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Joseph's POV
We arrived at the convenience store and as expected it was abandoned and rotting it looked like a place in a horror movie. Aaaand Im not gonna lie I was a little scared my heart was pounding against my chest just from the sight of the place. Yo joseph you coming ooooor... Cody asked. oh um yeah yeah dude I'm coming. I grabbed my bat and stepped out of the vehicle with jr not far behind. The store was surrounded by a fence which was locked and covered with signs and warnings cody started playing with the lock trying to get it open but his attempts failed. Shit cody said under his breath. Hey jr you think you can draw like a key or something in your weird magic book so we can get this thing open cody asked. Well I mean it doesn't really work like that I can't just draw a key it has to match the lock and I'm not really that good at drawing yet jr responded. Welp we tried might as well go home I reasoned. Wait jr can you draw like a ladder or something cody asked. Oh yeah good idea cody. Dammit I complained. When jr finished drawing the ladder it jumped out of the page proped itself on the fence. ta da!! Jr yelled wow that is the Shityist ladder I've ever seen cody joked.. Shut up jr responded as he playfully punched cody in the arm and then they began to climb up the ladder. We are so going to die i complained under my breath we aproched the store. cody tried to open the door but it didn't budge. locked again!? Who locks up an abandoned convince store oh no guys we better lock up the store so no on steals our abandoned supplies!!! Cody held sarcastically . Alright it's locked can we go home now I asked actually joseph I think I have an idea hand me your bat I'm gonna bust these doors down with one hit. What! Cody are you crazy! What it's an abandoned building it's not like I'm breaking anything valuable! Cody responded. ugh fine here take it I said handing Cody the bat alright guys you uh better step back Cody then slammed the bat into the glass doors shattering them sending glass flying everywhere.hehehehe hey that was pretty fun come on let's go inside If this so called ghost exists I wanna get a picture I bet I could sell that for few hundred bucks Cody said jr stepped over the broken glass and headed inside the building following Cody. if this so called ghost exists I'm out of here dude Joseph responded. Wait no way!!! Jr shouted as he ran towards the shelves in the store what what is it dude!!! All of the food is still here!! Jr yelled excitedly. cody walked towards one of the shelves and picked up a can of cheese balls and inspected the expiration date. Huh it's still good luckily for us they probably restocked before all the ghost shit started happening. So we can eat all of this stuff!!? Jr asked excitedly. Yeah but check the expiration dates it's still been a few weeks since they abandoned this place cody responded. No way dude I'm not eating haunted ghost food!!! Joseph yelled. Oh my god lighten up joseph even if ghosts were real I doubt they would  want to haunt an old broken down convince store in some no where part of town! Said cody. Ok If this place isn't haunted then why was it abandoned you think they just were making all the paranormal stuff up!! Joseph shouted. Joseph This place was owned by some senile old man he probably forgot to take his meds one day and oh my god spooky dooky ghoooosts cody said sarcastically while wiggling his fingers for dramatic effect. Dude why can't you expand your belief for once hell Jr literally has a magic fucking sketch book!!! Joseph argued. Joseph that sketch book came from jeffy and jeffy is the literal definition of impossible!!! Um guys? WHAT!!! Cody and Joseph responded. ummm It's just we already drove all the way over here we might as well have fun right so let's not argue please jr reasoned. *Sigh* fine whatever but just remember if this place really is haunted I'm...... Your out of here yeah we get it. seems you haven't changed as much as I thought you had..CODY!! Jr interrupted. look guys let's just get along alright. Ok fine im gonna see if the beer is still good cody replied wandering off. wait your joking right cody... Cody!? Jr called running towards him.although Joseph couldn't help but feel a bit hurt about what cody said to him even though he didn't show it on the outside but Cody's words cut him deep and he couldn't help but reflect on his past actions.
am I a coward?

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