Chapter 2: Donuts

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Emilias PoV

It hurts. 

My first thought after waking up on almost every day. 

Shuddering at the cold air that flew through the open Window, I stood up closing it. I streched my body, hearing a bunch of Cracks. Some from the bones and some from my mettalic parts including my legs and shoulders. 

I looked in the mirror, don't know what scared me more; the fact that both my shoulders were covered in Metal that crawled it's way down to my hands, the right hand was already reached by it, my legs being strong, silver legs, up to slightly pass my knees and DO NOT get me started on my Back.             

OR the obvious fact that my hair looked like I've been up six days straight. 

But it weren't six, it were four. I was up four days straight attempting to find any kind of Information about who the Bastard was that made me this way, or at least to find out where he was hiding.                                                                                                                                                          

Keyword being: attempting. There was absolutely nothing to find out about him.       


Not where he was hiding, not who or better what he was, I couldn't even find out if he liked donuts. I do like 'em.                                                   


I groaned in pain as I touched my left arm to Inspect the injury my arm was holding onto. remembering hurt, but I couldn't help remembering how I got it.

Flashback~brought to you by my delicious donuts~

A week ago.

Emilias PoV

I was standing in my bathroom holding a Forceps in my right hand, eyes puffy from all the tears I had lost in just a couple of hours. 

I had escaped him a few days ago still traumatized by all that. 

I wanted to get rid of this mettalic stuff on my body, so starting with the left arm I took the Forceps and grabbed the metal with it, after one last calming breath i took, I used all my force to rip it off of my Body.                                                                                                                                                             

I screamed. 

I screamed a lot. 

I did manage to get it off me but...                                                                                                                      

But the skin and flesh underneath and near it got ripped out too. 

It hurt so much, it hurt so freaking much.

I cried, my throat sour from all the screams I released. 

My mind scatterd, realizing that i'm going to die slowly, the curse replacing my bones and flesh with it's presence

I realized i had to find and kill him, brutally, painful, slowly. 

Flashback end. 

Emilias PoV

I went into the Bathroom opening a little box i hid underneath the sink. I don't really know why I hid it, I just did. taking out a surgery scissors I very gently and very, very carefully cut open the bandage I wore around my injury. I tried not Look at it while I redid my Bandage. I packed everything back inside the box and walked out of the bathroom, shutting off the Lights while leaving. 

As soon as I reached the kitchen I activated the glorious maker of happy-Juice, also called "Coffee Machine".

While the glorious creation made my happy-Juice, I got my mail along with some Newspapers and began to eat my donuts. Peaceful, that was all this moment was.

I needed peaceful. I needed it. 

The fact that my Coffee was done and smelled delicious, made this Moment even better. I continued to read the Newspaper, until suddendly something caught my attention. "People dissapearing, huh?" 

I read, No, I devoured the article, reading it multiple times. I almost choked on my Coffee, seriously poor Coffee. I had found something unable to believe what I just read. 

This day was getting better and better.

I read it out loud as if it would dissapear if I wouldn't.                                                  

"...since thursday people have been dissapearing in Jasper, Nevada. Witnesses claim that they've seen a gigantic robot kidnapping 'em. Huh, it surely does sound like I'm on the right Track. Fucking Finally, YEAS!" I almost screamed at the end of sentence in excitement.                                                   

"HALLELUJA!!!!" I screeched outta the top of my lungs.                                                                                                                        

It wasn't much information available in the newspaper article, but it mentioned a Warehouse not far from my House. I decided to pay that Warehouse a visit to search for further clue.

One step. 

I am one step closer to find him.

I am one step closer making him reget the day he layed his disgusting Fingers on me.

One step closer.

" I am, one step closer to kill him." 

He will NOT escape me.

I'll make sure of that.

Thank you for reading this Chapter.

Make sure to check out 'Shys book of books' for Updates, Informations and possible sequels.

See ya!


{Word Count: 793}

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