Hell was beginning to loose on me

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I can't believe Manik has the nerve to come here after whatever has happened solely because of him. it's his aggression and his stubbornness that we are in this situation. After going through all of this he expects me to work in his company. He think I would come to office and behave like nothing happened at all. Oh Krishna Ji, how can he just think that, I can't even imagine to face the people out there. What are they going to think about me.

I know how much of a judgmental place Kapoor Industry is. I can even hear the names and taunts they all are going to call me. Everything was going so smoothly why you have to screw it Manik, why you have to screw everything over. I hate you, I really do. "Nandu, pack your bags we are going back to Bangalore. Rishu can stay here to fulfill his dream but there is nothing left for you to be in this city anymore.." And here I thought this day couldn't go any more worst but Krishna Ji, you proved me wrong again. Dida left for her room after dropping the bombshell on me and I stood there frozen. 

 "God Nandu, why did you have to resign from your Job. Dida wouldn't be doing anything if you were still working for Kapoor's. You can't go Nandu, you can't leave your dreams, your passion just like that.." Navya whined, seriously she still think I will work with Manik, after what all have happened. "Yeah Nandu, I know things have gone South for both of you right now, but you know he hasn't done anything intentionally. He is a nice boy and moreover he was here to explain everything and he asked for forgiveness. You shouldn't have taken such a rash decision." And this time It was Chachi taking his side. Give me a break people.

I throwed a last glance towards them and then left for my room. My decision was final nor I was going to work with Kapoor's again neither I was moving Bangalore. Yes, Dida can't force me, I have done nothing wrong so I am not going to run away from this city and that's final. I took out my laptop and after taking some deep breaths, I started typing my resignation letter. Once I was done after rechecking it several times I finally click on the send button. And then fall on my bed exhausted.

Several minutes have passed and then I heard a blink. I got up immediately and yes there was a Mail from Manik Kapoor. I hesitantly clicked on it and after reading it I wished I shouldn't have.

Dear Ms. Nandani Sharma,

Thank you for reaching out to us. I received your resignation letter but Sadly I have to inform you that this Can't be sanctioned. We cannot release you from our company since you have sign a one year contract. And you are still in probation period, you are not allowed to leave  until you are fired. I would request you to please go through your employment contract and for further clarification contact our HR team. 

Hope to see you at work tomorrow, you have lots to do.

Have a great day

Manik Kapoor.

I couldn't believe my ears, what the hell is this. How can he reject my resignation.. Noo, Noo this can't be happening. I clicked over my previous mail and looked for my employment contract. After searching for a bit, I finally found it. Oh Krishna Ji, please not let this be true please please. I am literally shaking at this moment. But of course god is not on my side today he is playing in a opposite team I guess. I read the contract thrice but the information inside it didn't change. I cannot leave the company on my own before an year and if I did, I have to pay the remaining months salary in advance and that was a hell load of money.

I felt like the Hell was beginning to loose on me. 


I was grinning ear to ear well for starters, My forced engagement with Alia has been ended today and Secondly I have found a way to stop Nandani from leaving. When I received her resignation, I fell so broken, so weak but now she can't leave atleast not until she complete her one year in this company. Thank God for the contracts. I know Nandani can't pay that much amount to the company so it only leaves her with the option to stay.

Sorry God, I know she might hate me now but I can't let her leave not yet. This is her dream job, she have to work here. And honestly I don't think I could ever get as good Assistant as Nandani. I need her, the company need her. So please forgive me for doing this to her please god please.

Without Nandani, I felt like doing nothing. The office was so boring. Dad was still in there. He said we still need to talk. I wonder about what?? I am still surprise of his acts earlier. I think Mom hasn't received this news yet otherwise she would have been here demanding answers. I don't know how we are going to deal with her. She is so dramatic and the fact that Alia is her favorite person on this planet doesn't help either. 

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't see my Dad entering inside my cabin not until he took a seat just in front of me catching me by surprise. "Dad.." I looked at him questioningly. "We need to talk.." I looked at him and he seemed to be lost in some deep thoughts, I waited for him to continue. "I know Your Mother forced you into this marriage with Alia, I used to think you gyz like each other until today. But well that story is over and I hope you are okay with that.." I nodded slightly urging him to continue and he did.

"So is there any other girl in your life, do you like someone Manik?" My head snapped so fast in his direction that I am surprise I didn't get a strain. What was it a Father Son, bonding time? My father looked hopeful for an answer and I shrugged my head. A voice inside me shouted Nandani Sharma but I subtly ignored. "So there is no one right?" He again confirmed. Okay what's up with him. "Yes Dad.."

"Great, so tell me about this assistant of yours, how is she like? How's your equation with her?" And this time I really thought Dad has knocked his head somewhere, I give a wary look but he urge me to speak and so I did.. "Nandani, her name is Nandani. She is weird not like the girl that belongs to our generation. She doesn't dress to expose her self but still she is stylish enough. Her knowledge in Business is marvelous. She work with such a passion. She treats my siblings just like her own. They love her, her family loves her. She is sweet, she is simple, she is caring. She know how to strengthen a relationship. She is just so much more to any other girl I have ever met.." 

I was in a daze talking about her, "Great so you are ready to marry her.." yes, wait What. My jaw was practically on floor and eyes wide open. What the hell is wrong with this Man. Where the hell is my Dad, "Who the hell are you, what did you do to my Father, where is he?" I said with a deadpanned expression but the Man infront of me chuckle. Yepp That actually happened. "And here I thought only your Mother and Cabir are dramatic. Well I have to leave now and  remember don't talk about this to anyone not even Nandani, I have to deal with your Mother first and then we will take it forward..."

He stood up leaving me flabbergasted, "You do realize Nandani is not some rich Businessman daughter to use for your own benefit or even Mom's." He looked at me with again that thoughtful look and then winked at me, "And  that's make everything much better.." With that he left. I seriously need to find my Father before this duplicate copy do something beyond repair. 

*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Okay I am so sorry for disappearing for so long but here I am. I hope you like the update. Please don't forget to vote and comment. Your votes are all I need.. Please please don't be a silent reader and vote for the chapter. Happy reading :)

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