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Jrs pov
It's been 3 days since the first court hearing and today should be the day of  my father's sentencing. to say i was a little nervous would be an understatement. but at the same time I was also relieved after all of those years of physical and mental abuse it will all finally be over hopefully. I can finally remember what it feels like to feel safe in my own house again.

After me and chef pee pee sit down the judge tells the guards to bring my dad in the court room and with that they did as they were told an brought him in and he just stared at me unblinking not saying anything with no emotion on his face and I hate to admit it but it did shake me a bit. I would have preferred it if he would have came in screaming or cussing me out or if he had called me a failure like usual. at least I'm used to that type of treatment but that blank look it just didn't suit him it just looked wrong I just wasn't used to that. And I guess chef pee pee noticed me tensing up cause he put a comforting hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile. And then the judge began to speak.

Robert bowser benard you have been charged with child abuse negligence,assault, and attempted murder all of which you have pled non guilty to now due to the overwhelming evidence to the contrary we will just wrap this up now I shall now be expecting your closing statements Mr Rosenberg you may go first. Yes you're honor. Our lawyer said as he stood up as you've already stated there is an overwhelming amount of evadince to the fact that bowser is indeed guilty of all of the things previously established evidient by photographic proof and physical. so frankly I don't think much needs to be said or done here. our lawyer finished as he sat back down. Thank you Mr Rosenberg. Now Mr Rogers you may speak.
As I looked at dads lawyer I could tell something was a little off about him I couldn't exactly tell what but he just gave off a weird vibe.

Mr Rogers than began to speak now yes I'm sure you are all aware that bowser has been a little rough with his punishments yes they may be a bit cruel but I don't think they aren't worth anything over ten years in the slammer after all mr Jr hasn't exactly been an angel himself. The lawyer then turned to me with a devilish smirk. Mr Jr is it true that you forged your father's signature so you could go on a three day trip out of state with out informing your father. Mr Rosenberg then stood up. I don't see how that's relevant!
Mr Rosenberg! I was asking Jr now answer the question please.
I was shaken but I thought lying would have only hurt my case so I answered truthfully y-yes. 

See now imagine this from Bowser's perspective you have recently been informed your child forged your signature and went out of state for three days and of course that could be pretty stressful so you might start to drink it's perfectly legal. and then all of the sudden your son just comes home with a boy who was a convicted killer of which was known to have violent tendencies during incarceration so maybe out of self defense you began to remove the boy from your premisses but of course he starts to fight back after all bowser also had alot of bruises on him as well all of which were older than the boy's as stated in the police report.

The more and more the lawyer spoke the more convincing he sounded and everything he said was technically true Cody did attack dad first but only after dad hit me. but I didn't know if I should say that I don't want to say anything that the lawyer can twist against me he seemed sly like that and besides. No matter how convincing his argument is now we have evidence of abuse years before that incedant anyway so there is nothing he can do.

Then the judge spoke Mr Rogers you make a convincing argument but there were still cases of abuse years before that incedant do you have anything to add to that. Yes you're honor Mr Jr my client has informed me that you had a history of "partying" is that true?

U-um yes? But I don't see why that matt- And at these parties you would have a history with doing drugs like coke and smoking as well and drinking when you where only 14 years old with a boy named roy valentine and then during that period you continued to get a diy on your record as well as being arrested multiple times and then being bailed out by this boy is this true?

I paused... Mr Jr I aske- YES!! What's your fucking point!! I yelled irritated I don't like to be reminded of those times I wasn't myself back then and I definitely wasn't in the mood to talk about roy. Chef pee pee put a hand on my arm assuring me to calm down

Yes I suppose I should get to my point so knowing all of this information now do you believe it's fair for bowser to spend more then ten years in prison I am willing to negotiate for only one year or even less if that's an option.
I see the judge said but how come none of this information was brought up in any of the previous trials? There's no need to worry about specifics you now have both of our closing statements it is up to you to make the final call I trust that you will make the right one.

The judge then spoke Yes um I sentence bowser to spend 6 months he then slammed his mallet on the stand. court dismissed! the guards then began to take bowser away and then chef pee pee stood up enraged by what he heard What are you fucking serious that doesn't make any sense!!!?? Mr Fernando!! I said court dismissed! The judge said as he got up to leave. chef pee pee was in a state of alot of mixed emotions anger confusion and fear after he spent some time getting his thoughts together he then turned to Jr to check on him but to his horror.

He was gone

Jrs pov

Using the commotion as cover I ran out of the court room while no one was looking I don't even really know why I ran or what I was running from it just felt right at that moment. I was balling my eyes out as I ran which was masked by the heavy rain coming down from above. it's just... why? I don't understand it didn't make any sense child abuse alone could get you up to ten years and we had solid proof of that and alot of other crimes this just didn't seem right something was off I wasn't sure what though maybe that scum fuck of a lawyer paid off the judge or something. I felt like I was on the urge of a mental break down but then suddenly I bumped into someone a big part of me was hoping it was Cody the small part was hoping it was chef pee pee but no sadly it wasn't either of them

it was Roy.

Hey red what's wrong why do you look so upset he said grasping my chin I then smacked his hand away from me in pure anger I don't want to deal with you and your shit right now fuck off I don't want to deal with you ever again!! I yelled as I began to walk back to the court house until Roy grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. now come on red don't be like that do you really hate me that much? as I stared into his eyes I could feel my anger subside like I was loosing my will to fight.  I-i don't know if I hate you you hurt me kinda bad when we broke up and you made me do terrible thin- shhhh you don't have to worry about that now he said.  No we had some fun times didn't we red? Don't you want to come back to me back to those fun times? I then blinked a few times hey how did you know I was here? I asked. But before I could do anything else he pressed his lips into mine and just like that I completely forgot what I was talking about and then after a few moments our lips separated and that's when I knew I was his I tried to stay away I Know he's bad for me but he's just to addictive. come on red let's go he said walking away taking out a cigarette. And after a few moments I shouted yes Roy! As I ran after him.

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