Chapter 1: Introductions

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It's out.


I've always been a happy girl, for as long als i can remember i've always laughed or smiled. If it was for people falling Face first into a wall or silly things or Jokes i made,I laughed. But then,






I couldn't laugh. I could hardly even smile anymore.

I was kidnapped, experimented on, i don't know by who or what. But I got hurt, changed mostly, only still alive to see and feel what that thing, that CURSE did to my body. Slowly creeping it's way up my existance devouering every Human part of me, my Flesh, my Bones, my Skin, my Muscels, my Organs, replacing it with Metal, gears and that disgusting Substance that flushed through my veins trying to destroy me, from the Inside out.

But, I got over it, well mostly, deciding that I should hunt that fucking Asshole down and kill him, instead of just passing away, not ever done anything worth remembering.

Emilia Sophie Mysox, 16 years old, left completely alone, living in a House in Jasper, Nevada. Dying not ever done something else than joking around and getting into Trouble. I don't wanna die like that... Not Until I Kicked His Disgusting Ass Out Of Existance!

I was sure that I would make him pay, no one escapes a Girl that has nothing to loose except her Mind.

No one escapes me,

He won't escape me.


I will make sure of that.

(A/N:That was it. First Chapter done. Wasn't that bad...I think..?)

Thank you for reading this Chapter.

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See ya!


{Word count: 284}

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