Yes, Ms. Sharma you are Excused

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(Nandani's beach dress in the box)

"Oh God, I am tired.. I am going for a walk you gyz play till then.." I informed all of them and left to enjoy the weather and to have a peaceful moment. Yes, We all were at beach today including Dhruv. I texted him in the morning and he was too excited to join. Well that turned out great cause Navya, Cabir and Mukti were quite happy to find him there. And so was Rishabh and I.

He is a great guy, but everyone finds it strange that Alya and him are not in touch anymore. cause as per Cabir they were inseparable in school. But now he don't even like the mention of Alya in any subject. All and all it was a fun outing. everyone is playing volleyball now and I am tired enough.

Yesterday after that little stunt Manik pulled on me, he disappeared from the office. And I thank Krishna ji for that cause even I wasn't in the mood of taking his bullshits anymore. I mean what's wrong with that guy. He is behaving normal at his home that even his siblings have no idea what torture I am going through. I didn't said a word to them, cause already I am here because of Cabir and I don't want any more references Just to work with the monster.

If I wouldn't be so in need of a Job, I would have resigned then and there. But I can't, I need to work for Rishabh. He is so happy in his new life, even being so shy he has actually made some good friends in his college. Now he can go out with them, party and live like a normal teenager without being worried about the money. Cause his sister is there to earn for him. We don't have to be a burden on Chachu and Chachi.

"Where are you lost Nandani, I am calling you from so long.." Dhruv shook me and I startled. God I was so engrossed in my own thoughts that I didn't noticed him. "I am sorry, I was just thinking about something. The game is over?" I asked him and he nodded his head in a yes.

"It's getting quite late so we wrapped up and now time to leave, Thank you so much for inviting me, I had a great time.." I smiled at him when I saw everyone coming towards us. They all look so tired, have to be because of all the fun they have done today. "I am so darn tired my whole body is aching so much, that only food no actually good food can take my pain away.." Cabir whined and we all burst out laughing. Typical Cabir.

"Then let's head home, I will call Mom she will make us good dinner.." Navya smiled at his cute boyfriend and he beamed. "Oh Navya, that's why I Love you so much, how much you understand me.." She rolled her eyes and we all started packing our things when Dhruv stood up.

Dhruv - Okay gyz I should take your leave, But don't forget to invite me on more outings, it was really fun.

Navya - Well we definitely will but where are you going, the party hasn't finished idinner is still left. Right gyz?

Mukti - Yes, Dhruv you should come for dinner, Aunty is really sweet she will love you.

Dhruv - No, no it's fine I will be leaving now.

Cabir - Oh shutup you are coming with us and that's final right Nandu?

Nandani - Exactly. Now come on I will help Chachi in the Kitchen. Let's get going..

Reluctantly he agreed and we all left from the beach. Cabir, Navya, Mukti and I in one car while Dhruv and Rishabh followed in another. We reached home and as expected Chachi was so happy to see Dhruv and more happy to make him eat her all time famous food.

Madhuri - when everyone is here, why don't you call my Sona Munda, I haven't seen him for days, doesn't he miss me at all or my food?

Cabir - Oh I bet he does. He is just so busy these days but don't worry I will call him.

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