I don't know why but I felt happy

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It's Sunday and I am not planning to leave this comfy bed anytime soon. So I was Sprawled over it cuddling in my comfort lying there sleepily. Manik will be coming back tomorrow. I was still hurt a little bit on the fact that at the end moment he cancelled my Ticket but Navya explained that Suddenly Alya also wanted to go and she is not a very pleasant person to be around, so to protect me Manik did this. but I still cannot wrap this fact around my head. 

Navya - one, two, three

I heard Navya counting, but why the hell is she counting numbers before I could check what's going on I felt the weight of two bodies on top of me crushing the hell out of me. "Holy mother of God, what the hell..." I groaned making them laugh. Navya and Mukti, Gosh seriously Mukti too.. "Come on Princess get up we are going out.." Mukti said snatching my comfort and I groaned. Why Krishna Ji Why can't a person sleeps peacefully on Sunday.

Navya - Stop complaining to your Krishna Ji Nandu, just wake up already. Mom has made the delicious breakfast, if you don't want Cabir and Rishu to finish it all.. Come down fast.

And that got my attention, nothing can come between me and my Food, not even those two idiots. I took my clothes and rushed into the shower. It's been more than a month since I met Cabir and Mukti but it feels like ages now. They both have became a very important part of my life. It was their routine, every Saturday or Sunday they took us out to explore and even sometimes on the  weekdays they join us for Dinner. Manik never came, he always is so busy that hardly get time.

I got ready in a rush and came downstairs to see everyone waiting for me. "Good morning everyone.." I smiled Chachi kissed my forehead, I am so blessed to have her in my life. "I am telling you Nandu, next time you woke up late, I am finishing everything alone without waiting for you.." Cabir pouted and I rolled my eyes at him, typical Cabir.

Anil - Okay so where are you kids going today

Navya - We are going to the  Mall, Nandu badly need to update her wardrobe.

I scoffed at that. But no issues I love shopping, Yes I can waste my whole day in a mall looking out for perfect outfits.

Cabir - Girls can shop and Rishu and I will have some play time. Right Rishu?

Rishu - Right Brother.

Not just with me but both the twins have created some special bond with Rishabh also. Especially Cabir, even they are not of same age, he still make sure to tag him along in every outing. Even sometimes he drops him to his college. They have really bonded well. Cabir says he feel insecure between 3 girls, so Rishabh is his safety cover. Stupid Cabir. 

But I love him, Oh no no not that way, obviously he is my Cousin's boyfriend. But I feel a brotherly bond with him. Even with Mukti, coming from such a prestigious family, being so rich. She is just so different. Not Like Alya, I don't know why Manik is marrying her, I didn't like a thing about her apart from her face. Even Cabir and Mukti didn't like her Navya told me so.

We shopped for many hours, they got me so many things that was not even required but I couldn't say no to the girls. Just this once, next time I will make sure to use my money according to the need. I really cannot waste all of it on shopping. We were hungry and so were the boys, so we all gathered in the food court to fill up the stomach.

I thought to ask the question which was bothering me from so long, I know it wasn't my place to question them on my Boss's personal life but I couldn't hold more. "So when are you gyz planning Mr. Kapoor's wedding, any time soon?" I tried to stay casual but inside I was dying to know the answer. 

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