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Jr's POV

After wandering around for 20 minutes now we still weren't able to find our tour group Even with Cody asking for directions.

Ugh this is fuckin hopeless!! Cody yelled.

at this point I think we're better off going back to the hotel at least then we could wait for them to come back or at least get Richards phone. Joseph responded. Yeah that sounds like a good idea to me I'm tired of walking anyway. said Richard. great so let's go. I said.

as we began to make our way back to the hotel on the way I accidentally bumped into somebody. Oh I'm sorry I said and continued walking but then the man I bumped into suddenly grabbed my shoulder aggressively and spun me around to face him.

(In japanese) Sorry?! What kind half assed apology is that you better get on your knees and beg for your life American pig!

Ummm Cody what did he say? I asked him basically he's looking to get his ass beat.

Huh!? You wanna go mother fucker!? The man spoke. He can speak English?! Joseph yelled out in shock and then after that three other men came from behind the guy threatening me. There four douche bags looking for trouble!? The one of the guys asked. Do you know who we are dipshits where Yakuza punks another one of the other men shouted. I didn't know the Yakuza started picking on highschool kids how peasant like Richard said distastefully.

Gotta say it's pretty convenient you guys speak English so now you can understand I'm not fucking around when I say let my friend go or die.

Or what bitch one of the guys said while getting into Cody's face. WHAM!! And just like that Cody Immediately decked that guy hard in his face the guy then stumbled back and Cody immediately pounced on him decking him in the face with a twisted grin.

This (WHAM!) Is what (WHAM!) When you fuck with us!! Cody yelled then the two guys immediately rushed towards Cody but then one of the guys got kicked in the face by Richard though one of them was able to get to Cody and punch him in the face. Cody!! I yelled out in concern then the guy who Cody was on top of got up and started pumbling Cody along with the other guy while Richard was dealing with the other guy but then Joseph came in and knocked both of the guys out with a pipe he found on the ground all while Richard was in an all out slug fest with the other guy.

ENOUGH!!! The guy who was holding me then put a gun to my head and immediately everyone went silent alright listen up bastards you are all gonna stay where you are and give me everything you own other wise I'll blow this fuckers brains out!! Grrrrr!! Cody and the rest then tossed their bags to the guy who then tore my bag off and kicked me towards my friends and then jumped in his van along with his other friends and drove off.

Arrrrrgghhhh god damn those cowards!! Cody yelled I can't believe they took all of our stuff! Joseph responded i then looked down in shame I'm sorry guys if I where more aware of my surroundings this wouldn't have happened. Cody sighed this isn't your fault Jr I was the one who provoked them in the first place. Speaking of which are you two alright? I'm fine dude said Joseph. I'm alright to said Richard he had a few bruises and a bloody nose. more importantly how are we going to payback those assholes said Richard. what you still want to go after them but they have guns?! I don't give a shit what they have they got their poor all over me they need to pay!! Richard exclaimed. but how are we going to find them they could be anywhere in japan Joseph exclaimed cody then turned his head to find an oil trail left behind the truck and licked his lips and grinned
I think I have an idea.

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