Chapter 12: Alone in Guilt

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Starscreams PoV

Her Violet optics let off a dangerous shimmer. She didn't seem ok. She twisted my wrist further, making it even more painful. „Emilia!" No reaction, she just twisted it even further, causing me even more pain.

„Emili-" BEEP. 



Where is that sound coming from?


Emilia seemed to come back to her senses. She shook her head, looked at her hands and flinched back.


Relieved washed over my frame, as she let go of my wrist. (Body) 


I glanced back at Emilia. She was searching for something. BEEP. Finally she pulled a small device from her jacket, I believe she called it a ‚phone' and pressed a button on it. BEE- The sound died down.

She looked back at me and stiffened. She was Uncomfortable, I could tell.

Emilias PoV


What did I do??? WHAT DID I DO???


I- I didn't mean it, it was an accident. I was just startled. I didn't mean to...

I shut out my thoughts. They didn't help me at all right now. I looked back at Stars' he seemed uncomfortably, I could feel it. I wanted to say something, but I didn't even know what to say. Either he didn't wanna talk or he was at a loss of words too. So, we stood there. Well I stood, he was crouching. 

Finally the silence was broken.

3rd PoV

„I'm leaving..."

What ?

The Cybertronian rose to his full height once the words left him. The little girl flinched, her eyes were... dull.

„W-What?" She asked. Words finally finding their way back to her. 

„Where are you going? You can't leave." her Voice was quiet, but the Mech still heard her, he just didn't answer. He walked to the middle of the Base, followed by Lia. 

„Amayar. Open the Trap-Door." the scratchy voice said. 


[Opening the Trap-Door.] The metallic Voice pushed through the Silence, echoing in the last corners of the base. Lia didn't bother trying to stop the program. She wouldn't force him to stay here. „Stars'." She was at the verge of tears, but still hiding her voice perfectly from the grave sadness inside her. 

Starscream didn't answer her. He just stood there, waiting for the Trap-Door to completely open. The Trap-Door was just a giant Hatch-like opening on ceiling of the Workshop. Lias Father would take the Trap-Door whenever he was flying around with a new Jet for testing. Sometimes he would even take his little Daughter along, after she accidentally found her way into the Workshop. 

[Trap-Door opened. Is there anything else, that I can help you with?] Amayar's voice asked, once again breaking through the unwanted silence inside the Workshop. 

„Stars' please...I'm-" pleaded the female, befor being cut off by Starscream.

„No. Thank you Amayar." He transformed back into his Jet form ready to take off and never come back again. Lia had stepped back, suffering in eternal silence, as her tears hit the concrete floor. The Jets engine began to grumble, signaling the take off. 

The human girl stared at the jet, before sobbing out two words: „I'm sorry." 

The engine became quieter, but didn't die down. „Will- Will you be back..?" 

I don't wasn't to lose you... The thought creeped trough her thick head.

The Moonlight shined through the open Hatch. Her cold tears watered the floor, while she awaited his answer or anything at all. The engines sound grew in volume and the tiny tires screeched quietly. 

„I don't know." And with that the jet took off. Flying out of the Workshop into the black nightsky.

The pressure shoved the female back, making her fall onto the cold concrete. A last tear sweeped down her face, as she watched him leave into the dark Night.

Minutes passed and she still sat there staring outside. „Amayar?" 

[Yes, Emilia?]

„Close the Trap-Door."

[Closing the Trap-Door.] 

Emilias PoV

My legs almost gave in under my weight, when I tried to stand up. Silently I walked to the exit. 

[Trap-Door closed. -]

„Thank you Amayar. Until tomorrow."

I cut her off before she could ask if she could help me with anything else and I could say that she should drop a missle on the fucking Workshop. 

I walked through the house like a ghost, finding myself upstairs in the bathroom. I sighed. I was alone... and finally when I found someone I considered a friend after such a long time... I had to lose 'em. 

My reflection in the mirror looked lost, tired, drained of hope and alone. Once again a fresh river of tears formed in my eyes. Now not only my scarlet eye was red, both were red from crying and my cheeks were drowning in these rivers of tears. 

„I'm sorry." I sobbed out and ripped my attention from the mirror. 

„I'M SORRY!" I cried out. 

„I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." 

I was still crying for a bunch of minutes. How long? I can't tell.

Yes, I was alone alright. Alone In guilt.

Thank you for reading this Chapter.

Make sure to check out ‚Shys book of books' for updates, Informations and possible sequels.

See ya!


{Word Count: 862}

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