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Jr's POV

After that long bus ride and Cody's continuous flirting we finally managed to reach the airport so we waited for our flight to arrive in the lobby thankfully the whole class didn't arrive  just about 8 of us came bully bill, tanner, toad, Elizabeth, cody, Joseph, richard and me who were allowed to come. Hey cody can I ask you a question I said. Well I mean you kinda just did Soo. cody I'm serious! Ok ok shoot. Um well do you think it's possible for people  to change.  hmm i dunno it depends people can change but some people can't I guess it's all about if the person actually wants to or no But you can’t just snap your fingers and say goodbye to well-established patterns, even when those patterns result in bad consequences. Sure, you wish it could be easier. You may be impatient with yourself, giving yourself a good scold:   when it pertains to change. We don’t change just because someone or even ourselves wants us. to why do you ask?
Cody exclaimed. Um well I was just curious. Class our plane is here! Jackie chu yelled. everyone got up and made their way out of the airport lobby and went outside to find the plane and when we found It oh man the sight was jaw dropping it was a pure gold plane with the name goodman written in cursive on each side of the plane and right in front of the plane was an old man he looked to be about 50 or 60 he wore a black tuxedo with a white under shirt and a blue bowtie so I assumed that was Richards Butler chives. So what do think of my father's private jet Richard bragged. Woah calm down there  Richard your ego might not fit in the plane Cody quipped. Um excuse me gentlemen please aboard the plane in a single file line the butler asked we all did what we were told the inside of the plane was just as beautiful as the outside.

 Um excuse me gentlemen please aboard the plane in a single file line the butler asked we all did what we were told the inside of the plane was just as beautiful as the outside

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I've never seen the inside of plane look like this before it was so beautiful everyone was dumbfounded Even Cody looked... Wait is his arm shaking? We all chose our seats and sat down and this time there were three chairs in one row so me Cody and Joseph could sit together. But Richard wanted to sit in the cockpit with chives who is apparently our pilot. When we sat down I noticed Cody shaking even more violently than before however his face still had the same expression . Um Cody is something wrong? I asked him .......Jr I'm scared of flying. What? Joseph respond Cody than immediately hugged me almost squeezing the life out of me. IM SCARED OF FLYING!!!! Cody yelled thank fully no one noticed his little panic attack thanks to the planes sheer size. Woah! Where did this come from! Joseph exclaimed. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to look like a pussy but
weweregettingontheplaneandicouldntstopshakingandthenwesatdownandthe- Cody Cody it's ok calm down! It's ok. He was talking so fast I could barely understand him Joseph just stared at him wide eyed trying not to burst into laughter
I didn't no what to do so I started rubbing his back. And oddly enough it worked he seemed to have calmed down a little so I just kept going.
Hey cody you calmed down a little? I asked him. Mhmm. he responded so um you want to let go of me? ....... No I don't wanna.  what!? ugh you can't - stay we cant stay like this forever *snooooooore!!* *snooooooore!!* what no way is he asleep!? How!? Joseph then proceeded take out his phone and *click!*  Wait Joseph did you just!- delete that right now!? I yelled face completely flushed. nope this is going on my Instagram Joseph responded. Joseph if you don't delete it I swear I'm gonna take your phone and break it!! I threatened. Yeah I guess you could do that but that would require you to move and you might wake up cody and we both know you don't want to do that Joseph claimed. Jr paused for a second than looked at Cody. Damn it I said in defeat. hey Joseph. yeah dude? how long will it take us to reach Japan umm about 15 hours Joseph responded
15 hours!? Yep so I hope your
comfortable hehehehhehe Joseph laughed. But luckily for Jr Cody was actually really soft and warm surprisingly but he wouldn't admit it out loud but unfortunately he wouldn't have to because he slowly found myself falling to sleep in Cody's arms.

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