yes Mr. Kapoor

Manik - I am calling you from past five minutes, why weren't you answering.

Nandani - Sorry I didn't hear you.

Manik - Then why do you come to office, when you are least interested in working.

Nandani - is that all?

Manik - Excuse Me

I am tired, tired enough to fight back with him. sometimes I feel like he deliberately want to pick up a fight with me. But I don't have that much energy to waste on him on this stupid and childish stuff.

Nandani - If there is nothing then I will be taking your leave.

And with that I turned to leave but he caught my wrist taking me with surprise. His touch on my hand made a current pass through my body. a strange feeling settled in a pit of my stomach when he suddenly pulled me towards him and my body collided with his. I could see a weird expression on his face. It wasn't anger but a helplessness, and that made me wonder what's happening in between us.

"Don't you dare walk away when I am talking to you.." His dangerous voice was enough to give me chills. He was holding me too tight that it started to hurt. "Leave me Mr. Kapoor you are hurting me.." I wiggled under his hold but he is too strong for me.

"Stay still, and listen when I am talking, I am warning you Ms. Sharma this attitude of yours will not do any good to you.." He again seemed scary like he did the other day. I wanted to run away from him, to hide somewhere where he can't find me. Tears welled up in my eyes due to the immense pain in my wrist. "Please let me go.." I protested weakly but his hold tightened and I whimpered.. "Leave me.." 

His eyes turned darker and he pulled me more close, I could have lost my senses due to this close proximity if he would have not been holding me this tight that it felt the blood circulation in my wrist has been stopped.. "Manik, please leave me you are hurting me.." His eyes turned softer for a second as if he felt my pain but then his face turned blank and with a jerk he left me.

And I didn't wasted anytime before running out from their.. I can't believe what just happened. He was only shouting before but now he manhandled me. This was wrong totally wrong, I am his employee he cannot torture me like this. I cannot let this happen. I entered inside the lift and tried to calm down. I wanted to scream, cry on my fate. 

What went wrong Krishna Ji, everything was so good few days ago and suddenly my life took a whole 360 degree turn. what are you planning Krishna Ji.. Why am I suffering like this Why?

Lift suddenly stopped on some floor and a guy entered, I tried to compose myself, I don't want anybody to know what just happened few minutes ago. "Hey Nandani right?" I look at the person and my lips turned into a smile. "Hello Dhruv.." He smiled at me.

Dhruv - Going for lunch

Nandani - Yeah

Dhruv - There is small Dhaba outside this building, they serve delicious Rajma Rice, wanna join?

I wanted to say no, but Rajma is my weakness and also I need to distract my mind. And Dhruv seems a nice guy, there was no harm in having lunch with him. when I told Navya that I met him. She was really happy, she told me good things about this guy. So I think I can trust him.

I came outside with him and just around the corner there it was. a very small but very neat and clean place. The aroma of food was too good that it made my stomach growl in hunger. "let's sit there.." I followed Dhruv and we sit down in a corner. He ordered our meal and we sat their waiting.

Nandani - I told Navya about you she said Hello. She was really happy to hear from you.

Dhruv - Yeah we really had a lot of fun in every competition in school. We never became close friends cause we both have separate groups. But she was nice, I remember her.

Nandani - Yeah that she is.

Dhruv - Ask her whenever she is free we can meet someday. I would love to see Cabir and Mukti too...

I smiled, it seems like a good idea, tomorrow was the weekend and I really need a good time to forget everything that's happening inside the office. "Well if you are free tomorrow, you can join us, we all are planning to go on beach.." His eyes lit up.. "Wow, I would love to.."

Our food arrived and we got busy enjoying the delicious stuff. It was really good that it made me forget my misery temporarily. We finished our food in silence and after Dhruv paid we left. I insisted him a lot to let me pay at least for my share but he didn't listen. He is a sweet guy not like that arrogant, mean Kapoor. only his thought was enough to spoil my mood.

Dhruv - So tomorrow is confirm right?

Nandani - Yes. It is.. Give me your number, so I can share the timing and everything.

We exchanged our number and pleasantries and then he left for his work leaving me all alone with that monster in my personal hell.


Manik is really scaring her away 😥😥 Will nandani gave up on him and will leave the job or a new storm is waiting to blow her away. Please stay tuned and don't forget to vote and comment ❤❤

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