You hurt me again, you broke your promise.

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My mind was still wandering around Dhruv, what he said about his and Alya's friendship. He sounded hurt when I referred her as Mr. Kapoor's fiancé. She use to be her best friend since school then what changed. Why aren't they in talking terms now. Why does I feel something fishy here. My mind was full of these thoughts when I heard Janvi's voice, "Where were you Nandani, Boss is here he was asking for his Tea.." That was enough to bring me back to the normal world. Oh Krishna Ji, he is waiting for his Tea and here I am passing my time in useless thoughts. 

I hurriedly went inside the pantry and started making a cup of his earl grey tea. I don't know why I felt a little excitement to see him after 2 days. Concentrate Nandu just Concentrate on your work for the love of Krishna Ji. Please be sane and don't forget he is already taken. He belongs to someone else so kindly snap out of it. I entered his cabin to see him a little bit angry and before I could ask him what's wrong he snapped at me. "Where the hell were you Ms. Sharma didn't you know the first thing I need in this office is my tea and still you were not here on time.."

I was taken aback from his harsh tone, but I guess something went wrong on his trip maybe that's why he is that upset. "I am sorry Mr. Kapoor it won't happen again." He took the cup from my hand and settle down on his Chair, "Don't repeat it again now leave.." His tone was a little too harsh then usual but I tried to ignore it, I placed his today's schedule in front of him and with that went to my own cabin.

After that little spat of us I couldn't concentrate on anything else. Manik has never spoken to me in that way apart from that one time. Where he confessed he was stressed due to some family issues. I wonder what is bothering him now, is something wrong? He didn't seem alright. Should I ask him? Oh no no Nandani, you are not his friend why will he share anything with you. Just let it be. He will be fine in some time I am sure. I was engrossed in my work when I heard him scream my name in so much fury that it made my heart scream in pain.

"Ms. Sharma.." I immediately stood up from my seat and ran inside his cabin, "What's wrong Mr. Kapoor?" I asked in a quiet voice, I don't know why he seemed too scary too me right now. "Just tell me one thing very clearly Ms. Sharma are you not interested in working here any more, tell me I will let you go.." I looked at him appalled, why would he say that. "No. Mr. Kapoor I love working here, where did you get that idea from?" I said quietly not looking at him. 

"Then why the hell you can't do anything as told, is this Job a joke to you.." He threw a file on my face making me stumble. Tears welled up in my eyes, never in my life I have felt this insulted by anyone. And never even in my bad dreams I thought that Manik would be treating me like this.. "Open it and see what blunder you have done, if I have to do everything on my own why the hell than I am paying you for?" I picked up the file with trembling hands and he turned away from me.

I opened it too see but couldn't find anything, I don't know why he is this angry, he looked so scary, why Krishna Ji why it has to be me who makes mistakes, why it has to be me who bear consequences why Krishna Ji why. "I am sorry Mr. Kapoor but I can't see what went wrong.." I said almost in a crying tone making him turn abruptly he snatched the file from my hand and I whimpered at his behavior. He turned the pages and forward it towards me.

"Are you sure there are all the clauses that I asked you to put in, you sure you haven't forgotten two very important one. Tell me straight how many times do I have to tell everything, or should I start preparing the files myself just let me know.." He shouted at top of his voice making me jump at my place, I couldn't take it any more so I run inside my cabin crying like a mess. You hurt me again, you broke your promise.


I took my head in my hands and fell on the chair defeated. I did it again, I shouted on her, I made her cry again. I broke my promise. Her dove eyes full of tears, her face full of remorse. I couldn't get her out of my head. Why Manik, why did you have to break the poor soul. I know what I am doing with her is so wrong. But do I have a choice?

My liking for Nandani is just too wrong and dangerous for her. I am engaged for heaven's sake. I have to keep her away from me, I have to make her hate me. Why God why didn't you send her in my life before? Why now, when I am already in an unwanted relationship. I know I don't like Alya but I can't deny the fact that this engagement was done with my consent.

I can't do this to Alya, she is not at fault. I can't destroy her life, she is a girl no matter who is at fault but society will always blame her for this broken relationship and I can't do that to her. I can never do that to any girl. Why did you came in my life Nandani, why did you. Everything was fine before you but now here I am feeling things which I have never felt before. Everything about you make me go crazy. What have you done to me.

I could hear her loud sobs even from here, she was crying and I am the reason. I can not sit here doing nothing, no I have to get out of here, I have to leave. I stood up but my heart wanted to just have one glimpse of her, so I picked up that file and stood beside her Cabin's door. After taking some deep breaths I finally got the courage to knock. I could hear her sobs come to an halt suddenly. And after few minutes of waiting I opened the door to see her sitting there with a teary eyes. 

Her wet eyelashes looked up when I entered inside, I could see the marks of the tears on her soft cheeks which she have just rubbed off mercilessly. Her eyes hold complains, innocent questions on them that I couldn't hold her gaze for long. "I am leaving for the day but when I come back tomorrow, I want to see this fixed.." I said sternly and put the file in front of her and without listening to her any more I immediately left from there. 

I felt like destroying everything right now, her tear stained face was a slap on my cheek. It was hurting both of us, but this is just the beginning, I would make you hate me so much Nandani, that eventually you will quit your job and will leave me in my own hell which I actually deserve.


So what do you think start of a new story or their end. Will Manik be successful in his agenda or will he fell deeper for that innocent girl that he is totally devoted to. Stay tuned to find out and please don't forget to vote and comment. Happy reading :)

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