Chapter 18: Freedom for his Wings

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Lia PoV

I smirked as I saw a familiar red finish shining behind me.

I was on my motorcycle, helmet on and a leather jacket covering my body. It has been a few days since the connection of Amayar and Lyra.

The next race was just about to begin and I was gonna participate in it. I didn't care if KnockOut was here too. He would lose to me anyway.

Maybe Cybertronians were faster than normal vehicles, but I wasn't exactly the same either. There's no way that I'm losing to a medic that only cares about his finish.

„READY?" the announcer shouted into the mic.


The tires squeaked and the engines roared as the horde of racers set of.

I was in first place of course. KnockOut was behind me. I grinned under my helmet. The broken Phoenix ain't breaking her record today!

I pushed the motorcycle to go faster as the cherry car gained distance on me. I cursed and leaned in the curve, speeding up more and more.

KnockOut was always so close on passing me but he never made it through, so one the race was finished I was called the winner of the race.


I collected the price money and raced one more time before settling on watching other compete and actually having a chance of winning.

KnockOut didn't stay much longer. He drove off to their warship, the Nemesis, as Stars' had called it.

I drove back home only to avoid a bomb at hairs end.

I skidded to a halt and was catapulted of the motorcycle.

A deep black car drove up and a man stepped out. He had a scar on his face and his hair was white.

„If this is about losing a race, then I can only say; grow some balls jackass." I hissed through the helmet.

Another bunch of men stepped out, looking like soldiers and circled me.

One went to attack.

I dodged and kicked him in the nuts, punched his face and then kicked him in the stomach sending him off. More soldiers came.

I grimaced. Too many...

I slumped my posture. „Welp."

I whirled around, jumped on my bike and all but flew away on the highway out of town.

It wasn't the way home, in fact it was the exact opposite direction. The only thing in this direction was the old scrap yard.

I needed to leave, fast. I pushed the speed further and further until it couldn't go any faster.

B O O M !

Another missle hit, this time catching the back tire, throwing me off the motorcycle and through the smoke. In my panic I could only do one thing, teleport.

I glitched out, landing on a pile of junk and scrap. I glanced around, realization kicking in on where I had teleported to.

The scrap yard.

I climbed down and listened for any kind of sounds. I heard nothing.

My motorcycle was fuck knows where and I was in the back of the scrap yard.

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