I thought I was a Monster

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It was quite a tiring day.. Today after finishing our final meeting and grabbing the project made both Manik and I feel over the top. Even my Father in law was so happy when he got the news and he just not only congratulate his Son but he also called me separately and praised me for quite an hour.. I felt loved, I felt respected and I felt happy. After that Manik took us to Botanic Gardens which was beautiful and then after having lunch we went to Gardens by the Bay which was quite near our hotel. That Garden was fantastic, and the light show here too was quite awesome.. We had a great time there but due to the kiss last night there was an unsaid tension hanging around us..

The kiss last night was magical and my heart yearned for more.. It got weird between us when we came back home, so we both locked ourselves in our room and slept it off. Then today we behaved quite civil with each other but the tension was still there.. I kicked off my heels and after changing in my pajamas, I came out from the room to grab some chilled water same time Manik went for it and we bumped. "Oh!! I am so sorry.." I apologized and he just shrugged. "You go ahead.." And I took a few chugs of water calming myself down.. Singapore was one of the hottest country, I have heard of.

"So ready to have fun in Universal studio tomorrow?" He asked and I grinned making him chuckle.. "I have heard it's like Disney land is it true?" Manik shook his head in a no. "Why though?" My face dropped on hearing that.. I thought maybe I will get a look of Disneyland here itself. "I Just always wanted to visit there, so I thought I will see something similar to it.." I sighed and Manik smiled pulling me to him.

"I promise I will take you to the original Disney land.." The moment those words left his mouth, I jumped on him taking him in a hug.. "Thank you, thank you so much Manik.." He chuckled twirling me around.. I really am lucky to have this man in my life.. "You are a sweetheart you know that?"

"Am I? I thought I was a monster" He said feigning confusion and I gasped, Woahh Nandani!! How mean you always have been to him.. "Don't tease me Manik.." I pouted and he hold my chin, "Don't do that.." His eyes were stuck on my lips and I wanted him to make a move.. Can't believe Shy Nandani has such dirty thoughts.. I should be the one pushing him away but here I am pleading in my mind for his lips to land on mine.

I didn't drop that Pout making his eyes darkened with lust, my head moved closer on his own and I heard him murmured, "Fuck it.." Just before he put his lips on mine.. This kiss was more rough and passionate then last night.. It feels like we both were trying to pour all our emotions in that kiss.. Soon we were out of breath and he broke the kiss only to attack my jaw and neck. He was placing small wet kisses in each and every corner making me feel all giddy inside.. "Manik.." A moan escaped my lips making his hand wander all over my body...

His lips were almost on my cleavage and the pleasure was unbelievable but we couldn't go that far.. We are still not married.. It was wrong, My family has trusted me with him before sending me here and I shouldn't be breaking their trust.. "Manik.." I called him softly to stop him going further and he immediately did as if he understood my unsaid words.. His lips came back on my lips and after pecking me there few more times, he finally rested his forehead on mine.. "Don't worry, I won't do anything that we shouldn't be doing.." And those few words of assurance were enough for me, I hugged him again..

"Sleep with me tonight.." He looked so adorable making that request.. "I promise, we would just be sleeping.." I chuckled lightly and pecked his lips, A bold move Nandani.. I raised my arms up in air and he immediately picked me up, my legs locking around his waist and my arms around his neck.. I loved this position, it was like I was a monkey clinging to him.. He took me to his room and settled me on his bed..

Soon he was beside me and pulled me closer, I feel so safe in his arms like this is the only best place for me to be.. "Good night Manik.." I snuggled more into him and closed my eyes, followed by him.. "Good night love.." With that we both drift off to sleep with a very peaceful smile on both our faces.


I woke up next morning to a beautiful face of my dear fiancé ho look like a baby while sleeping. His mouth was opened a little that I closed giggling to myself.. Our legs were tangled with each other, my head was on his chest while his one hand was securely draped around my waist.. I blushed at our positions.. I can't believe we have reach so far.. Only two weeks are left for our wedding and I couldn't be any more happy.. This time I am actually waiting for that day when I will be turning Mrs. Nandani Manik Kapoor.. His name perfectly fits with mine..

I turn around to look at him again and this time met with his beautiful eyes staring me with care, "Morning Mr. Kapoor..." I pecked his cheek and he smiled ear to ear, he looked so hot even in his bed hair while I am sure I must look like a mess.. "Morning to you too soon to be Mrs. Kapoor.." He teased making me giggle, His voice came out so sexy. He moved forward to kiss me but I pushed him back making him frown.. "I had a bad breath, I am not letting you kiss me like that.."

"It doesn't matter.." He whined and I again pecked his cheek to make him stop, "Let go of me, we have to leave in an hour, let me take a shower and you too get ready.." I stood up from the bed while Manik pulled covers over his face making me groan, such a kid he is.. "Manik come on be a good boy, get ready and order breakfast my tummy hurts.." Throwing my last order on his way, I came back to my room, getting ready for our last day in this country and I have decided to make it as memorable as I could..

" Throwing my last order on his way, I came back to my room, getting ready for our last day in this country and I have decided to make it as memorable as I could

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"Nandani come on food is getting cold, how much more time you need.." I heard Manik calling me third time in past 5 minutes, so impatient this Man is.. Uff Krishna ji!! After checking myself once more and getting completely satisfied on the attire which I haven't wear normally.. I hope I am able to pull it off.. I came outside to see my dear fiancé waiting for me impatiently but the moment his eyes fell on me he stopped.. I eagerly waited for him to speak something but he stood there frozen making me frown.. Am I not looking good? "Wow.. You look great..." He said almost in a daze making me blush..

We quickly finished our breakfast that was real tasty and finally we were ready to move out.. "I will call at the reception so they can ready the car.." Manik picked the phone but I stopped him, "You don't wanna leave  now?" He asked confused and I shook my head in a no. "We are leaving but not with the car.. We are going to use the public transport.."

"Are you sure Nandani?" He looked a bit unsure but I gave him my best assuring smile.. we immediately came outside and following the google maps we reached the nearest Bus Stop..  Thanks to the technology that will never get you lost no matter wherever you are..  We travelled in the bus that took us to the nearest metro station and from there we would be travelling via Metro, that is called MRT in Singapore..

Manik and I had real fun in the public transport, these things weren't much different from India but they were more organized.. Finally we reached our destination and a full day of fun and excitement stood awaited for both of us.. This trip has really turned out to be the best for both professional and personal reason and I couldn't be any more thankful to Krishna Ji...


Finally  their last day in Singapore.. Manik and Nandani coming more closer each and every day.. Hope they stay together like this without evil eyes.. Please don't forget to vote and comment.. Happy reading ❤❤❤

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