Your night in shining Armor

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"So how was your date with husband to be hmm?" Janvi wriggled her eyebrows and I shot an unimpressed look. I was almost done for the day and was waiting for Navya and Mukti to pick me up to fetch a dress for the engagement. Oh Krishna ji give me strength to deal with my devil of a mother in law please.. "shutup it wasn't a date, we just went for the meeting and then shopping.." I scowled but she Still wriggled her eyebrows at me. "Sure, sure you were out for almost whole day, you even had your lunch with him and that's not called as date, I wonder why?" She said mocking me and I huffed a breath... ugh!! Save me.

My phone blinked with a notification that state the girls were here. I grabbed my bag and followed Janvi out of the room. She looked more excited then me for my engagement. "Hey there sister in law.." Mukti took me in a hug and I smiled lightly at her and waved at Navya, who was looking here and there in Aww. "Wow this place is really cool.." she grinned and I shrugged. "Yep that it is... by the way I am Janvi NAndani's colleague and a friend.." she forwarded her hand and Navya shook it enthusiastically. "I have heard about you and I am Navya her cousin.. come on Nandu, show me your cabin.."

Mukti also clapped her hand excited at that and I Move forward to take them in.. They appreciated the interior and every thing squeaking and squealing that I guess was heard by Manik too cause next second I knew he was standing there leaning on the door.. "Hello ladies.." he gave both of them his charming smile making me roll my eyes. "Hey big B.." Mukti and Navya both moved to give him a side hug with a wider smile. I don't know why is he everyone's favorite like there is not a single soul that I know who hate Manik. "So you all heading for the boutique?" And they both nodded. He tilted his head side to side, "okay all of you have fun.." with that he took his leave.

Three of us drive through, my nerves kicking in every second. How is she going to react, what if she insults us and our family or the worst if she didn't even let us in.. oh no why the hell we are going to her boutique, there would be plenty of other shops with clothes in the city. Oh why not As if Mukti will ditch her own mother for any other brand. Seriously Nandu how delusional. "Are you gonna sit inside and have conversation with your own self, or you plan to move your butt out.." Navya said shooting me a glare and I gulped. So we have finally reached. Come on Nandani Brace yourself up and like a true warrior don't give in.

We came inside while Mukti leading us through without taking any one's permission to go in and nobody dared to stop her too... well she is the daughter of the owner why will anybody stop her. Navya and I were totally in awe at the place. I mean it was one of the best boutique's I have ever laid my eyes on. The interiors, the warm feeling and the clothes here and there. Everything here was fantastic. Navya was looking more than happy to be here. "I wish I could also get to buy my dress from here.." Navya whispered in my ear and I smiled at her. "Then who is stopping you?" She gave me a duhh look, "ughh... my non existing money... the dresses here are expensive as hell.." and my eyes widen.. oh no!! I don't have that much of a money, I have already Spend a fortune on Manik's ring and I can't burden chachu anymore.. "Then why the Hell are we here, I can't afford it either.." I told her in a urgent whisper and she just rolled her eyes at me.. what?

"Shutup you idiot, your dress will be from groom's side, you don't have to pay for it. Perks of being a bride.. Lucky bitch you are.." she gave an exaggerating sigh.. while I grinned widely.
"Well then wait for your turn, I am sure Cabir will also choose her Mom's boutique.." I said thinking while she blushed murmuring a shutup to me... "Hey Jasmine so this is my sister in law and sorry for running to you at the last minute but you need to find her a perfect evening gown.." Mukti was talking to some girl who eyed me up and down curiously and then finally gave me a broad smile. I guess giving me her approval.. "please Mukti, your mother is our boss, we are bound to do anything for her kids.. so chillax and wait here. I will get some of my best designs that she can try on.."

After shooting one more smile our way, she finally left but soon came with 3 dresses not just dresses but the prettiest one to look at. Yepp there were three gowns, black, champion color and red color.. "These here are my latest designs and haven't been out in the market and I guess Manik Kapoor's fiancé deserve the first sample.." she grinned while we all gave her a thankful smile.. she pushed me in a changing room and shove the dresses one by one and asked me to try on and I did as told. I was surely in love with the cloth I had on. I mean the material, the color and the design everything was turning out to be great on me.. I have already showed them the two dresses and they have shown me a thumbs up. When I came out wearing the third one, Two more people entered the room making me uncomfortable immediately. Manik's mom and Manik's ex.. holy shit!!!

"Shit how can I forget, Alya still works in the boutique... please don't react Nandani, just Avoid her, I am so sorry for putting you in this but please don't let her get you okay.." Mukti consoled me with Navya standing both on my either side. Alya and Mrs. Kappor both were eying me like I am a piece of dirt.. "Jasmine honey, Shaurya Is looking for you everywhere.." Jasmine went out immediately leaving five of us alone. "No matter how much you wrap her in nice clothes, trash will still remain trash.." Alya sneered and my blood boils but I keep my rage in check.. Navya's face twisted in anger but I hold her hand stopping her from doing anything stupid..

"No one's interested in knowing about you Alya.." Mukti said in a bored tone and Navya snorted at that making Alya sneered more. "I knew this girl was a bad company for you and Cabir and see I was right.. how smartly she made her way in our family with the help of her useless cousin.." I so want to smash the head of this bitch but I controlled.. my Hand clenched tightly into a fist. "Your family? God Alya how stupid can you sound, you are no more part of our family.." Mukti shot back and I could see a hurt look passed on Alya's face.. And I feel guilty for a second. Come on Nandu, she is the one who broke her marriage not the other way around...

"This is how I have raised you Mukti, to talk like that.. She will always be a part of your family. Don't you forget that.." And Mrs. Kapoor spoke first time since she have been in this room that too in the support of her ex daughter in law... wow she is never going to accept me and the mere thought of it sliced my heart in pieces. "Firstly you were not actually there to taught me manners. So you don't have a right to complain on my bitchy self and secondly you should be supporting your current daughter in law not the ex.." Mukti said with hate laced in her voice and I took her hand in mind to ask her to calm down.. I don't want to see my soon to be family fighting in front of me..

"She is never going to be my daughter in law.. my standards have not get down so low to accept this trash in my family.." I would be lying if I say that didn't made me almost cry.. I just want to run away from here. Why Krishna Ji why am I being punished like this? "Mother.." And my teary eyes met with his angry one.. he was raging in fury. I couldn't miss the longing glance Alya Shot on his way and an unsettling feeling cage up inside me.. "I haven't given anyone any right to talk to my fiancé like that.. So keep that in mind next time.." Alya and Mrs. Kapoor almost have their jaws on floor for a while Navya and Mukti have a victorious smile on. "You are not buying anything from here.. if she can't accept you, you don't have to take her pity..go change I will be waiting for three of you outside.." I nodded my head and went inside the changing room..

I couldn't help but feel grateful of Manik coming here and interrupting whatever that was going inside and thankfully I didn't have to take a favor from Mrs. Kapoor that I wouldn't have repaid. All thanx to Manik, "yeah your night in shining armor.." my subconscious screamed but I just rolled my eyes. When I came outside after changing there was just Navya and Mukti.. three of us exit the store to see Manik waiting there leaning on his car. "Mukti I will let driver pickup your car, Come I will take you gyz home.." both of the girls immediately darted towards the backseat leaving me shotgun ,traitors. I shot them my best murderous glare but they just shrugged innocently. Manik started the car and we drive in silent. "Well it's a shame that Nandani wouldn't get to wear those dresses.. I mean that was some best designs.." Navya whined And we all burst out laughing..

A day early update 😉😉
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