Is he heartbroken right now?

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I felt like earth was moving beneath my feet. What the hell did they just said? Manik and I getting married? Have they lost it? Oh Krishna ji what the hell is going on? What is wrong with these people? I shot a glare at Manik and he squirmed. Good you should be scared Kapoor cause you have just invited your death. I stole a glance towards my family and their jaws were almost hanging on floor. Nobody had any idea what are these rich people were having in their mind. As per Navya, Manik's parents have never been here than what changed suddenly.

"What are you saying Mr. Kapoor?" Dida overcome a bit quick and shoot a question to senior Kapoor. "Why is there any problem Ma'am?" He cross questioned her instead. Any problem? there is just not any but many problems with this. How can they forget their son is already engaged. Are they delusional. "Yes, there is a problem. Your Son is engaged with someone else." I spoke turning everyone's attention on me. His Mother eyed me up and down with distaste and I fidgeted with my fingers. Well they are talking about me so I have to be the one answering them.

"He was but not anymore." His father replied giving a polite smile and my eyes widened, I look at him again but he didn't dare meet my eyes. "But Bhaisahab all of a sudden this proposal?" This time it was Chachi voicing her thoughts. I could see Mrs. Kapoor's brows twitched a bit. I already dislike this lady. "Well your Niece entry in our Son's life was also sudden wasn't it.." She said with a venom in her voice making me shuddered. If they hate me so much then why the hell are they here asking for my hand in marriage just leave already.

"I know this is sudden but Manik is not new to you people. I know your daughter Navya and my twins are friends since childhood. I know you people have known three of them forever. Yes no doubt, Manik was engaged before but that engagement has been cancelled and I guess everyone present in this room knows the reason quite well." His Father told us calmly. Ohh!!! So Alya broke her alliance with him and he came to my house for replacement. Did he ever loved her? Is he heartbroken right now? I haven't seen him mourning over her last week. Instead he looked more happy. Is it because of his broken engagement? What the hell is he up to now?

"See I know you all are shocked and don't take me wrong but this is the best thing we can do to fix the disaster those pictures have created. Mrs. Sharma you our just like my Mother. You have seen the world better than any of us. You tell me after those pictures, will it be easy for you to find a groom for Nandani? I am not saying there is any issue with your daughter. She is perfect. My kids like her a lot and Manik told me how good of a person she is. It's just you know how our society think. Manik is a boy, anyhow he will still escape this but what about Nandani?" My father explained Dida and I wonder is he insulting Nandani pointing out her non existent marriage or praising her by offering them his son.

Nandani was clenching unclenching her fist. I dare not to look up in those pretty eyes of hers. Where for sure she holds a hateful expression. I am sorry Nandani. I don't know why I am doing this. I guess I just wanted to protect you and that leads me here. I sighed running a hand in my hair. "Nandani.." before Anil Uncle could say further. She stood up and ran upstairs in fury. OH no!! "We are so sorry, she doesn't behave like this usually. This is all so strange for her.." Madhuri Aunty apologize on her behalf that made my Mom roll her eyes. "of course we can see how much manners your niece have.." And I nudged her and plead with my eyes to shut up. No need to create any more drama.

"We can totally understand. She has gone through a lot in past one week and now this sudden marriage thing. I think we should let Manik talk to her. It's their life, so they need to have a word right?" My father looked at me hopefully and my eyes widened. No absolutely not. I am not going after her when she looks like she can murder anyone right away. "Please Dad, you think Mukti and Cabir can look after your business like I do? Not at all... Then why do you want me dead so soon.." I whined and everyone giggled apart from Mom. Dad chuckled lightly. Well it's the truth I tell you. "Manik bhai is right.. It's not a good idea to face her right now.." Rishabh and I high fived and others just shook their head.

"Mr. Kapoor we really appreciate of you to come here  with the proposal. Yes we have known your kids long enough to trust them with Nandani. But we all are from different words. I don't know if Nandani can ever fit in your world.." Anil uncle voiced his thoughts and Mom agreed to him telling us that's what she said. God Mom please not now. Just keep your drama in check for at least one day. "And Nandani has just started her carrier, she will never agree to give it all up.." And I know Navya is right. She is too young to be married anyway. She is just out from college and have dreams to fulfill. How can we expect her to give it up for someone whom she didn't even like.

"First of all we think Nandani would be a great daughter in law and for that I don't need her status in check and secondly who said she is going to give away her dreams. Hell we all know these twins are of no use and Manik take care of everything. Nandani can surely share his work load. She doesn't have to be a trophy wife and sit at home. She can work with her husband and I have heard from Manik she is a very dedicated and ambitious person. I would be happy to welcome her in our family and our company too..." Wow Now I know how he has maintained on Top in Business world. Come on just look at the guy how easily he bargain leaving no room for arguments.

I could see Sharma's considering this proposal. I mean come on I am Manik Malhotra who doesn't want me. "Nandani.." My heart screamed making me twist in pain. yeah right everyone wants me but she doesn't. She can choose Dhruv over me I am so sure of that. "We promise we will take care of her and Big B will be the best husband in the world but please say yes. We Want Nandani as our sister in law. She will be the perfect addition to the family.." She pouted and Dida smiled at her. "We will be more than happy to fix this alliance but we need to talk to her first. It's her life after all. I would request you to please give us some time so we can discuss this over."

"Of course please take your time Ma'am I hope getting a positive response from your end. We don't have to marry them this instant. A engagement for now will be good. Then in few months we can marry them off.." Everyone nodded at that and then after more pleasantries we finally stood up to leave. I glanced upstairs but couldn't get a glimpse of her. I don't know how angry is she going be? Will she ever agree to this? And if she doesn't will it be okay for me? Questions and questions piled up without any answers.


What do you think people? So Manik and Nandani getting married? Will Nandani say yes? Please vote and comment and don't be a silent reader. Happy reading ❤❤❤

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