Haldi ceremony

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My hands and legs both were painted and I couldn't move even a inch from my place, Thankfully Manik had fed me, but I still am getting bored sitting in this very place for hours now.. The ceremony was almost wrapped up and soon my swoon worthy Fiancé too came towards me with a dazzling smile, "Tired love?" He asked with a concern in his eyes and I pouted nodding my head, without letting me say further anything, he just picked me up bridal style and moved upstairs to my room.. "Chachi said you can wash it off now, and I want to be the first one to see these colored hands and legs.."

He placed me in the bathroom and with his help, we finally wash it off revealing a darker shade of maroon, My mehendi was literally shining with his name all over it, that I am relieved he hasn't make out yet, cause that's the ritual that we have to do on our wedding night, whoever wins will receive a gift from another person and I hope I am the one on receiving end.. "Wow!! This looks incredible.." He watched my hands with a twinkle in his eyes and then put them closer to his nose and sniff it making me giggle at his actions..

We came out of the washroom and I started taking off my jewelries while Manik settled on my bed. "You are not allowed to be with me alone at just a night before our marriage, if someone sees you, you are a dead meat.." I said looking at him from the mirror and he just smirked at me. Always the over confident one, Uff!! Krishna Ji... "Don't worry, I have bribed Chachi and all the girls to be in my team, so no one is gonna come and find us and I can spend some time with you.." I went inside the washroom to change rolling my eyes at him..

When I came out Manik was still there with his eyes closed, Did the boy sleep here or what? "Manik.." I called slowly and he opened his eyes, smiling warmly at me.. "Come here.." He patted the place next to him and once I checked that the door is lock, I went to join him in the bed.. I guess he is as nervous as me for tomorrow and we both need some chat with each other before taking the big step.. I lie down my head on his chest and he pulled me closer without a second thought.. His embraces are so warm that they clear my head that instant..

"Are you happy?" He asked the one question, I am dying to ask him too.. I pulled back a little to stare into his eyes and without thinking much pecked him on his lips giving away my answer, "Are you happy?" And this time he pulled me in for a proper kiss that I admit, I have missed a lot from past few days.. Manik's Kisses were addictive and I couldn't get enough of it every time.. We pulled back due to lack of breath and he settled his head in the crook of my neck pulling me closer.. "I promise to be there with you forever, I promise to cherish this bond, this marriage and both our families... I promise to be devoted to you and only you all my life.." And my eyes closed up with a lingering smile on my face..

I believed him and I believed his promises.. Tomorrow is going to be fine, I am going to be Mrs. Nandani Manik Kapoor and this will be the best decision ever made.. My eyes drooped low and sleep slowly engulf me, "Good night love.." The last thing I heard followed by a peck on my head and with that I dozed off...


"Oh!! Krishna Ji! you girls are still not ready, Nandani the Haldi function will start up in half an hour, Manik is already downstairs all ready, once his ceremony will be over same paste will be applied to you and you all are here doing absolutely nothing.." Chachi scowled at all of us and we just shamelessly stood their giggling, So not okay for us.. Once her stare turned into a threatening glare we finally made our way for getting ready..

"Woah Bhabi, absolutely stunning right girls?" Mukti asked other's opinion and they all bobbed their head, since there was not much time left so we did get ready in a jiffy and now were good to go

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"Woah Bhabi, absolutely stunning right girls?" Mukti asked other's opinion and they all bobbed their head, since there was not much time left so we did get ready in a jiffy and now were good to go.. Manik's haldi was already done and it was time for my ceremony, I cursed myself to miss his face when Cabir and Abhimanyu threw a full bucket of yellow water on his head.. He must be so angry, when girl's told all the fun that happened at the backyard I pouted but since Dida has strict instructions that I couldn't see him before the ceremony.. So I stayed back getting ready by myself.

I came downstairs and luckily got a glimpse of Manik Kapoor, who was totally drenched in water and Haldi paste looking funny as ever

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I came downstairs and luckily got a glimpse of Manik Kapoor, who was totally drenched in water and Haldi paste looking funny as ever.. Before his eyes could land on me, Dida immediately covered me up and soon I too got settled outside for the ceremony to begin.. Haldi ceremony was setup in backyard as it was so early in the morning, weather was quite pleasant.. Also the fact that youngsters tends to play Haldi Holi, it seemed the best decision to Dida..

My mother in law started the ceremony by the paste that was used on Manik's first.. Everyone said that I am actually glowing and apparently that's a great news for the bride to be.. All the married ladies did the ritual and once it was done then only all the boys along with Manik were permitted to see me.. Manik winked in my direction and I just blushed, I hope none of the elders have witnessed this but the teasing glint in the eyes of Chachi and Mrs. Kapoor made me think otherwise.. Boys immediately stared playing nasty Holi with all the girls and they didn't even spared me making me pout..

"You are looking funny.." He said laughing at my face and I pinched his arm making him scream, "While you yourself look not less than a Joker, you know.." I said smirking and it was his turn to scowl at me.. The ceremony ended on a happy note and soon Manik was sent inside his room, strict orders not to see his bride at any cost before the wedding now.. Which he thankfully obeyed..

While Chachi asked me to take a bath and change my clothes, since Chura ceremony was still left, that's done by maternal uncle.. And my Mama ji was here all excited to do the ritual.. I changed into simple punjabi suit and we offer prayers first to the god.. Once that was done, my Choodha was dipped in the holy water and milk and then Mama and Mami ji made me wear it.. The Choodha that they brought was awesome and I totally loved it.. The one thing that I have always loved about getting married was to wear these bangles as a newly bride for 6 months..

I took the blessings of all elders and they heartily shower me with some good ones.. "Okay since everything is done now, Nandani you go and get some rest Beta, Since the wedding is quite long and you are travelling back to Mumbai very early in the morning.." Dida placed a kiss on my forehead and I was sent back to my room to catch some sleep, cause the next function that's suppose to be the big one is going to be very very tiring..


Manan's wedding coming up right away.. And this book is not ending here itself.. so please stick to it for a bit more time.... Don't forget to vote and comments.. happy reading ❤❤❤

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