I liked it And now I want it

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I was waiting impatiently for my little babies to come out of school. Like promised I was here to pick both of them up from School. The DNA result was out and After whole 7 years I had the best night of my life. I slept peacefully after learning the truth about my family and after listening the voice of my munchkins. They were so eager to see me again, only if they knew I am their Father. I don't know will they accept me then.

A plan has started forming in my head how to get my wife Back. Aryaman and Soha both were helping me with this and I couldn't be anymore thankful to Khurana's. "Manik.." I heard her melodious voice and she immediately jumped in my arms. "Hey there little one.." I pecked her cheek and then turned to Manas. I can't believe I am a father of these two adorable kids. My eyes moist up, come on Manik just control your damn emotions. "So I heard someone was missing me a lot.."

"Yes we were.." They both shouted in unison while I chuckled. Honestly they both are just a mini version of Nandani and I. "So what do you both suggest we do today?" I asked taking their bags and picking Anvi up, Manas get a hold of my hand and I walked towards my car. "get some food.." Manas replied rubbing his tummy while I breathe a laugh. Of course we will get some food first.

"You know Ishi broke my favorite pencil and she didn't even said sorry. She is just so mean." She pouted while I put her down and kept their bags inside the car. "No baby, no one is mean. Don't say like this okay and don't worry I will buy you the exact same pencil Okay.." And her eyes twinkled with happiness. "Manas, did you also break something today?" And he laughed nodding his head in a no.

"Hey Manas." Some Kid came running towards him and they both smiled looking at each other, I guess he is a class fellow of Manas. "Hello Ricky, why didn't you came school today?" he asked the kid and Ricky pointed in someone's direction. "My father came back from his trip, so we spend a day together." And hearing about his father, Manas and Anvi's face fell down. cannot even imagin how they both feel being here without there Dad and I have no idea What Nandani has told them about their Father's whereabouts. I just wish she hasn't declared me dead yet. "Your Father also came back.." Ricky grinned pointing in my direction and both my kids looked at each other awkwardly.

"Okay Kids come on let's go, say bye to your friend.." They both did as told and then we three settled down inside the car, moving to their favorite restaurant as per Aryaman. yeah I spent whole afternoon learning about even the little things of my babies. As a father I want to cover up for all the years that I have lost. And I hope I am successful in that. We were rhyming along the songs going on in the radio and I wonder when was the last time I had this much fun in past 7 years.

"Come on Munchkins, we are here.." I parked the car and we came out both of them shouting in happiness, "Creams and Cookies.." I smiled at their excitement. They both are as foodie as me and I am happy seeing someone is giving Nandani a tough time in my absence. I ordered their favorites and we all settled down. This day is going great till now. But I hope the rest is also go as plan. I have to go and meet Nandani also today and I just wish nothing stupid comes out of my mouth.

"Mr. Kapoor.." A familiar voice made me turn around only to find Ms. Sharma standing there with a confused look on her face. "Who is she? your girlfriend?" Manas whispered in my ear making me choke on my food. Gosh who made them learn such things. "No she is not and now keep quiet both of you.." She came on to our table and settle down throwing a polite smile to my babies.

Prerna - I didn't expect you to see here Mr. Kapoor

Manik - Well Me too, cause you are supposed to be in the office.

Prerna - I had a meeting nearby, so just came to grab some food. Who are these kids?

Manik - Kids say hello to Aunt

I asked to both of them and they wished her shyly, she smiled. "What are the name of these cuties.." She asked them while Anvi scooted closer to me. She is not that friendly with everyone, I should feel lucky she give her attention to me. "She is Anvi and I am Manas.." My son introduced on behalf of them and Ms. Sharma nodded.

"They are cute, but whose kids are those?" Mine. I want to say but I couldn't. But before I could reply anything, Anvi got up saying now she wants to go home and can I deny my princess demand, no I cannot. So I quickly got up taking the hands of both of them. "Sorry Ms. Sharma, I have to go now. I will see you at office tomorrow." and with that we left.


"Mommy..." I heard voice of Anvi and my breath came back. Gosh I was so worried for both of them. This was the first time that I wasn't the one to pick them up from school. I placed a kiss to both of them. "How was your day?" I asked looking at the Man who entered with their bags in his hand and a full blown smile. He is a handsome man there is no doubt in that.

"Thank you Mr. Kapoor.." I smiled taking their bags. "You know Manik took us to cream and treaty.." Anvi mused and I glared at her. "How many times did I have told you, he is older than you, you shouldn't be calling him by his name.."

Manik - Please Ms. Ananya don't scold her, I am her friend and she can call me by my name.

Kids went inside the cooking room in the shop leaving both of us behind. Well talk about awkward. "They are not this free with everyone, they really like you a lot.." I said with a small smile that he immediately returned. I don't know why but his stare on me was bothering me a lot. Like there was something he was trying to convey through his eyes but I am not sure what.

"This is a nice shop by the way, all handiwork's by you?" He asked looking around and a  Proud smile settled on my lips. Of course this shop is my baby my true handwork. "Yeah it is.."

"Well great, so how much will be the cost of it if I want to purchase it?" And the smile on my face dropped. What the hell Is this guy talking about, why will i sell my shop to him. "This shop is not for sale Mr. Kapoor.." When I was about to think he is a Good Man, there he goes. "But I liked it and now I want it. That's how it works for me Ms. Ananya.."

And my fist balled up, How dare this guy threaten me. "You can leave Mr. Kapoor and you are not really welcome here again cause none of my belongings are here for sale." My bitter voice also didn't fazed that egoistical smirk on his face and giving me one last look he left from there..  ughh!!! I hate this Man


Please don't forget to vote and comment.. Manik on his day to win back his family❤️ Happy reading ❤️

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