Chapter 4: Oh, Well...

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Emilias PoV





Is going on here. 

There were seriously Three Giant freaking robots there... So I repeat myself. *Ahem*                                    

What the actual Fuck is going on here ?!? 

I was frozen in place, memories I didn't wanted creeping up my Vision. I swallowed the urge to cry and crouched down, hoping not to be seen. I glanced through a little crack between the Boxes I was hiding behind. Eyeing these "Things" with extreme caution, calming down the Storm of Thoughts inside my scarred mind. I got to the Conclusion that I better just spy on them for the Moment. 


The First one was Huge, no really First was taller than the others, Grey or Silver seemed to be his Colors since his entire being only seemed to be painted in these Colors. His, I assume it's a him, eyes were shining in Scarlet-Red. First had a very dark, deep voice like a Leader or something like that. First, as I like to call him, was walking around Second, shouting at it, he seemed to be angry at Second or more like mad, very mad.                                                                                                                                                                                       

I Wonder what Second did.


Second was a little bit smaller than First, but still taller than Third. Second was grey and Silver like First, but it was also painted White and Red, when at least a Little bit. His or Her eyes were the same Color as First's, a beautiful Scarlet-Red. I am truly not quite sure about Second's Gender, blame the fucking heels. Do they even have a Gender? I don't fucking know buddy, I don't fucking know... I'll just keep the Him/His pronounces for all of 'em, I dunno what else to do. Second was sitting in the middle of the Warehouse on his Knees... Knees? That were Knees, right? I think or maybe not? I'm actually not really sure, anyway as I already said First was walking around it shouting at him and calling him names, I didn't fully pay attention but... 

I did feel slightly sorry for Second, I said slightly, alright!


Third was smaller than First and Second, compared to the others he was real twerp, but Third still was about two Heads taller than me. Third was completly black, except for his eyes which were, Suprise Suprise, Scarlet-Red. His left arm or hand for that matter was a weapon, a canon to be spezific. He seem to talk at least I didn't hear him speak at all while I was watching them. Walking around, eyeing every corner with Suspicion, was all he was doing right now. Third seemed to be guarding the others. I snapped back as his Gaze came to the Boxes that served as my hiding Spot, but He didn't seem to notice me yet, which was great and I'm thankful for it. But to be honest... 

Third is scaring the shit outta me.

I snapped my attention back to First and Second, evesdropping onto thier Conversation. 

First: "You have failed me too many times maercsratS!" 

Second: "I'm sorry, my Lord. I'm sor-" 


Still First: "You have failed me way too many times, maercsratS. You will stay on this Planet until your Metal rots, maercsratS. You are no longer my SIC. You are no longer a Decepticon!" (Second in Command)

Second: "NO! PLEASE I'M SORR-" 

First punched Second in the Face and shouted, what I think were Curse-Words. Second was just sitting there in defeat, taking all the abuse, while muttering something I couldn't understand. More Punches collided into Second's face, until First was apperently done with him. Second was just muttering something over and over again. I felt sorry for him.

First: "You're a pathetic excuse of a Mech, maercsratS." 

Second didn't say anything. He didn't even mutter. He was only sitting there in Dead-Space-Silence, not doing anything at all. 

First: "We're done here. nociheV, clean that mess up." 

Second: "I'm sorry..." 

Suddendly, I had a very bad feeling of being very watched and very fucked. But, It only got worse when no one responded.

First: "NOCIHEV!" 

Still no response, it got worse. Did I mention that I tend to completly freeze once I concentate to hard. No?                                                                                                                                                                                     

Well, I have to say that, this brought me into a lot of difficult Situations. Also No? 

Then I guess now is the best time 'cause seriously I know that something defidently is wrong here. 

"Now, who do we have here?" 

I was right... 

Thank you for reading this Chapter.

Make sure to check out ‚Shys book of books' for Updates, Informations and possible sequels.

See ya!.


{Word Count: 776}

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