flight part 2

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Joseph's POV

Jr and Cody have been sleeping for about 5 hours now. in fact speaking of which it's getting pretty late and I'm thinking about falling asleep myself. Yaaaaaawn!! Mhmm this is gonna be a long flight. Ill probably just binge watch Netflix on my phone till I fall asleep or something. At least that's what I was  going to do until I heard Cody starting to wake back up.

Mhmm wha-what the hell. Cody mumbled rubbing his eyes sleepy. he let go of Jr and began to take note of his surroundings. Oh right still on this fucking plane. Cody then turned towards me jumping a bit when he laid his eyes on me woah didn't expect you to still be awake what's up Joseph. Oh um nothing much really Im just listening to music I responded. Cody then turned to me almost like he was contemplating about something in his head. Hey Joseph how long have I been asleep for by the way.  Oh um About 5 hours now so we still got 10 more hours to go until we reach japan.

Ugghh god this so dumb!!! Cody groaned. Well at least you aren't freaking out again. joseph please don't remind me Cody said while scratching the back of his neck. But Dude I still can't believe we're going to freaking Japan I wonder what its  gonna be like I exclaimed. Yeah sounds promising. What's the matter with you aren't you excited!? Of course I'm excited it's just- I don't like being on this plane I hate confined space's and the fact that I couldn't get out if I wanted to dosent sit well with me.
Oh wow you must have freaking hated juvie then I responded.
Hehehe you Know it's funny when I was at juvie I could say I was more free than I ever was in a sense. Hmm why is that? I asked him. Well let's just say growing up I always had to do whatever my douchebag stepfather told me to or else you know Cody then slammed his fist into his palm to emphasize his point.
So when I *cough* killed him oddly enough it was liberating in a since like somehow knowing that he wasn't alive was like a constant reminder that I was free you know. and since violence is what liberated me I liberate myself through violence and what better place to do that then at a place where violence is contained and an essential to survive. Cody then turned to me I'm surprised you're not freaked out by any of this.
I paused for a moment. Well to be honest I think I can kinda understand where you're coming from since I- you Know kinda thought I killed my mom in my sleep and started keeping her "skeleton" around with me. so I guess we both have problems. Yeah I guess your right it's nice to know I have some one to talk to.
I then turned to Cody with and intriged and excited look on my face. Uh why are you staring at me like that? Said cody.
Well it's just that You haven't talked about juvie since you got back so I thought since we're opening up to each other and all you could maybe share a story or two about your time there. Cody blinked a couple times before giggling. hehehe ok ok I got a couple good stories since your so interested.

Richards POV

I continued to stare out of the window in front of me and take notice of all the clouds passing by us as we soared through the sky's.
Everything ok sir? Chives asked. Hmm? Yeah everything's fine.
and may I ask how your fencing lessons are going? Fine I said abruptly.
And if you don't mind me asking one more thing? Shoot.
Why did you choose to go to this public school of all places and on top of that pay for a field trip for the class it's quite unlike you to spend money on the lower class out of kindness.
Shit he caught me I thought. Well it's  quite alright if you don't want to answer master Richard. chives said. You wanna know why it's because I don't want to end up like my dad all he cares about is money, it's all he ever cared about. he's neglected me and Benjamin our whole lives out of his lust for money and power. He raised me into believing money was everything that all I had to do is throw money at a problem it would be fixed and I believed that for a long time until I meat Jr. he and his friends taught me a very important lesson. money can buy me a lot of things but I will never be able to buy the things that truly matter I can't buy my friends I can't buy my, family and most importantly I cant buy my father's love. So if money can't even buy the things that truly matter than how valuable is it really?
Chives stared at the boy next to him struggling to believe its the same one he's been raising for 16 years. You've grown master Richard he thought as they both continued to sit in the plane in silence.

No one's POV

Hahahaha oh man I can't believe you started a brawl in the cafeteria!! Joseph laughed. It was absolute chaos littarly everyone was in it and all it took was a few rumors and some bribes you should have seen the gaurd's try to stop that one it was halarious and I was even able to snatch up a few trays of food during the brawl and watch it all in the side lines and no one was able to trace it back to me so I got off Scott free. Hehehe ah juvie sounded like it was a lot of fun for you huh? said Joseph. Cody paused for a bit well yeah there were some good times but juvie itself wasn't that great the food was mediocre and the rooms were like prison cells and the beds were just as bad infact the only things  that kept me going in juvie were not only the weekly visits from my mom. but also the pleasure and satisfaction I got from inflicting pain on others. Joseph just stared at him a for a bit. but not anymore right. Jr leaned on Cody's arm in his sleep happily snoring blissfully unaware. Cody turned towards Jr and cracked a small smile. Yeah I think I'm gonna take break from the whole psychopathic Mastermind shtick for a while I got all I need. Ok so does that mean you will finally stop bringing that everywhere Joseph said while pointing to the switch blade in Cody's pocket. I will never get rid of Mister stabby.
Mr stabby? Joseph repeated you named your knife Mr stabby? Yep he sure is a cut above the rest. Oh God no. Yep he really made the cut. Cody for the love god stop. Plus the knife keeps me mentally stable. Cody!! Alright I'll be knife and cut you a break. Fuck you cody. Hehehehhehe fuck you to Joseph fuck you to. No but seriously Cody your gonna get arrested if you keep carrying that thing around pfft it'll be fine.

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