let's be heroes ... kinda

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Good morning japan this is tamaki shinra coming to you live in tokyo  where there is currently a giant kaiju rampaging through the outskirts of the city. please make sure you stay inside until further notice from the authority's.

Hey fuck face!!! Cody yelled at the monster as he lept from building to building along with Richard and Joseph around the beast. The monster then turned to the three boys and roared. alright we got it's attention now what genius!? Joseph yelled. Now we run follow me! Cody said as start blitzing towards the water tower jumping from building to building. Who the hell does he think he is naruto!!? Richard yelled running close behind as Joseph stumbles slightly to catch up.

Now the monster is lazer focused on all of them and starts running after them dude if I die I'm gonna haunt the shit out of you said Joseph. wouldn't be the first time cody mumbled. Thank God that thing clearly wasn't built for speed otherwise we would have been dead along time ago said Richard btw why did we leave Jr again it's his magic don't you think he could maybe help?

Jrs not as athletic as us he would probably slow us down said cody. Oh Yeah sure that's the reason Richard said sarcasticly. Cody then stopped and looked at Richard. What's that supposed to mean? Um guys Joseph said as the monster kept getting closer. I mean I don't think it takes a scientist to know that you care about Jr a little bit more than you let on. Um guys! Oh come on those are just jokes it's not like they mean anything said cody. GUYS!!! Screamed joseph What!!? As both Richard and cody turned towards Joseph they saw him pointing in the direction of the monster and he was way closer staring down the group with it's multiple eyes. The group stopped and froze for a few seconds until cody spoke up. Wow somehow I completely forgot about that. Grrrghh!! Oh my god.

Urgh! goddamnit cody Jr cursed as he struggled against his bonds his hands were currently tied to a lightpost. How did he do this so fast and without me noticing!? Urfhh!! Grrr why did he even do this to begin with I could have helped!? This whole thing is my fault everything is my fault!
That's right your useless.
The voice in the back of jrs head spoke once again it always did when he was feeling like this ever since cody got put away that was the first time Jr heard this voice he could remember how useless he felt watching his best friend getting sent to juvie.
They were right to not take you you would only get in the way.

No one would even miss you if you're gone.

You came to this big trip to Japan with all of your friends to distract your self from how worthless you are

You should just give up right- no
Im done being a burden. Today I'm going to fucking do something!! Jr then bit down on the rope with his fangs and after a few seconds he snapped the rope in two and Imediently began to take off towards the monster.

As junior started running towards the monster he noticed there were 4 figures inside the translucent skin of the monster. oh no did they get eaten I hope it's not too late. junior then stuck his hands in the goop of the monster to pull out the man to save him thankfully the monster didn't seem to notice him. Wait this is the same guy who beat us up earlier juniors eyes then opened wide in shock. My bag!!

Cody Joseph and Richard continued darting around the buildings trying their best to avoid the now flailing tentacles from crashing into them Cody was slicing some of the testicles in half with his switch blade but they just kept growing back the monster got angrier and became more relentless with it's attack's

You!  Have! Got! To! Be! Shit! Ting! Me!!!
WHAM!! Cody then lost his footing and one of the tentacles collided with his back which almost sent him tumbling off the building but thankfully Cody was able to grab on to the ledge. CODY!!! Richard and Joseph both said. forget about me lead that thing to the water tower we can get him to attack it and spray water oh himself!!! Cody yelled as he hauled himself back on the building. As Richard began to run he was immediately slammed to the ground with another tenticle. Richard tried to get back up but he was to weak to even crawl and imediently coughed up blood.

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