Welcome to the family

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I look myself in the mirror well I hate to admit this but I look beautiful in this magenta floor length gown came from Manik's house

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I look myself in the mirror well I hate to admit this but I look beautiful in this magenta floor length gown came from Manik's house. I can't believe I agreed to this marriage and today is our Roka ceremony. I was hell bent on rejecting this proposal but everybody emotionally blackmailed me into this mostly Dida. Only if Manik hasn't been fighting with me that day outside the office and our pictures weren't gone viral, all of this wouldn't have happened for sure. Dida was so upset that after all this drama no one from respectable family will accept me as their daughter in law. Like I care.

Chachi and Chachu thought I would never get anyone as good as Manik Kapoor. Only if they Knew his real face. And Navya and Rishabh are his number one fan. So seeking help from them was a waste already. Even Mukti and Cabir came to convince me. Only if their brother would have been even a little bit like them. All of this would have so much easier for me. I like Manik's Dad but his Mother, Oh Krishna Ji that lady already hates me, she will never accept me for sure. And Manik, I don't know why he agreed to all this. The boy has been recently dumped for heaven's sake. Alya dumping Manik's sorry ass cause of his cheating was all over the news few days back. I felt a bit sorry for Manik, he didn't cheated at her at all. She should have trusted him. 

"Nandani where are you lost? Kapoor's are already here, come on let's go." Navya came inside to check on me and after scrutinizing me for a minute. She gave me a hug showing her 32 teeth. Everyone was so happy due to this marriage. I couldn't snatch this little happiness from them. Dida has done so much for Rishabh and I after our parent's death and so did Chacha Chachi. So how can I disappoint them. Come on Nandu brace yourself up. I walked down with Navya by my side and immediately saw the happy faces of both the families apart from Mrs. Kapoor she was looking stunning in her Classy dress with a scowl on her face. Cabir and Mukti came around to hug me lovingly. And then my eyes met with his brown orbs staring directly into mine.

 And then my eyes met with his brown orbs staring directly into mine

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He looked great in normal Kurta Pyjama. Okay fine he looked gorgeous. Clean shaven, his hairs styled neatly and his eyes twinkling. Why is he so happy? Shouldn't he be dreading this moment just like me? I thought Manik would talk to me about this sudden proposal, will explain me and even convince me to say no. But he didn't said a word. He behaved goofily in the office just like usual teasing me, irritating me, making me run useless errands and bickering with me. He not even once brought up the wedding topic and neither did he let me. 

"Stop staring Jiju.. You are going to give her an evil eye.." Navya teased him and other's giggled making him turn red with embarrassment and he immediately averted his gaze. Manik Kapoor and flustered. Wow!! that's interesting. "Should we start the ceremony Bhaisahab?" Chachi asked to his Father and he nodded his head smilingly.

We both were made sit down and Manik covered his head with a hanky. Not at once that boy lifted his head to look at me. Chachi took the Aarti thaal and did his Tilak and then did his Aarti. She then gave him a thaal which consist of some clothes, gifts and money and he took all that smilingly. "Welcome to the family Son." I look at Manik and saw a genuine smile on his face.. This man is so confusing is he really this happy?

"Neyonika it's your turn now, go welcome our daughter in law.." She look at her husband and they had some staring contest for few seconds and then she huffed but nonetheless took the Aarti thaal from chachi and stood towards me. Mukti Made me wear a red chunni and then Mrs. Kapoor did my Tilak followed by Aarti. She too passed me one big Thaal that consist of clothes and Jewelry and even money. Which I took after taking permission from my Dida. "Come on both of you now touch the feet's of elders and take their blessings." Chachi ordered and we obliged.

We touched everyone's feet and in return they showered us with blessing except of his Mom. She just gave her blessings to her Son and Sadness washed over me. How are we suppose to live with her if she will behave like this with me. "Well I am glad you all said yes to this proposal. I am positive Manik and Nandani are going to be a great couple and she will prove to be a perfect daughter in law.. Right beta?" Senior Kapoor looked at me and I gave him a small smile like I had any other choice.

"I have a request son.." Dida folded her hands in front of Senior Kapoor but Manik took hold of her hands. "Please Dida you are elder than all of us, you shouldn't be folding your hands in front of anyone.." And this small gesture of respect coming from this guy melted my heart. I know he is a monster to me but at least he respects my family. "Manik is right, you just order me and I will do it.." Dida smiled at both Father and Son.

"I am glad Nandani is marrying in your family. I am assure now that she will be happy in your house. Don't take me wrong it's just I am a bit scared for her. She doesn't have her parents to look after her. Manik's 2 year engagement was cancelled due to some misunderstanding and I don't want to happen same with my Nandu. I trust all of you but I don't trust fate. So I just want to marry both of them without delaying it much.. if you are okay with that." What the actual hell on earth. Oh Krishna Ji my own Dida has taken the responsibility to drop atom bombs on me. 

I am not overcome with the initial shock of getting engage with him and now Dida want us to get married. Give me a break please. "That's it? This small request. Come on Aunty you don't have to request that. Oh I am sorry can I call you Aunty?" Dida looked at Manik's Father with almost wet eyes and nodded her head. "Well Thank you so much Aunty Ji.. You don't worry even we don't want to delay the wedding and if you all are okay too. Then let's do the engagement next week and wedding after a month or so. We will talk to our family priest and Whatever he will suggest. Fine by you gyz?"

"What engagement in a week but we aren't that prepared. I mean the venue and everything?" Chachi was now on the verge of panic attack. Well shouldn't I be the one panicking holy heaven my engagement is in a week and my wedding in a month. How did my life changed so much in few weeks. I came here to do something big in my life and what I am doing marrying with my boss.. "Oh don't you all worry engagement can be held at our farm house in Lonavla this Saturday. We will just have few close family and friends of both the families over. Cabir and Mukti will manage everything and Navya can help right Kids?" 

"Right..." Three of them shouted in Unison squealing and squeaking like kids. "Manik and Nandani you okay with that?" He asked both of us and I look at Manik like we actually had any choice. He hold my gaze for few seconds, unreadable expressions on his face and then we both nodded our head. Everyone went to have dinner and I excused myself and walked in my room but before I could enter, a hand wrapped around my wrist pulled me back. And my eyes met with his mesmerizing one. 



His forehead touching mine, his hand encircling my waist. My breaths were uneven at this close proximity. Why do he have such an effect on me. "I hate you.." Nopzz it wasn't his words it was mine. I don't know why I blabbered them but I did and I know he was hurt but his face was blank. We stood there savoring each other for few more minutes. "I know.." He murmured in a quiet whisper and then left me standing there dumbfounded..


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