I desperately want to work with him

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It's been 3 weeks since I came to Mumbai, the city of dreams. No doubt it is the most beautiful place I have ever been to. The big big monuments, the lovely beaches, the yummy food and the running life. It feels like people in this city never sleeps. It's alive 24 hours. Navya was so happy to have us in her house. She is an only child and it's get lonely sometimes.

Chachi and chachu are also very excited, they showed us around helped in getting the admission formalities done for Rishabh. Finally he is going to start from tomorrow. I guess more than Rishabh, I am scared for him. I hope everything just goes well it's very important.

I also tried to align up some interviews for myself but didn't found anything that fit to my requirements yet. Chachu also said that finding a good job in Mumbai is a very difficult task and that made me more worried than ever. I hope I could find anything soon cause once Rishabh will start going to college he will need money for fulfilling his basic necessities. I won't be comfortable by taking money from Chachu.

Madhuri - Nandu beta

Nandani - coming chachi

I ran down the stairs, Chachu and Rishabh went out to get some groceries while Navya went to meet her friends. So it's just Both of us in the house.

Madhuri - See I have made this moong daal halwa, it's your favourite right, taste and tell me how is it?

Nandani - yumm Chachi, this taste so good, you know you are the best cook right.

Madhuri - okay okay no need of buttering now. Tell me what you want to eat for dinner I will cook that for you.

Nandani - Anything you want Chachi. I will eat anything you serve.

Madhuri - what's wrong Nandu, you seem upset, aren't you happy here. Don't you like it here?

"Don't worry Chachi, I am happy to be with all of you, it's just I am really worried about getting a Job. I haven't received any response from all the places I have applied, it's been quite few days now." I told her and she just patted my head. "Don't worry Nandu, I am positive soon enough you will find something good. Don't loose hope so soon.." I smiled at her.

Nandani - leave this emotional talk, come on let's cook dinner.

Madhuri - you go and watch Tv, I will cook

Nandani - uhu, I am helping you. I am bored anyways.


"Cabirr.." I shouted seeing him and jumped in his arms, we were meeting after so long. Almost after a month since Rishu and Nandu came here, I got so busy with them. Cabir Kapoor my best friend since school and now my Boyfriend. I love him a lot, he is just soo adorable.

"Wow all the love and excitement for the boyfriend, what about me nobody loves me.." and I heard the another favorite person's voice. Mukti Kapoor, Cabir's twin and my another best friend. I belong to a middle class family but since being an only child my parents tried giving the best to me. So in 9th Grade they sent me to the very prestigious school for studies.

I know that made a big hole in my Father's wallet, but he wanted the best for me. So I also never let him disappoint. I studied hard and get in the best university for further studies on scholarships. My parents were so proud of me. I was never accepted in my new school until Cabir and Mukti took me in their wings and since then we were inseparable. And just last year Cabir proposed and I of course said yes.

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