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Cody's POV
It was 2:30 in the afternoon Joseph was in the the front seat driving while me and jr sat in the back of the van . jr was drawing in his weird magic sketch book thing. It was actually pretty interesting seeing jr in action I've actually never seen him focus so hard on something ever I he was so emersed in what he was doing I bet if I got up and walked away he wouldn't even notice. See I've always liked observing things whether it'd be people or animals I always found it interesting  I don't know why it's a sort of special talent I guess it's part of the reason I survived 6 years in juvenile. It really is amazing how much you can find out about someone just by there body language some people in juvenile would start fights they couldn't win for respect or cool points others would start fights cause it was the only way they knew how to solve problems. Hehehe it's kinda funny along time ago I would consider people like this cool or strong but now I see that those kinds of people are either cowards or idiots. Along time ago during my first year in juvie there was this kid named Morton he was basically your stereotypical bully big strong arrogant stupid. he would push me around a lot I was basically his little errand boy he would tell me what to do and I would do it I was like his little slave. but something always stuck out to me every time he would get into a fight he would just stand up and tower over the person for intimidation or use weapons the more I thought about it made sense to me he's not exactly as strong as people think in fact he's probably never been in a fight in his life any body in juvie could take him all they would need is one solid hit and I knew just exactly how to land it and I also knew if I beat this guy not only would I stop being his little slave but if I beat supposedly one of the strongest kids in juvie not a single person in that place would fuck with me. So that's what I did at lunch were everybody is I started talking shit about him right in front of his face. but of course he couldn't have that so he started to do his little intimidation tactic he puffed out his chest and got all up in my face just as I predicted his throat, eyes nose and jaw were all right in front of me all of his weak spot just waiting for me to strike. so I did I punched him right in the jaw the adrenaline pumping through my fist as it connected to his jaw knocking him clean out I've never felt so powerful before I got such a rush out of it I was going a little crazy inside the same kind of high I felt when drove a kitchen knife through my step dads heart. months of physical and mental abuse brought to a sweet and satisfying end and all I had to do was land one hit I wanted more... No I craved more. Hey Cody check out what I drew he picked up his sketch book and showed me the picture he drew. It was a picture of 3 birds flying through the clouds they looked so happy so free. Hey this actually pretty good keep this up and no doubt you'll become famous I complemented he jr blushed a little bit from the compliment (he's so cute) thanks Cody I appreciate it . You know picking fights in juvie was fun and all but I think this is were in truly happy.

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