Chapter 22: The Nemesis

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3rd PoV

So like fixing Soundwave's sparklings wasn't that hard, but there was a problem nonetheless...

„What do you mean? What kind of problem?" Rumble asked.

Lia was currently sitting at her workbench with the last sparkling lying before her. The others she was able to repair just fine, but of fuckin course the last one had a problem that she couldn't deal with.

„There seems to be a problem with his wiring... I don't know how to reverse it."

„But you repaired us carrier! Why not Frenzy?" Ratbat asked.

„Listen, his wiring is slightly burnt , but he still functions. I just need... some kind of plan for his wiring to fix it." the hybrid explained.

She was almost fully transformed by her disease and the pills didn't help anymore as well. The only thing still remaining human about her were the tips of her hair. The rest of her hair already turned into small and thin cables, no thicker than her usual hair.

„You don't happen to have the plans right?" she asked cautiously.

Buzzsaw, who was hovering in circles above them, shook her head. (A/N: Buzzsaw is female k?)

„But we might know where they are." Ravage spoke. He had stopped licking his paw to reply.

Ravage didn't trust the weird organic, or rather former organic, at first but seeing Ratbat so close with her he decided to give her a chance. He was still the oldest, he still took care of his younger siblings and should she show any sign of negative behavior towards his siblings, then boi she would be in trouble...

„Perfect. Where are they?" Lia asked, facing him.

Rumble and Ratbat turned their heads away and Buzzsaw landed on Lia's free shoulder.

Ravage gave his metallic paw one last lick and then looked straight and unmoving in her eyes. Red to red and blue.

„They're with our sire. Soundwave." he spoke.

Lia's smile faltered. A grimace set in place otherwise. „Peachy." she began. „So I guess that I have to take a trip to the Nemesis then..."

„Wait. You can't just waltz onto the Nemesis and ask Pops for Frenzy's plan." Rumble cut in.

„You're right Rumble." the new dubbed ‚carrier' said. She gave his head a soft stroke and continued her words. „That's why I'll take a ride to the Nemesis and steal Frenzy's plan from your sire."

„WHAT?!?" Buzzsaw shrieked. „You can't just do that!" she flapped her wings a bit.

„Don't underestimate me sugar. I've infiltrated the Autobots base, so why not the Decepticon warship as well~"

Ravage didn't like her tone, something was off about it.

„Carrier, you've been to the Autobot base?!?" Ratbat sounded shocked.

„Eh, it was an accident."

~Timeskip brought to you by Lia's plan to bring Frenzy's plan back~
3rd PoV

„This is a horrible idea." Knockout whispered.

Lia had waved him off after seeing him race that night and asked him to smuggle her aboard the warship. He reluctantly agreed. Very reluctantly.

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