rich kid problems

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Me and Joseph arrived at richards house at around 4 pm and believe me when I say it is one of the biggest most extravagant and classy mansions I've ever seen. Oh my god Joseph exclaimed I knew he was rich but this seems like overkill. We both got out of the van and went towards the gate and we didn't know what to do from there. we both just kinda stood at the gate akwardly feeling out of place so um do we like knock? Joseph asked. Something tells me they won't hear us I responded. Well then what are we supposed to do. I think we have to buzz ourselves in you know like in the movies I replied.

so then we did just that we went over to the device on the gate and then pressed the button there was a long buzzing sound until someone spoke. chives speaking please identify yourselves before you step on the premises. Oh um it's Jr and Joseph uh were richards friends.
And then after a few moments of silence the gate opened and then Jr and Joseph walked up to the door but not before long the door opened and there stood chives on the other side.

Greetings master Jr and master Joseph I'm glad you can make it. oh um yeah no problem. Even though the butlers voice sounded welcoming and pleasant his eyes told a different story his eyes looked cold very intimating as if he was silently telling them not to cause any trouble probably not happy with us after the japan incident. the butlers height didn't help his intimidation factor as he easily towered over both Jr and Joseph so granted Jr was a bit on edge. So um where's Richard? Joseph asked. Ah yes forgive me I will accompany you to his bedroom as it is very east to get lost in this place. chives said as he began walking. oh yeah thank you Jr responded.

Jr's pov

On our way to richards room i looked around and took everything in I still couldn't get over how big this place was I mean my house was big but this is just insane. As we were walking we passed by multiple different people in suits. who are those guys Joseph asked. Those are the other butlers who tend to the mansion. Oh so you're not the only one? Of course not though I am flattered you think I could tend to this whole place by myself. But no we have multiple staff here different cooks maids butlers ect tend to the manor although I have been here the longest and I'm also richards personal caretaker.

Oh ok that's pretty neat. Joseph responded we then stopped at the door chives put his hand on the door knob and opened it. Hello Richard your friends have arrived. Richard was on his bed playing video games before he turned towards his friends and got up. Oh thank god finally took you losers so long. What!? But we have like 4 hours till the party starts Joseph yelled yeah but I called you guys 2 hours ago telling a rich white kid wait for something is like putting starving chinese children into bad neighborhoods. Oh woah Jr what happened to your hair!? oh um I decided to let it down today you know just switching it up. Oh well ok and where the hell is cody!? Oh um cody wasn't feeling well so he decided to sit out for today Jr responded. oh well there goes my entertainment for the night but I guess you two will have to do. now come on we should probably get going we need change you too out of those rags before someone asks you who you belong too. chives get the lambo started. As you wish sir. Chives said as he walked off.

*Sigh* thanks for coming guys I really do appreciate it Jr and Joseph paused at this did you just say what I think you just said Joseph asked. What thanks? Yeah so what nobody's ever thanked you before!? Well I mean yeah but- shut up let's just get going Richard interrupted wait but we still have 4 hours until the party!? Jr asked. Yeah but people are going to start showing up early and I don't want to have to deal with them we can waste time at the mall or something while we wait. Oh ok Joseph responded now move your ass chives is waiting! Oh yeah alright.

After a few minutes we've arrived at the mall finally as we were about to get out chives spoke up I'll come pick you back up in time for the party at around 7:20 is that alright with you master Richard yes chives that's fine. and make sure you keep your phone on you at all times if you lose it just stand outside of this mall and I will come pick you up from there yes chives. Oh and don't forget to- god chives we will be fine come on guys let's go as Richard and Joseph got out of the car Jr was about to follow them before he was stopped momentarily bowser Jr please look after Richard he tends to get himself into trouble when he's out and about so if you could please stay close to him I'd appreciate it. Oh yeah of course. thank you master Jr now if you will you best not keep Richard waiting. Oh right thanks for the ride chives Jr said as he stepped out of the car and closed the door and with that chives drove off.

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