Soon Nandani Manik Kapoor Soon

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"Daddy.." The horror that I feel right now was unexplainable in words. I didn't want to face him, I didn't want to turn around. But Aryaman forced me to. Well Manik Kapoor, they had to know it someday so why not today.

"You are our daddy.." He repeated again with a confusion in his eyes, who were the exact replica of mine. "Manas I.." He cut me off by running inside his sister's room, OH shit.. "He is our Daddy Avni, look he is our Daddy.. He is our Daddy.." I ran after him while he kept on repeating those words to his sister who was so confused at that moment and kept on looking in between her brother and I.

"They need to know Manik, they are kids but way mature than the other kids their age. They will understand.. I will be here if you need me okay.." With that said he left the room.. I looked at my kids who have that expectant look on their face. Okay Manik brace yourself up. "Okay I will tell both of you what you want to know. But promise me you both will understand me and wont tell anything to your Mother.. promise.." They both looked at each other for few seconds and then nodded there head..

I sat down in front of Anvi messaging her head lightly. "Yes I am your Daddy.." I gave a sad smile to both of them which they didn't return.. "Then why don't you live with us? My friends Daddy live with her, but you don't and we call you Manik but not Daddy why?" My little daughter was looking so cute all confused and thoughtful at that moment.

"It's a long story cupcake.." I sighed putting a hand in my hair.. I don't know how to explain them, aren't they too young too understand all this.. "Go on, we love to hear stories.." Manas said lowering his eyes at me, making me gulp.. wow now he is gonna threaten his own Father..

"Your Mom and I were husband and wife just like your friends parents.. But then one day your mom had an accident and we lost her.. I tried searching for her everywhere, but I couldn't find her. I had no idea, where she was.. After years I met her again through you both and find out we had kids." I tried to keep the story as short and as simple as possible for my 6 year old babies to understand.  I don't know whatever I am telling them, they are able to process that or not. But yeah keep trying Manik.

"But Why Mommy doesnt live with you now and she doesnt tell us that you are our Daddy, now she can tell right. Now you found her.." Wow very smart question Anvi.. I gave another sad smile to my babies, yeah she found me but our luck, that she don't remember me..

"Well in that accident your Mommy got injured and now she don't remember anything about her past life. You know like whatever happened with her before that accident, who she was? who am I? she remember nothing. She don't remember me at all.. And if I tried to explain her health will affect badly.. So I can't tell her..."

And there mouth turned in O. "You love us?" A simple question asked by Manas and the tears I was holding from so long poured out of my eyes and I started crying.. "of course I love you both, I am your Father.." I got them back, I finally got my babies and soon I will get my wife too.. Soon Nandani Manik Kapoor Soon...

"Don't cry Daddy.. Please don't cry.." My little girl was trying to wipe my tears with her hands, I smiled whilst crying... Hearing Daddy again and again from both of them was such a good feeling, I cant even express right now how happy I am right now. "I am not crying baby, if you both will keep calling me Daddy, I wont cry ever.." I opened my arms and Anvi hugged me but Manas didn't move from his place.. He was still confused about all this. Well he is just six and all this is just too much for him. 

I forwarded my hands in front of him and soon I felt him hugging me.. "I missed you Daddy, I missed you.. I missed you.." And he cried making Anvi cry too.. I took both of them in a tight hug.. "I missed you both too.." I pecked both of there head.. 

Manas - You are not going to leave us now are you?

Manik - Never Baccha, Daddy will never leave..

Manas - Everyone in school says that Daddies are Superheroes and only superheroes can save us. So now you will save Anvi also right.

And I hugged them again.. "Yes Anvi will be alright, Daddy will not let anything happen to her cupcake... Don't you worry okay.." We talked for few more minutes when my phone started ringing displaying Aryaman's name on it. "Ananya is here.." And with that said he disconnected the call and panic rose inside me..

"Okay both of you, now listen to me carefully.. Mommy can't know anything right now.. So you both can't say a word. In front of her I am just Manik, your friend, no Daddy okay.. Come on promise me.." They made a face but slowly gave in and promised not to say a word in front of her.. "Anvi.." A disheveled Nandani entered inside the room with Aryaman trailing behind her.. She immediately took her in a hug..

"I am so sorry, Mommy is so sorry she wasn't there with you.." She kept on crying. I know she loves them a lot and not being with her at that moment is so unsettling. But why the hell did she forgot her phone. What if I was still in meeting and couldn't checked my phone.. "It's okay Ananya stop crying, you are scaring her.. She is fine now.. Anvi is a strong girl no.."

Aryaman cooed my little baby and she gave us the toothy smile.. "Yes Mommy I am a big girl now dont worry Manas, Arya uncle and Da.." And my eyes grew as wide as soccer what the hell is she about to say.. Manas pinched her on time and she realized her mistake, "Arya uncle and Manik was also here nah.. And you know Mommy Manik promise that he will fix me like a superhero, he is my superhero now.." 

And I felt like crying, Nandani looked at me and slightly nodded her head.. She got indulged in a conversation with kids and I came out following Aryaman. 

Aryaman - You Okay Man?

Manik - Never been better

Aryaman - They looked happy, I have seen them craving for their Father since forever. 

Manik - I know Man, and now they are never gonna miss their Father again.. All this is because of you and your sister, I don't know how to thank you both..

Aryaman - Ananya and these kids means a lot to me Manik, just take care of them and we are good Man..

I hugged him, this Man is an Angel to me.. Thank you Nandani's Krishna Ji, you completed my half family today.. And soon I hope you will complete me fully.. Get Me back my Nandani Krishna ji, please get her back to me..


Tadaaaaaa here I am with another update.. Hope you people are going to love it... I am trying to post atleast 1 update a week.. So kindly bear with me.. Please don't forget to vote and comment,, Happy reading

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