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Cody's pov

Some time has past after we got here and I have to say littarly the worst experience I've ever had in my life and I had to kill my father spend 3 years in juvie and fight a giant tentacle rape monster so yeah pretty bad. We have been on a few rides but most of them kinda sucked and the food here was mediocre at best. But we get free sodas though so I guess that's something.

Hey kiddo you wanna go on there brook said as he pointed to a ferris wheel and i immediately got a sick feeling in my stomach why is that thing so goddamn  big I said to myself.

So how about It kid wanna go on the ferris wheel right after brooklyn guy finished his sentence he caught a glimpse of Cody's frightened face before it was replaced with a calm nonchalant expression. you and me sitting on a rotating bench for 30 minutes yeah I think I'll pass let's just go home already this whole thing has been a total wash cody said as he started to walk off. Wait hold on your not scared are you? Brooklyn guy said. This comment stoped cody in his tracks and he turned towards brooklyn guy.

Pardon? Cody asked defensively I mean it's no biggie if your scared I can see how it could be a little frightening to you ferris wheels scared me a little too when I was a six so I can understand where you're coming from brooklyn guy teased.

(In Cody's mind)

He's playing me he's trying to provoke me so I can get on the stupid thing. the smart thing to do would be to just leave and let him follow.

Fuck you bitch im not scared cody said as he marched up to the ferris wheel and got into one of the seats. much to brooklyn guys surprise. Well ok then brook said as he then gave the clerk their tickets and sat next to cody on the ferris wheel and then it began to take off into the air

(Inside Cody's mind)



(In Brooklyn t guys mind)

Man the kid's pretty stone faced I wonder what he's thinking about?

(In Cody's mind)

Codys brain: DEAR GOD WE'RE MOVING!!!


A few minutes past and brooklyn guy noticed Cody's hand was shaking a bit but cody has had the same expression since the ride began although by now you could tell it was forced. Brook was starting to think this was a bad idea and mentally face palmed himself for believing this would actually help their relationship if you could even call it that.

Stupid stupid of course pressuring him to go on a ride that terrify's  him isn't going to help anything. what the hell was I thinking!? brooklyn guy said in his mind.

Hey kid are you ok... Shut up d-don't talk to me cody replied coldly which kinda hurt brook a bit. a few more minutes passed and they were on the very top of the ferris wheel but instead of going down the wheel came to a very sudden stop which shook cody to his core. What the hell is going on why did we stop!? Cody yelled brook then paused the ferris wheel must have broken down these things happen sometimes everything is completely fine.

Despite brooklyn guys attempts to calm cody down cody appeared to be hyperventilating this was a lot different than jumping from roof tops in japan cause at least then he was in control of his own actions but on the wheel he couldn't leave if he wanted to and to be fair he was more concerned about the monster. but in here he couldn't escape there were no distractions and to make matters worse he was at the very top of the ferris wheel he could actually see the whole fair from up there.

Cody was clutching his chest and his breathing was heavy and sporadic. Oh ok ok kid everything is gonna be fine but before brooklyn guy could say anything  else cody rush towards him clinging to his stomach like a scared child. Ummmmmm brooklyn guy exclaimed confused. Cody's breathing calmed down a little. J-just so you know this means nothing I still hate you with a burning passion this just helps me with my acrophobia.

You have acrophobia? then why did you come onto the wheel!? Because you challenged me and I don't back down from a challenge. Your insane. Yeah I get that alot and besides you knew I was scared but pressured me to go on anyway what's up with that?! Yeah but I didn't know you were going to have a panic attack! Well to be fair to you you were doing fine until the ferris wheel stopped brooklyn guy said. Yeah well that's modern technology for you cody replied sarcasticly.

Hey kid? Yeah what is it. Look this probably might not be the best time but I just wanted to say I really am sorry for all of this. it's just I understand that you and your mom have really been through a lot and I just want to do right by you two but I've never had a kid before you know so I just I don't really know what I'm doing.

Cody paused for a bit to let brooks words sink in and he then let go of him to look him in the eye and then he sighed and put his hands in his pockets. Listen in all honesty I don't know if there is anything wrong with you I just every dad I've been in contact with has been a complete asshole. my dad beats my mom so I killed him and then jrs dad beats Jr and then tried to kill me after I tried to kill him and joseph's dad left Joseph and his mom in poverty for years until joseph's mom left him. I guess what I'm trying to say is I have trust issues when it comes to dads to say the least I don't want to get attached to you in case you hurt us later on in life.

Yeah I understand brooklyn guy responded. But you have helped my mom out alot and your relationship has stayed strong for three years and so far there doesn't seem to be any problems. Look I'm not saying I love you or anything but I do appreciate you for what you've done to help us and I guess the least I could do to thank you is give you a chance so to put it simply you and i are good.

*Sniff* that was so sweet! brooklyn guy sobbed. oh my god you better not fuckin cry. Right right I'm sorry I'm just overwhelmed with all this happiness. If you say one more thing Im jumping cody responded. Right right I'm sorry. this is everything I've ever wanted brooklyn guy whispered. Oh and brook one more thing. Uh yeah what is it? Cody's eyes became serious as he spoke. Listen if you do anything to hurt my mom or me after I've given you this chance I will cut your fucking dick off and make you choke to death on it are we clear. Umm yeah sure 100% brook replied terrified  and with that the ferris wheel started moving again huh well that's convenient said cody.

(4 minutes later)

Once we finally got off the ride cody was glaring at the ferris wheel guy but I pulled him away before he decided to kill him.

You know even though this fair idea wasn't such a good idea I had fun brooklyn guy said in a cheerful mood. Ok dad seriously I just said I'd give you a chance it's not something to jump for joy over. Brooklyn guy paused and just stared at cody in disbelief for a second. the fucks wrong with you? Cody asked. D-did you just call me dad!? Brooklyn guy said with the biggest smile cody flushed out of embarrassment. What no! You totally did!! Shut up. I can't believe it!! Then don't!! This the best day ever! Cody then groaned into his hand yeah sure fuck it can you just take me home already. Yeah yeah ok kid.

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