Chapter 3: Warehouse of Monsters

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Emilias PoV

I had everything ready. I had changed into some comfortable clothes, like a Hoddie and a sloppy leggins and my favourite Sneakers, literally Sneakers you can't hear a damn while i'm wearing these. I cut out the article from the newspaper and stuffed it into my pockets. I grabbed the Key to my motocross and was ready to leave until.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. 

I froze in motion. I silently closed the Door and searched for my Phone, that I apperently forgot in the Kitchen. It layed on the kitchentable, next to the now empty Cup. I snatched it and turned off the alarm, I felt anger crawling up my back as I realized what Time it was. It was 12:00, normally that wouldn't be so bad but since I got this condition I've been doing something special every twelfe hours. 

I signed. Fuck... 

I never liked this. But, it sadly had to be done. I walked back upstairs, into the Bathroom and took the little bottle standing by the sink. I signed once again. 

My nose was terrefied by the smell of it. Disgust rose inside of me, as I took a sip of it and swallowed. It didn't last long. As a pure reflex I crouched down to the Toilet and puked it out. Both the Medizine and the blue substance that came with the disease.

Let me explain. When I first got it. I was scared and didn't really eat or sleep. So I became sick, i puked for a few days and the Virus stopped. Well, I mean it slowed down. So i bought this Puke-Medicine and took it every twelve hours. It wasn't pleasant, still isn't, but it helps. So I rolled with it. After I finished puking out my innards, I got up, washed my Face and brushed my Teeth. I took a Deep breath, in, and out. 

Lovely. Just Lovely. "FUCKING HELL!!!!!!!!" I screamed. "I'm so fucking sick of this!" 

I slammed my Fist into the Wall. "GODFUCKINGDAMMIT!" I screeched as the Pain flodded through my Body. It Hurt. That's good, it means that I'm still in Control of this Part of my Body. I eyed my Hand, the wounds closed and the pain went away. Good this the Virus makes me heal fast, very fast, very freaking fast if I may add.

"Anyway, It's time to go..."

Timeskip brought to you, by the Virus.

Emilias PoV

I stopped, before me stood the Warehouse, big and old and... Empty. At least that was how it seemed. Voices, I could hear voices, and I don't mean the Voices in my Mind. Faint Voices, you almost couldn't hear 'em. I silently, very silently, creeped my way inside the Warehouse. I'll let you know that I am very good at being stealthy. Believe me, very good. I creeped around the Warehouse, until I found the Owners of the Voices. 





I almost had a Heartattack. 

The Voices belonged to some Huge AF Robots. ROBOTS. 

"Holy Shit..." 

I whispered to myself. 

What is going on..? 

Thank you for reading this Chapter.

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See ya!


{Word Count: 541}

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