school day

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Cody, jr and Joseph got off the bus and went to the main office to get they're schedules. so jr what class do you for home room Cody asked. um I have Jackie Chu in room 332 jr responded. Oh cool so do I Cody said same here dude Joseph added oh cool we all have the same home room do we share other classes Cody asked um let's see jr said. Jr Cody and Joseph shared the same algebra class  jr was by himself for english he had Cody for biology and Joseph for p.e and he also had Cody for French class. Well I'm by myself for english but I pretty much have a class with a least one of you so I call this a win jr stated cheerfully we should probably start heading to class Cody said. yeah your right jr stated let's go jr answered when they arrived in class they were met few familiar faces like toad Elizabeth from the first grade bully bill and Tanner and a few other random students oh Joseph Jr and Cody its good to see you again please take your seats Jackie Chu said in a heavy Chinese accent when Jr sat down he immediately felt bully bill and Tanner glaring daggers in jrs skull Cody saw how uncomfortable Jr looked and Cody turned to the two bully's do we have a problem Cody said with that same sadistic smile uh um n-no we're fine Tanner said fearfully. Hehe pussy's Cody said under his breath all right class my name is Jackie Chu some of you might all ready be familiar with me today class we will be doing a simple algebra work sheet to see how much you know when your done turn in your work sheet and do something quietly for the rest of the period Cody was the first to finish the assignment unsurprisingly when he was done he preceded to make his way towards the door. Cody where are you going Jackie Chu asked oh I'm ditching later Cody said as he nonchalantly  walked out of the classroom  Jr watched him leave in awe his heart was beating fast is it me or is Cody kinda cool? Jr thought to himself. Hey dude u okay Joseph asked huh? Jr responded  dude you've been starring in space for a while now oh sorry Joseph is was just thinking oh ok Joseph responded. few minutes past and Jr is still on the first problem and he doodled all over his work sheet uhhhghh this is so hard Jr complained I know dude how did Cody do this so fast Joseph complained he was always really smart Jr said an hour passed and then the bell rang for them to go to their next period

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