Emilia Sophie Mysox is absolutely normal.
Well, that is until she gets kidnapped and used for the sick Experiments of a Cybertronian that obviously lost his sanity.
With her Body slowly changing into Metal, she distances herself from everybody and...
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NAME: Emilia Sophie Mysox
MEANING: Emilia means rival or ambition Sophie means wisdom
NICKNAMES: Lia- by everyone she knows Emi- by her mother Phie- by Aria only Phoenix- by the guards at the street races Shatterdust- All the bots and some Cons
EYE COLOR (NOW): right eye- indigo blue left eye- scarlet red
EYE COLOR (RAGE): violet eyes
HAIR COLOR: long black hair, always in a bun
OCCUPATION: Mechanic for Jets, Cars and Motorcycles Legend of the Tracks, The broken Phoenix Rouge, Shatterdust
PHOBIA: Lygophobia (Darkness)
BEST FRIEND/S: Jayna Heatherson
FRIENDS: Bumblebee Soundwave Lazerbeak Breakdown Steve Ravage
DISLIKED PEOPLE: Megatron Arcee Vince Alexander
ENEMYS: Megatron Alexander
LOVER: Starscream
LIKES: Her Job Trees Sleeping Her Sister Chocolate Dragons SW Symbiotes Coffee
DISLIKES: School Vegetables Losing
ABILITY: Emilia suffers from a sick cybertronian experiment performed by a deception medic (not KO). Her skin and organs are slowly getting consumed by metal, making her invincible and increasing her height. Her eyes changed colors from sky blue to indigo blue (right) and scarlet red (left) which turn violet when angry. Due to the Energon flowing through her eyes, if in rage it turns into dark Energon. If her ‚blood' is spilled during rage it'll stay as dark Energon and vise versa. Also if her ‚blood' stays too long outside of her body it'll form into a raw Energon crystal or dark Energon crystal, depending on her mood when spilled. Emilia has the ability to see the whole life of a cybertronian by touching them. These ‚memory visions' change from hearing nothing except the name of the memories holder, to feeling every emotion present in their life, to both at the same time. She can also speak cybertronian if desired, somehow she also does it on accidents. Emilia later learns to transform into a motocross, she can also transform her left arm into a scythe chained to her skin. She is unable to transform a part of her body into a blaster, but can shoot electrical lightings off her body, shocking everything it touches sometimes also an accident. Emilia can teleport herself and others, wrapping a groundbridge around her body or simply producing one in front or beneath her. She can create a holoform much like many other cybertronians, such as Starscream, Arcee, Ratchet and Steve. She can wrap the holoform around her body or, once in vehicle mode, simply make it appear wherever. Emilia has problems controlling many of her abilities. They are mostly controlled by instincts. If she feels Someone endangered or dead that doesn't deserve it, her body reacts by teleporting her there. She is unaware of this.
CHARACTER: Emilia is observant, secretive, kindhearted, determined and short-tempered. She is very protective over the one she loves and her sister after the incident with her last boyfriend. She is incredibly strong making her kinda cocky when it comes to fighting. As ‚Legend of the Tracks' Lia is targeted by sore losers along the races she wins.
BACKSTORY: Emilia and her sister Aria lived with her parents in Jasper Nevada, a little bit out of town. Her house was built with a secret base for her father. He worked for the government testing, building and repairing secret military trucks, jets etc. Little Emilia always found a way to sneak into the ‚workshop' and watch her father work. Later her father died on one of the test flies with a secret military jet. Her mother could not take the grief and moved away from Nevada to Colorado, closer to Emilias and Arias life long friend Jayna Heatherson, who also lived in Colorado. Emilia was already 18 at the time and refused to go with her mother despite her pleading. She took Aria with her to Colorado, even though the girl did not want to. A year later on her fathers deathday her mother hung herself in her room. The sisters grieved over the death of her parents every year, meeting in Colorado to be with eachother, Jayna also participated as a moral support for the girls. Years later, Lia is 21 years old and had her own mechanic shop in Jasper, Lia is captured by a cybertronian medic/scientist who obviously lost his mind. He experimented on her, but she escaped, even though she is unable to remember how. With her body slowly falling victim to the consuming metal, she swears to find and murder the one who did this to her. After a few weeks of search she stumbles upon a newspaper article one morning, while drinking her delicious happy juice, also known as coffee.
So start the adventures in: -The Cybertronian Experiment-
Thank you for reading this Chapter. Check out ‚Shys book of books' for Updates, Informations and possible sequels. See ya! -SHY-MOON- {Word Count: 852}