Manik please just live a little

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I woke up next morning with a severe headache because of all the crying I have done last night.. I know what I have to do, I just have to stay away from Monster Manik and I for sure is not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me all hooked up on him. Yes, I will never ever cry for him anymore. Come on Nandu, you are in a foreign country for the first time in your life so have fun stroll around or do whatever...

 Come on Nandu, you are in a foreign country for the first time in your life so have fun stroll around or do whatever

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I quickly got ready in a business suit cause we had a meeting to attend in Orchard. I haven't heard a single voice of Manik whole Morning, I have no idea if he is awake yet or not. I came outside all dressed only to find him in the hall with breakfast, he passed me a cheery smile like nothing just happened a night before. Krishna Ji, I so hate his guts. "Come on have some breakfast, we are getting late for the meeting.." without uttering a word, I slouched down and ate quietly. Manik tried to start a conversation but I hardly paid attention to him.. I couldn't miss that adorable pout on his face.. Okay Calm the heck down girl.

We reached the building and just like other places in this country, it was also a one fancy place. I followed Manik observing the whole office in awe, the interiors were great.. I made a mental note to ask my Father in law if we can also upgrade our office interior. I would love to take the lead. And since he already asked me to design his office, I am sure he will agree for the rest too.. "Hello Mr. Kapoor thank you for coming here on our invite and who is this pretty lady beside you?" The Man who looked Korean greeted us in a bit weird accent and I just want to roll on floor in laughter.. Yupp that funny!! His eyes were fixed on me and I smiled nervously forwarding my Hand. "I am Nandani Sharma, his Assistant.."

"And my soon to be wife.." Manik pulled me closer and stated proudly while I gasped at his oversweet behavior what's wrong with this Man.. "Wow that's a great news, you both look lovely together.. Well shall we start the meeting then?" We both nodded and the guy took us to a conference room where several other people were seated too... The boring meeting lasted for almost two hours and after that we were served lunch, that was great for my taste buds.. I was quite tired so Manik decided to return back to the hotel to take some rest and in evening he will take me to explore  Marina Bay, where he said goes on a Light show every night.. I didn't bother to answer him, well he can do whatever he please.. We came back to our suit and I immediately locked myself up in my bedroom.. Dear bed here I come..


I woke up and the clock shows it was 6 in the evening.. Well I had a good nap and now I feel fresh enough for my night plans.. I am not going with Manik, I just have to figure out on my own where to visit.. Singapore is termed as a safest country that I assures me I can manage on my own just fine.. I felt my throat a bit dried, so I came in the hall to grab something to drink from the fridge we have there.. But my steps halted in my place when I came face to face with very much topless Manik, standing in just sweat pants hung low on his body looking just like a Greek God. Wait correction, a sexy Greek God... Holy caterpillars...

My already dried throat was more dry on such an arousing site, I mean the Man was certainly blessed in looks and Physique department.. Just look at those six packs or wait are they eight.. "If you are done drooling, then go and get ready we are going out.." And his words snapped me out of my dreamland. Seriously such a cocky jerk he is, so much full of himself.. "Firstly I wasn't drooling, I have seen better and secondly I am not going anywhere with you. I am quite capable of exploring this country on my own.." With that I immediately turned around to walk off into my room..

But I couldn't make it even a step closer cause suddenly my dear Boss and my so called Fiancé decided it's good to gave Nandani a heart attack with a close proximity.. He pulled me to his naked chest, making all the color rushing back to my face and my heart beating as faster as it can be.. " the hell you think.. you are.. doing?" I stuttered and the Jerk smirked at my helplessness.. He caged me in his arms and his hot breath fanning my face.. "Why are you ignoring me since morning? why are you so angry? and why aren't you ready to go out with me?" He mouthed the questions slowly, his face was so close to mine, that I was scared if I leaned even a bit, our lips will touch..

"Why do you care?" I replied almost in a whisper but he heard me.. His forehead came resting on mine making me sigh don't know in comfort or in annoyance.. What are you doing to me Manik.. "Let go of me Manik..." I weakly protested but he didn't budge, "Why does my closeness affect you Nandani?" He said huskily and I shivered under his intense gaze.. He has a strong effect on me and the worst part is that he knows that..

"No..." I meekly replied making him smirk.. he pulled me more close if possible and his nose nuzzled in my ear.. "Still no effect?" I was scared, I will have a heart attack, if he didn't left me sooner... "NO.." I tried to raise my voice a bit but it came all squeaky making him chuckle.. His nose was now nuzzling in my neck and I could feel him stealing few kisses too.. Bloody thief.. A moan escaped my mouth, making him chuckle in satisfaction and me drown in embarrassment.. "Fine, fine I will come with you, now get the hell off me.." I almost pleaded and he happily obliged.. "Get ready I will see you here in half an hour.." Monster.

I came back ready in a casual attire to spend a lazy evening. I have heard, the beaches here our worth a view, I will ask Manik to take me see one of them tomorrow.. No wait, I wouldn't say anything to that inconsiderate brat.. "Oh Please, you very well know how much considerate he is.." Why does my subconscious never agree with me, always on a different page.. I huffed and came outside to see Manik waiting for me impatiently.. He too was dressed in casual jeans and T-shirt looking quite younger than his age.

He locked our suit and took my hand in his locking our fingers together. I tried to pull off, but he didn't let me.. I just rolled my eyes and let him be.. I don't want to waste my energy on him when I can actually use it on something better. We roamed around checking out the hotel which was literally so gorgeous.. He showed me the complete hotel also the garden which I would say left me mesmerizing.. Then we went to Marina Bay stand, I could see the whole city from there..

The flowing water was just so calming to watch, the another good thing here was that I found no littering on the roads also and in the water also.. The water was so clean and purified.. I enjoyed the sunset. Manik and I holding hand just like a normal girl would dream.. But I don't know what to expect from this relationship, I don't know even to have some expectations or keep them nill.. "The show will start around 10, we still have an hour left, want to go back to hotel and grab some dinner.." Yes, we had an early lunch and my stomach was growling. Dinner seems a good idea right now.

"But why we need to go back to hotel, I could see Subway and McDonald just from here.. Can't you?" I frowned and he smiled lightly.. "I am talking about a proper dinner Nandani, not about some junk food.." He explained like I am some 5 year old child.. That's absolutely stupid of him.. Why can't I have a burger as my dinner, with some greasy fries, a big glass of chocolate shake with a chocolate fudge as a dessert.. "But, I am craving for McDonalds.. Manik please, stop being a mother and live a little.." I pouted and gave him my best puppy dog eyes, which I am sure he can't say no to..

The moment a long sigh escaped his mouth I knew I have win over.. So I dragged him towards the darling store.. "Come on Manik, I am really very hungry.." I could see a small but a genuine smile sprawled on his face melting me too for that split second.. I found a secluded corner and slumped myself on it, While dictating my order to Manik, who was frowning every time on my unhealthy choices, but I batted my eyelashes for an after effect and he finally got me what I asked... Even he had a order similar to mine.. I eyes him weirdly. "What you just said live a little, so I am doing exactly that.." I giggled along with him and free from all the worries, I had a great dinner with my fiancé in a strange country.


Manik on a mission to win over Nandani.. What do you think will he be successful?Please don't forget to vote and comment.. Happy reading❤️❤️

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