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Joseph's POV
Ugghh my head hurts I exclaimed I got up and took notice of me and my surroundings well nothing seems to be broken thank God I then look over at what used to be my van the windshield and widows were shattered as well as the whole van being flipped onto it's side with a enormous dent in the front which was slammed into a tree. Welp my parents are going to be pissed so I guess that's one more thing to add to my growing list of problems I exclaimed. To be fair it's far from the worst mistake you've made today said a mysterious voice behind me I turned around reluctantly to meet the ghost of the old man who was chasing us and as soon as I meant his eyes I froze I started shaking the ghost was holding the unconscious body's of my friends Jr and Cody they had some pretty bad wounds some bruises here in there and cody was bleeding from the head. Jr on the other hand looked completely fine besides a missing sandal a torn shirt and a few scratches probably from the broken glass. But despite the poor state of my friends I was helpless I couldn't move or speak I couldn't save them hell I couldn't even run away. Fuck why am I so useless why am I such a......coward. don't worry little one I have no use for you or the blue one for that matter he then tossed Cody who landed a few inches behind me. You see my reptilian friends I only require a body to inhabit to take revenge on the one who killed me and once I have that I will proceed to live a full healthy life again as he said that his body or spirit began to glow a ghastly green tint and jrs eyes began to widen. Oh no he's starting the possession.

Cody's POV
I groaned as my head began to throb in agony I opened my eyes to see Joseph standing in front of me and in front of him was the undead fucker who did this to me and in his hand was Jr. That sight alone immediately made me want to Sprint towards the bastard and gut him with my switch blade but I couldn't I was to injured no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stand up so that left only one option. Joseph!!! I yelled Joseph what the fuck are you doing stop standing around like a Jack ass and help Jr!!!  He turned to me quivering like a beaten dog I - I can't Joseph choked. That look in his eyes the look I've been oh so familiar with that's the look of someone scared for their life my anger and blood thirst was replaced by overwhelming dissapointment. So that's it then your just gonna give up your gonna let him take Jr!!!! Joseph looked at me shocked for a brief moment than overwhelmed with grief I know Jr hasn't been the best to us growing up but he still loves us!!!! When I got out of juvie I can tell he changed I could see it in his eyes I know he is working hard to be a better person than he was before  I can tell he wants to make up for all the bad times we had he got you adopted for fucks sake!!! Joseph and what are you gonna do run away and leave us to die?!!!!?? Huh I guess your not that different from your mother after all.
That sentence that very last sentence hit Joseph hard he remembered  that holloween night the day he realized his mother left him to die in that hell hole after she one the lottery she didn't even bother to take him with her she never loved him. That day he experienced the worst pain in his life he felt a cold mixture of sadness, rage, helplessness, bloodthirst, lonelyness and betrayal he would never forget that feeling. his mom just ran away ran away from her responsibilitys she was a..... coward. Is that how Cody feels is that how Jr feels am I just about to leave them to die like my mom did to me!!!??? No I'm stronger than that! I'm stronger than that ghost!  And I'm definitely stronger than her!!! Aaaaaaarrrrrggggghhhh I screemed out an anguish as my legs were finally able to move I rushed towards jrs sketchbook and pencil my drawing skills aren't the best I thought as i drew a picture of a gun and as soon as i was done with a puff of smoke the gun sprang to life as I then pointed it towards the ghost aiming it at it's head. the glow from the ghost had started to fade he tensed up and dropped my friend Jr he began to froze I could smell his fear I could see him shake and quiver it was... delicious well come on then!!! I yelled at him he stepped back at the sound of my voice come on come and get the first real fight you had in years you dickless coward!!!! I yelled the ghost then screemed in terror and fled away and just like that he was gone and hopefully for good looking back on it I don't know why the ghost would have any reason to be scared of a gun he was dead after all. But maybe it was a psychological type thing as he did get shot so maybe this brought back bad memories. Woah damn Joseph I heard Cody say behind me but I ignored him and immediately went to check on Jr thank God he was ok he still has a pulse. I then took out my phone which thankfully wasn't broken during the crash and called an ambulance for my friends of course they weren't gonna believe that a ghost attacked us and almost possessed my friend so I had to make up a story about how we were out on a joy ride when we got hit by some drunk drivers and spiraled of road and crashed into a tree I made sure Cody heard the conversation just in case they ask for his side of the story I hung up the phone and there was a few seconds of silence before Cody spoke hey Joseph you've gotten stronger huh? Cody asked I then turned to him and gave him a weak smile.

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