Chapter 8: Starscream

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Emilias PoV

Sleeping on a Chair is also uncomfortable.

I mean Like, HELL Ouch. My Body stiffend, pain. 

Thanks, a lot Universe. 

I stood up from that Little Fucker that considered himself a Chair. My Gaze instantly locked on Second. No Changes... I Think. 

I walked around the Base getting together some Stuff to repair or at least try to repair Second. I found dads Toolbox which I was searching for some Weeks ago, seems like he left it here. *Sign*

"What a Surprise finding you here bud." I picked it up, brought it back to Second and the Chair. I sent Second a look, before searching for Something to wipe away that Blue stuff. 

Wait. He moved, I saw it. I didn't, it's just my Imagination... I hope.

Unsure of Safety I walked down a Hallway, knowing that there's a supply closet, somewhere down the Hall. 

Where is it? Where is it? Where issss it ..? Ah There it is.

??? PoV

Ugh. My Body hurts. What has happend. 

I slowly awoke from my unwanted recharge. Only to find myself in an unknown place. I was leaking Energon. My Wings hurt all over, just als I wanted to get up and out of this unknown Place. A Fleshling walked by, probably a Femme, she was putting a box down, Shot a glance in my Direction and walked down the Hallway. (Female)

The Echo of a closing Door filled the Place, Leaving me alone in Silence. I opened my Optics and scanned my Surroundings with real caution, unaware if something else might be here. (Eyes) 

 CRASH !!! 


A loud Crash filled my Audio Receptors followed by a Scream, I paniced, but I couldn't fly away. My Wings were too damaged. (Ears)

I heard a Door being opened and forcefully closed seconds later. I paniced more. I quickly Transformed to shield my wiring, Spark etc. (Cybertronian Heart/Soul)

The Femme came around the Corner and looked at me in surprise.

I was consumed by Fear. Where am I? Who is that Fleshy? Will she hurt me? Why am I here? What is she going to do to m-

My Thoughts were cut off by the Femmes Voice.

"Okay. I don't know how, but Thanks. This is better to work with." 

What in Primus Name is going on here ?!?

Emilias PoV

I found the Cleaning Stuff in the Supply Closet, but that little Fucker on the Highest Shelf thought that it be Funny to drop right onto my Head, knocking me against the Door. 

"MOTHER BAGEL!" I screeched. Good for nothing Box! I grabbed the Cleaning Stuff and got outta the Damn Closet. "Little Fucker..." I whispered, walking back towards Second.

Suddendly I heard Strange Noises. Metallic Noises, sounding Techno, could be the Equipment in the Base. There was a lot of Technology in here, maybe I forgot to turn one of the Computers off. That can't be it, I would Never-

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