the visit

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Judy wasn't doing to well after the incident 3 years ago I mean could you really blame her she lost both her husband and her son in a single night. Though things were getting better she was wearing a light purple jacket over her plain white shirt and a purple skirt she was holding a box in her hands. Today was a special day it was February 29th Cody's birthday so she got in her car and went to go visit him.
Few hours later she arrived at the juvenile detention center her son was being held captive in she made her way through the front gate and made her way towards the reception desk. Ah Judith back again I see the receptionist asked. Yeah you no me Judy laughed awkwardly alright your son is waiting for you in the usual spot I just need some form of identification and you can go. Judy then pulled out her drivers license. Alright please enjoy your visit. Thank you Judy replied. She was walking through the halls and the closer she got to the room she heard laughter sadistic cold laughter when she walked through the door she was met with the officer Brooklyn t guy holding his recently black end eye. Oh my gosh are you okay Judy asked concerned yeah yeah I'm fine the officer responded what happened Judy asked. Your kid headbutted me in my eye it's fine though go see your kid were cutting the visits off short today Brooklyn t guy responded oh ok I'm sorry for the inconvenience Judy said as she rushed towards the door. When she opened it she was met with Cody sitting in his chair done with his laughing fit Judy pulled out a chair and sat at the table and they began with the usual small talk how are you what have you been doing that kind of stuff now Cody Judy asked in a stern tone why did you hit that officer. Cody just shrugged I dunno just felt like causing some trouble that's all its kind of boring in that stupid cramped cell Cody responded Cody looked different from the last 3 years Cody's once bright blue eyes have been replaced with a faded blue his eyes were so blank yet intelligent like he was analyzing everything that those eyes laid eyes on he was still wearing his blue hat however his robe was replaced by a bright orange prison jumpsuit his fangs were much more vibrant now you would barely even notice he had them 3 years ago but now he looked like a vampire his skin was a pale yellow covered in bruises most likely from the countless fights he picked in juvenile. well Cody i just wanted to wish you a happy birthday she said as she slid the box to Cody I hope you enjoy your present Judy said. Mam your time is up one of the guards stated oh okay I gotta go I love you Cody love you to mom Cody replied as Judy left the room. I wonder what's in this box Cody thought welp only one way to find out Cody stated as he opened the box to find a nice blue hoodie aww mom you shouldn't have Cody said to himself as he put it back into the box and made his way back to his cell.

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