Chapter 11: Unfortunate Awakening

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Starscreams PoV 

It has been about 5 Kliks since I've last messaged the Human Femme and I did not think that She would respond like that... (Minutes)

BOOM !!!

The sudden Noise ripped me out of my most beloved Recharge. I shot awake and onlined my Weapons, ready to shoot everything that dared to attack in my Home. But there was no Threat, no Danger just... Just a human lying on the Ground. 

I took a few Steps towards the Knocked out Human. 

It was Female and owned very long, pitch-Black Hair... Just like her.


I stepped closer. Took a closer look at the Human. It really is her. "Emila." I coughed out. I offlined my Weapons and crouched down. 

She was just laying there. Her back was facing me and I am unsure of what I should think of the Sight I had. 

Her Clothing on the Back was torn open exposing her Back. (A/N: Her pants were Fine, don't worry) 

It was a horrific Sight, I'll tell you this much. Almost her complete Back was covered- No Consumed from Metal and that wasn't Even the Worst. 

She was bleeding, red and Blue. Which She shouldn't, She should most defidently not be bleeding Blue. 

I may not know much about the human anatomy, but I at least know that their Blood should not be blue. 

This is clearly not a Tattoo. I thought while one of my fingers ran up and down her back. My Optics inspected the mettalic back before me and my fingertip felt the mettalic surface of her skin. 

See ?  She lied to you Starscreech . . . 

Leave me alone. I don't wanna talk. 

You never want to . But have you noticed yet that I do not give a scrap about what you want ?  (Crap/Shit)

I vented calmly. 

Just like her . 

Not calm enough. 

"Why won't you just LEAVE ME ALONE!?!" 

Suddendly I sensed movement and something grabbed onto my finger and twisted my wirst with such force that I actually whimpered. And I do not wish to hear Comments about that okay? It hurt. 

In a natrual reflex my Weapons activated and I wanted to shoot the damned that just twisted my wrist as a Warning. There was only one problem. 




Her Eyes flickered in a dangerous violet, staring right through me and ready to kill. That's strange  I thought her eyes were blue and red...

Thank you for reading this Chapter,

Make sure to ckeck out ‚Shys book of books' for Updates, Informations and possible sequels.

See ya!


{Word Count: 438}

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